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Re: 10 issues with US Gov. and my solutions

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 12:52 pm
by jedi~tank
RepliMagni wrote:
Jedi~Tank wrote:This country was founded upon religious beliefs..and for a very good reason..the institutions of family were "instituted" for a reason..and good ones..when a nation steers away from its founding values as fast as this nation is doing it hastens its downfall. And it is a choice..people are not born gay as if it were an alternate sex or skin color..its a state of mind..a free choice.

Your country was also founded on one of the worst genocides in human history...doesn't mean you need to propagate that ad infinitum ;)

Being gay isn't a state of mind, it isn't a life choice. It's a matter of what you find can't change that just by wishing it away. And I really don't see how gay marriage is somehow bound up in people's perception of a country's prosperity?

As for education, primary school is the key. Children you are behind when they enter secondary school (11yrs+) on average never catch up. Get them early ;)

This country was not founded ON that, it was founded in large part BECAUSE of that..get your **Filtered** str8.

Re: 10 issues with US Gov. and my solutions

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 12:54 pm
by RepliMagni
Jedi~Tank wrote:This country was not founded ON that, it was founded in large part BECAUSE of that..get your **Filtered** str8.

Manifest Destiny ;)

Re: 10 issues with US Gov. and my solutions

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 12:55 pm
by Kit-Fox

Re: 10 issues with US Gov. and my solutions

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 12:58 pm
by jedi~tank
Kit-Fox wrote:I see bigots exist everywhere

A - There is no conclusive evidence that alternative sexual orientations are either the product of a persons genetics, their upbringing or a conscious choice.

B - Marriage is not a creation of religion, there is plenty of evidence to show monogonous bonded mating pairs existed in humanity before we had a concept of any of the currently existing religions. Hell there even evidence it beat civilisations like the Mayans, The Phonecians etc and their religions too.

It is a social construct that has no defination, other than that of two people choosing to spend their lives together in every way possible.

C - If you dont like it, thats your choice, no one is forcing you to involve yourselves in it if you dont want to, but leave others alone as much as they will leave you alone

EDIT: and damn you for making me post and break my silence

Its interesting how someone is judged a biggot by having thier own opinion that does not coincide with someone elses view point :-k isnt that bigotry?

Re: 10 issues with US Gov. and my solutions

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 1:01 pm
by jedi~tank
Kit-Fox wrote:You've not heard of the native america indians then i take it?

You've also not heard of the various minor conflicts that arose between the colonies mostly because of religion (and/or nationality in some cases)

Clearly your history isnt all that great either

Ya wasnt that the europeans and others that in large part ran from the many persecutions on that side of the pond??? Not casting blame here..but that whole dark ages genocide ball didnt stop rilling until the late 1800's and early 1900's..then another ball was rolling again on "that" side of the pond with the 1st and 2nd world war..again not casting blame..just reminding everyone how long ball #1 rolled and then ball #2 rolled soon after ball #1 stopped.

Re: 10 issues with US Gov. and my solutions

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 1:02 pm
by Rudy Peña
RoKeT wrote:Top 10 Issues With The Government and ways to Improve (Yes it's prob lame but I was bored) :p

1. Education (Pre K through College)
Lets face it with todays technologies and how complicated life is becoming, 13 years of schooling is not enough to properly prepare you for what lies ahead in the world, I suggest a switching to a 15 year program that is funded by the government just like the previous 13 year was (Funding Options Below)

You put the government in charge and they will teach what they want to teach. They will write history and other things how they want to. Putting the governement in charge is going to be a big no go.

We dont need more years in school. What we need is better teaching things. My gf's kids here in Oregon are using alot of todays tech. Like USB drives and other stuff. Its not a matter of more schooling to prepare, its the lack of the governments(county, state and i think federal) funding. Always cutting the funding for other things that are "deemed" more important. We can teach our kids with better funding, but we cant.

2. Homelessness
Legalization of Hemp &/or Medical Marijuana, Hemp (Marijuana's Cousin) would help with Jobs... let me just say this MANY JOBS from the Fabric Industry, all the way up to Alternate Gas. I have calculated 27 *New* kinds of jobs would be available NATION WIDE (No I will not provide a list do research). Medical Marijuana is already Americas Largest Cash Crop and it's only Legal in 16 of the 50 states

Homeless people are people who lost everything because companies have taken there companies overseas. We cant help the homeless unless we bring jobs back to our country.
3. Unemployment
(look at answer 2)[/quote] You look at my answer to number 2.

