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Re: Drop defence

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 4:10 pm
by Sarevok
Colos is right.

Though my counter-argument is:

Defense has 4 things to upgrade, but attack has only 2. So whilst defenders may get lots of help, they have to upgrade 4 areas evenly, whereas attackers need only do 2.

Though, now supporting the argument at hand, they should change the way levels work (atleast for repulsion and constitution). As it stands. Each level give 0.05% increase. So at level 2000, you'll have 100% constitution, or even 100% repulsion.
I think they should have it logarithmic. Eg: First 150 levels gives say 0.1%, next 150 gives say 0.05, next 150 gives 0.025, etc... So that you can basically NEVER reach 100% constitution, repulsion, defense

Re: Drop defence

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 12:27 am
by Colos
Well I don't think anyone is gonna reach 2000 repulsion and constitution in the next... well, decade :)

So far, the best soultions we listed are:
- Decrease the effectiveness of anti-descention skills (aka absorbtion level/skill, repulsion and constitution) OR
- Add a shiny new attack skill to further improve TOCs (that would nearly double the existing TOCs, so the chances of the descender and the descendant would be much more balanced)

*looks at Admin
*stares more


Re: Drop defence

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 3:55 am
by Sarevok
Would definatly make those whom never login cause they think they can't be deascended, reconsider their possition ;)

Biggest problem would be, if someone NEVER upgraded their Maximum Natural Energy Capacity. Since they would only ever take 1/3 of their total damage. IF they can recover that in the 5 turns between attacks, then they can NEVER be deascended

Re: Drop defence

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 4:47 pm
by The Messenger
I have 2 possible solutions, and from Admins point of veiw, these could be the easiest I think. The only problem is there will be more Descentions likely :P

1 - Reduce the Amount that Flow and Channelling will recover at a given level by say ... 15-20%

2 - Reduce the Amount of Time between Ascended Attacks by 15% (1/2 hr)

Both Options have their good and bad parts, but the overall effect will be that it will be easier to Descend, just not necessarily on the first hit. The effect will be accumulative because of their reduced time/ability to recover by the Defender.

And to address "The other Side" as well, my Suggestions will not reduce their ability to Defend, at least not for the First Hit, just make it a little harder if they don't pay attention! Anyone who regularily logs in should be able to keep on top of things and convert enough DMU in one go to fully recover their LF

Either would make it easier to Descend Players (Except for the Physical Defense Part), but not so easy that everyone goes Descention mad :P It would hopefully promote players to watch their accounts a little more on Ascended, but not frustrate a lot of Players into complaining, or worse, quitting over loseing a lot of hard work for their defenses.

And best maybe, it would involve less work for the Admin, and less added/changed in the Game, reducing the chance of a possible crash ;)

Sorry this was so long-winded, but I wanted to get the whole concept out of my head :P
Seemed like the Best way to deal with things, with the least work for the Admin, and the least reductions to Players in the Game, giving the most what they want, making the most happy :D

Re: Drop defence

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 5:06 pm
by Sarevok
The Messenger wrote:I have 2 possible solutions, and from Admins point of veiw, these could be the easiest I think. The only problem is there will be more Descentions likely :P

1 - Reduce the Amount that Flow and Channelling will recover at a given level by say ... 15-20%

2 - Reduce the Amount of Time between Ascended Attacks by 15% (1/2 hr)

Either would make it easier to Descend Players (Except for the Physical Defense Part), but not easy that everyone goes descention mad :P and it would involve less work for the Admin, and less added into the Game, reducing the chance of a possible crash ;)

Pfft, both of those still mean i only take 36% damage from attacks on me. Which i'm all for lol

Re: Drop defence

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 5:18 pm
by The Messenger
Sarevok wrote:Pfft, both of those still mean i only take 36% damage from attacks on me. Which i'm all for lol

Yea, I have actually edited that post, explaining more about that idea, ... which actually still means the same for you :P

My Suggestion don't really adress the Root Problems, but they could make it a little better for those that do still play, and maybe "inspire" others to play more!

Re: Drop defence

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 7:28 pm
by Sarevok
What they should do, is something like whereby you get like the average of all the defence abilities, and then divide by 50, and thats how many hours it would take minimum.

Such that if you have say all level 700, it takes a minimum of 14 hours. But this is much more reduced then it is now.

Re: Drop defence

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 8:28 pm
by The Messenger
Sarevok wrote:What they should do, is something like whereby you get like the average of all the defence abilities, and then divide by 50, and thats how many hours it would take minimum.

Such that if you have say all level 700, it takes a minimum of 14 hours. But this is much more reduced then it is now.

Wouldn't that defeat the purpose of even having Attack Levels vs Defense levels? If it were just a matter of Time based on your Defense Levels, nobody would ever even bother with attack, and that would kinda make the whole problem worse wouldn't it?

I am not trying to contradict you, I am not looking for an argument, but wouldn't that just make people MORE undescendable? Therefore even fewer Players even trying in the long run?

It is possible I completely misunderstood what you said as well. Please tell me if I did :D

Re: Drop defence

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 8:50 pm
by Sarevok
Well no. If someone is lazy, and doesn't login for a day, and has even 1200 in each defensive level, they can still be de-ascended in a day.

But as you said, it would probably have to then be proportional to the attack power

Re: Drop defence

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 9:20 pm
by Colos
Trust me, mate, Flow/Channeling is not the issue.

There are more than a few possible solutions for the descention issue, but I doubt any of them will go live within this decade.


Re: Drop defence

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 8:31 pm
by The Messenger
Colos wrote:Trust me, mate, Flow/Channeling is not the issue.

There are more than a few possible solutions for the descention issue, but I doubt any of them will go live within this decade.


Well, all respect to you, they were just my thoughts on ways to attract players to ascended.

And the more suggestions that can be made, the more ideas that can blossom.

I only want to see Ascended do better :D