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Re: Things Liked/Disliked about Ascended

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2011 10:43 pm
by Sarevok
I'm not sure that increasing the cap is a good idea. But feel free to explain why.
My reason why, is that it may end up going the way of main. Where it just keeps going up. As it is, it has a limit.

I think it might be a good idea, to reduce the SILLY numbers on there... Like, divide by like 10,000... Before we start needing the next name after Quadrillion...

Ascended Updates/Suggestions: General Discussion

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2011 4:12 pm
by Sarevok
Then ill re-align

Don't like:
*Untrained producing nothing. Allows 20B+ accounts to sit there statless, build up when needed, then untrain to avoid retribution
*Untrained being un-killable/un-raidable. This is just silly, and allows accounts to blow out of proportion. There should be a destroy military like option for untrained planets, or just the ability to kill them to some extent when defenceless.
*AT generation baaed on rank. If this MUST be kept, swap it over. So the higher get slightly more AT. Since there going to be under heavy assault for the top positions.
*Lack of temporary protection (aka PPT). Something to allow those who don't have net access at home(or very poor access) to be able to protect themselves over the weekend and still grow (similar to main)

*The ability to kill ALL units (apart from untrained that is) is very good. IMO one of the main issues with main, not being able to kill attack units.
*The unit cap. This has stopped the server growing out of control. When people grow at 2B planets/DAY, if there was no limit, accounts would be in the 100's of billions of planets.
*That mother-ships aren't so stupidly over-powered and basically abused to the owners benefit. They provide some help, but nothing compared to what main used to be, which is good.

Re: Things Liked/Disliked about Ascended

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2011 4:12 pm
by Robe
What I like most about ascended is that its the Ultimate 1 vs 1 Server.

I like how there are No Brokers because that encourages a level playing field.

Ascended takes a lot of skill to play because you can't use Brokers to rebuild your account in 5 min
and you can't hide on PPT after you attack someone.

I also like how any player (no matter how new) can move life force to prevent being descended.

I like how its now mathematically possible to descend inactive players with high personal levels.
I think that was why no one took the server seriously before (didn't need to log in to retain Ascended Blessings).

What I don't like is that the CER growth cap hasn't been increased in 4 years.
I also don't like the rank modifier for earning AT because it encourages sniper play.