4. Legalization of Hemp
(look at answer 2)
no comment.

5. Military Pay, and End the War
Yes they are serving our country but they are humans too... Easy to fix as well Cut out Congressmen we have a very large amount of Congressmen currently make 100k plus a year also through further taxing of new products such as (Hemp, Alternative Cars, Alternative Electricity.
Pull out of Iraq (pulling out all together would be a bad idea, so I propose a 75% reduction of all Military, and 6 months from now a complete pull out of Military *this is key as there would still be civilian personal, and of course a few hand fulls of military for protection),and use Military to Fix Projects at home such as (Roads, Bridges, Buildings Ext.)
Congressmen are always putting bills into act that would pay them more money every few years.

We are already out of Iraq, so thats no problem.

6. To much Politics
Eliminate programs not needed. (more is explained below)
All the programs are needed that help people by giving them money or some kind of support.

7. Gay Marriage
Self Explanatory

8. Stem Cell Research along with many other Tests and Research projects need more funding
Stem Cell Research and Alternative Means for Electricity or Transportation can be linked together, my question is really why have we not started funding programs (Properly) to bring us further in technology, and efficiency
Instead of using Oil for Electricity, we can use Nuclear power. There hasnt been a powerplant made in over 30 years, which is just sad.

You may be young to remember or dont even remember. Hell lots of people dont remember. But back in like the 99 and 2000 maybe 2001, there were electric cars. But they were only in public for a short while, before the Oil companies bought the patent for them and kept it from the public for many years, in order to get more money.

9. Major remodeling Of Roads, Buildings, Living Towns and Cities
Funding Provided Below

10. Alternative Cars, Electricity Research (Hybrid, E85, *Hemp Seed*, Solar Panel)
Stem Cell Research and Alternative Means for Electricity or Transportation can be linked together, my question is really why have we not started funding programs (Properly) to bring us further in technology, and efficiency

You may be young to remember or dont even remember. Hell lots of people dont remember. But back in like the 99 and 2000 maybe 2001, there were electric cars. But they were only in public for a short while, before the Oil companies bought the patent for them and kept it from the public for many years, in order to get more money.

So I guess the overall question would be how to fund all this?

With the funds currently being on things that would be closed, taxes on new products...

Such as The War in Iraq (1.2 TRILLION DOLLARS WTH), DEA (Over 2bill in staffing alone), "War on Drugs" (15bill on supplies needed for busts), 50billion a year is spent on marijuana, another 22billion just to grow and sell... Total that would be almost 1.5Trill Dollars we would have to spend on new programs, housing and improvement...

I hope some of you read this... and I hope you start to wonder to yourselves... was your tax dollar spent the way you wanted it to, or can we improve it?

Now about calling gay marriage, marriage or not.

We have something called the separation of church and state. The bible calls a marriage between a man and a woman, the reason why it wont be called gay marriage is cause we dont have much separation of church and state.

You got Catholics voting for one person to be president call cause hes Catholic, You got others including Catholics not voting for one person all cause the persons religion is considered a cult or not even a religion in some people's or other religion eyes.

Now to JT, I agree with you about taxing the rich, but its not going to happen anything soon. Unless Ron Paul becomes president.

Here is one of the reasons why it wont happen anytime soon. Among other reasons.

As for the government having too much power, you are way too right. That is why when the First Amendment fails, we have our Second Amendment to take our country back. But wait, there's a catch, now due the Patriot Act and the new bill/law that says the government can detain any US citizen for any reason forever or untill they deem fit to without any rights or anything.

Everyone who is a US Citizen look around you, this is not the same country it was before. We have things like the TSA, Patriot Act and a new Defense Bill that will allow indefinite detention of U.S. citizens. Sure they deny it and whatnot, but its the truth. These new bills and what not, get passed so fast that law makers dont have time to view them. Case and point the Patriot Act was passed with 24 hours.

If you guys like, you can view some nice pics on my FB that talks about some of these things here. If you cant see it, you can become my friend to see them.

