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Re: MotherShip Update

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 9:36 pm
by Tekki
Yes and no people would be annoyed with or without cash. It's really a moot point. People built because you didn't lose it. So this is yet ANOTHER proposed rule change to how you ascend.

Sure you are never going to keep everyone happy but continually changing the rules by which people ascend, just annoys many people. Rule changes are necessary, but not epic ones with absolutely no compensation for those who have done the best with the rules as they were, because all I can see is they, those people who worked within the rules at the time, continually get screwed over by rule changes like this because mediocrity seems to be the norm.

Tetrismonkey wrote: ON ascention, you are supose to lose every. Thats the point!

It does suck for those that invested loads of money into there MS. However, remember, everything in this game is subjected to be lost.

Remember though, when you ascend and sacrifice a LOT of stuff, you are meant to get a UBERLY powerful ascended account out of it, not a paltry amount of life force that can be farmed by anyone.

The act of ascending and sacrificing for ascension is a joke these days because in ascension it gets you nothing that you couldn’t farm anyway. IF that was fixed then perhaps losing MSs would become a more viable option, I doubt it though since exactly how good an ascension account should you get for a 1.5-2 quad naq sacrifice?

Re: MotherShip Update

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 10:12 pm
by Sarevok
Thing is Tetrismonkey, things have changed now

For example, it's not just the MS you keep, also lifers, and planets are all kept now. Unless planets were to be abandoned also..

In reality, only things that can't be touched (if we disclude ascensions) are super attackers, miners/lifers, planet sizes, and MS upgrades/techs. Rather then having the MS's go poof upon ascension, why not make their capacities destroyable. Almost everything else is, which is why people invest so much into MS capacities, because it's the safest thing to put Naq into. Everything else is takeable/destroyable

Re: MotherShip Update

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 11:50 pm
Its also flawed... Story-wise...
It's understandable to sacrifice millions of soldiers to give you 'life force', but sacrificing a mothership? :-s

Re: MotherShip Update

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 12:02 am
by Sarevok
MS = Naq
Naq = units
Units = lifeforce?

Re: MotherShip Update

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 4:46 am
Noobert wrote:
Tetrismonkey wrote:So why not go back to the way the Mothership was when you ascend, it gets wiped clean?

This will ceartanly stop HUGE MS's from poping up so much.

At this point it would be to unfair. Some of the larger motherships have already ascended to 23 and have 55%


The MS reset on ascention should never have been changed, but like many bad updates it's now to late to turn back time

Re: MotherShip Update

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 5:25 am
by BenjaminMS
Sarevok, your idea has been suggested a ton times before and in general as much times been shot down. So don't.

Re: MotherShip Update

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 5:28 am
by Sarevok

The whole MS = UU? Nono, that was just an example of a path of logic to show that the MS could have been used for lifeforce. Since CABAL felt he couldn't see a link. I wasn't suggesting anything...

Re: MotherShip Update

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 5:30 am
by BenjaminMS
Sarevok wrote:In reality, only things that can't be touched (if we disclude ascensions) are super attackers, miners/lifers, planet sizes, and MS upgrades/techs. Rather then having the MS's go poof upon ascension, why not make their capacities destroyable. Almost everything else is, which is why people invest so much into MS capacities, because it's the safest thing to put Naq into. Everything else is takeable/destroyable

No, as a matter of fact (I had overlooked the other) I meant this one.

Re: MotherShip Update

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 5:46 am
by Sarevok
Oh yeh. I was simply saying that's a more reasonable suggestion, then saying the entire thing, including all capacities go up on smoke... (which is what used to happen)

Re: MotherShip Update

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 10:35 am
by Norbe
I wish the admins had never made the update where you get to keep your mothership. But I agree with many others that we cannot change it back now. The gap between the top and average motherships is just too large now, partly due to the $, but also there are some people who have worked hard to build their MS' and not put lots of $ into it.

Either way a new system is needed. I'm not convinced that destroying capcitites is the way to go, but something needs to change. I liked the suggestion to allow for people to change the way their MS power is allocated between strike and defense mentioned in the other topic. That and/or the suggestion about people forming a fleet to combat together for a short time.

Re: MotherShip Update

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 12:47 pm
by Tekki
I'm not sure destroying capabilities can even be done now. Unless it was some minor amount or required MSs of a certain size... because let's face it, some of the MSs have cost hundreds of trillions, and to have that destroyable when the investment was mad simply because it was not destroyable is once again punishing those who worked within the rules.

Re: MotherShip Update

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 4:23 pm
by Sarevok
I agree too. It wouldn't be fare.

However, I personally don't think that the combining of MS or fleets is a good idea. Since the cost to number ratio is pretty extreme. Also, what if the top2 MS joined. Then NO ONE would have any chance at all...

Re: MotherShip Update

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 4:06 am
by Tekki
A combined MS strike has some possibilities but is still rather difficult.

Well that's not quite true, I can think of a good number of ways of implementing it but not that many that are fair. The question would be are 5 volleys - say of 100b power, the same as one volley of 500b power against shields? I would say no. I would say that if my shields are 600b, then they are going to withstand the 5 hits of 100b a lot better than they will the one volley of 500b power.

Why? Because the 5 volleys of 100b aren't hitting the same point but are spread over their area, while the one volley of 500b is more focused, and thus has a great capacity to cut through the shields.

But if go with the implementation of combined attacking then the 5 volleys of 100b will do the same amount of damage, when that is unlikely to be the case.

The only way that the 5 ships should be able to do the damage is if they could combine, but motherships are not the Voltron Lions, no matter how closely allied. They are the creation of each Lord and Lady of the game as the flagship of their forces.

Re: MotherShip Update

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 5:08 am
by Sarevok
Well thought-out there Tekki

Re: MotherShip Update

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 5:25 pm
by Lore
I agree with most here, was another one of Admins worst ideas, poorly implemented, and kept by stubborn pride. Sadly it is to late to go back to the old style, like it should be, and should have been.

Changing these types of rules, rules that can completely change a persons entire game play an account set up, is never a good idea. It can cost you a large chunk of your player base. Constantly punishing those who are long time players is becoming a tradition that I'll never understand.