Re: 10 issues with US Gov. and my solutions

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 1:14 pm
by RoKeT
Rudy Pena wrote:
Rudy Pena wrote:
RoKeT wrote:Top 10 Issues With The Government and ways to Improve (Yes it's prob lame but I was bored) :p

1. Education (Pre K through College)
Lets face it with todays technologies and how complicated life is becoming, 13 years of schooling is not enough to properly prepare you for what lies ahead in the world, I suggest a switching to a 15 year program that is funded by the government just like the previous 13 year was (Funding Options Below)

You put the government in charge and they will teach what they want to teach. They will write history and other things how they want to. Putting the governement in charge is going to be a big no go.

We dont need more years in school. What we need is better teaching things. My gf's kids here in Oregon are using alot of todays tech. Like USB drives and other stuff. Its not a matter of more schooling to prepare, its the lack of the governments(county, state and i think federal) funding. Always cutting the funding for other things that are "deemed" more important. We can teach our kids with better funding, but we cant.

I didn't mean that they "run" it I mean that we need more years of school to catch up with the technology and careers that are available, basically take Community College (2 year programs) and merge them with Highschools

2. Homelessness
Legalization of Hemp &/or Medical Marijuana, Hemp (Marijuana's Cousin) would help with Jobs... let me just say this MANY JOBS from the Fabric Industry, all the way up to Alternate Gas. I have calculated 27 *New* kinds of jobs would be available NATION WIDE (No I will not provide a list do research). Medical Marijuana is already Americas Largest Cash Crop and it's only Legal in 16 of the 50 states

Homeless people are people who lost everything because companies have taken there companies overseas. We cant help the homeless unless we bring jobs back to our country.
That is why I said legalize Hemp, it can be grown in America is a very needed commodity and would provide thousands if not millions of jobs nation wide, Marijuana is not hemp although I do think legalization of Marijuana would help as well if we are going into "great" detail, 26 MILLION people use marijuana annually, thats a lotta cash, thats a lotta jobs and thats a lotta money being taken away from the "black market"

3. Unemployment
(look at answer 2)
You look at my answer to number 2.

4. Legalization of Hemp
(look at answer 2)
no comment.

5. Military Pay, and End the War
Yes they are serving our country but they are humans too... Easy to fix as well Cut out Congressmen we have a very large amount of Congressmen currently make 100k plus a year also through further taxing of new products such as (Hemp, Alternative Cars, Alternative Electricity.
Pull out of Iraq (pulling out all together would be a bad idea, so I propose a 75% reduction of all Military, and 6 months from now a complete pull out of Military *this is key as there would still be civilian personal, and of course a few hand fulls of military for protection),and use Military to Fix Projects at home such as (Roads, Bridges, Buildings Ext.)

Congressmen are always putting bills into act that would pay them more money every few years.
That doesn't mean thats how it has to be or supposed to be

We are already out of Iraq, so thats no problem.
we are not out of Iraq my buddy just got redeployed there not even a month ago we are "pulling out" and we have been for years now

6. To much Politics
Eliminate programs not needed. (more is explained below)

All the programs are needed that help people by giving them money or some kind of support.
That is not true, many programs (many provided below) are not only a waste of resources and time, many studies show they actually have made drug use and violence worse

7. Gay Marriage
Self Explanatory

8. Stem Cell Research along with many other Tests and Research projects need more funding
Stem Cell Research and Alternative Means for Electricity or Transportation can be linked together, my question is really why have we not started funding programs (Properly) to bring us further in technology, and efficiency
Instead of using Oil for Electricity, we can use Nuclear power. There hasnt been a powerplant made in over 30 years, which is just sad.

You may be young to remember or dont even remember. Hell lots of people dont remember. But back in like the 99 and 2000 maybe 2001, there were electric cars. But they were only in public for a short while, before the Oil companies bought the patent for them and kept it from the public for many years, in order to get more money.

If Patent is still in effect research other means of energy for electricity and cars, research is not illegal with patents it's just illegal to distribute

9. Major remodeling Of Roads, Buildings, Living Towns and Cities
Funding Provided Below

10. Alternative Cars, Electricity Research (Hybrid, E85, *Hemp Seed*, Solar Panel)
Stem Cell Research and Alternative Means for Electricity or Transportation can be linked together, my question is really why have we not started funding programs (Properly) to bring us further in technology, and efficiency

You may be young to remember or dont even remember. Hell lots of people dont remember. But back in like the 99 and 2000 maybe 2001, there were electric cars. But they were only in public for a short while, before the Oil companies bought the patent for them and kept it from the public for many years, in order to get more money.

So I guess the overall question would be how to fund all this?

With the funds currently being on things that would be closed, taxes on new products...

Such as The War in Iraq (1.2 TRILLION DOLLARS WTH), DEA (Over 2bill in staffing alone), "War on Drugs" (15bill on supplies needed for busts), 50billion a year is spent on marijuana, another 22billion just to grow and sell... Total that would be almost 1.5Trill Dollars we would have to spend on new programs, housing and improvement...

I hope some of you read this... and I hope you start to wonder to yourselves... was your tax dollar spent the way you wanted it to, or can we improve it?

Now about calling gay marriage, marriage or not.

We have something called the separation of church and state. The bible calls a marriage between a man and a woman, the reason why it wont be called gay marriage is cause we dont have much separation of church and state.

You got Catholics voting for one person to be president call cause hes Catholic, You got others including Catholics not voting for one person all cause the persons religion is considered a cult or not even a religion in some people's or other religion eyes.

Now to JT, I agree with you about taxing the rich, but its not going to happen anything soon. Unless Ron Paul becomes president.

Here is one of the reasons why it wont happen anytime soon. Among other reasons.

As for the government having too much power, you are way too right. That is why when the First Amendment fails, we have our Second Amendment to take our country back. But wait, there's a catch, now due the Patriot Act and the new bill/law that says the government can detain any US citizen for any reason forever or untill they deem fit to without any rights or anything.

Everyone who is a US Citizen look around you, this is not the same country it was before. We have things like the TSA, Patriot Act and a new Defense Bill that will allow indefinite detention of U.S. citizens. Sure they deny it and whatnot, but its the truth. These new bills and what not, get passed so fast that law makers dont have time to view them. Case and point the Patriot Act was passed with 24 hours.

If you guys like, you can view some nice pics on my FB that talks about some of these things here. If you cant see it, you can become my friend to see them.

Re: 10 issues with US Gov. and my solutions

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 1:22 pm
by Rudy Peña
RoKet, We do not need more years in school. All we need is more funding, more teachers, better teaching equipment. Like instead of all this paper stuff, we can use USBs, Ipads and that kind of things.

Like I said, my gf's kids use these kinds of things here in oregon. And they know more things about tech and what not, they are know more, cause they are being teached and uses the same kind of tech.

Re: 10 issues with US Gov. and my solutions

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 1:24 pm
by Kit-Fox

Re: 10 issues with US Gov. and my solutions

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 1:25 pm
by Psyko
Jedi~Tank wrote:
Psyko wrote:
Jedi~Tank wrote:
General Riviera wrote:Why should gay marriage not be called marriage?

Reverse the question..Why should it? The institution of marriage is between a man and a woman for procreation.

The institution of marriage in a legal form is called marriage because the term was taken from religious texts. They borrowed the term and religious people assume the definition. There is no reason why the legal term for a legal union between homosexual relations cannot be marriage - except for the fact that religious people go ape **Filtered**. Also, gay is not a choice.

This country was founded upon religious beliefs..and for a very good reason..the institutions of family were "instituted" for a reason..and good ones..when a nation steers away from its founding values as fast as this nation is doing it hastens its downfall. And it is a choice..people are not born gay as if it were an alternate sex or skin color..its a state of mind..a free choice.

One of the founding values is the freedom of religion. Despite the vastness of Christianity within our country and its part in our original documents (which were written by Christians), the rest of the country, as a whole, is free to practice whatever the heck they want. Forcing one's religion on a legal institution is a violation of this same founding value.

And sexual orientation is not a state of mind. It is a biological condition. Being attracted to someone, for any reason, comes down to a firing of electrons in the brain and the release of chemicals in the body which fuel attraction. I have a friend who is completely asexual. Is it your opinion that she chose to not be physically attracted to any sex, or are you willing to concede that she's mentally retarded (in that those electrons don't fire)? I, myself, will never be physically attracted to closed-minded or short people. That's just how it is. [-(

Kit-Fox wrote:and damn you for making me post and break my silence
But I'm glad you did. :-)

Re: 10 issues with US Gov. and my solutions

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 1:28 pm
by Rudy Peña
Psyko wrote:
Jedi~Tank wrote:
Psyko wrote:
Jedi~Tank wrote:
General Riviera wrote:Why should gay marriage not be called marriage?

Reverse the question..Why should it? The institution of marriage is between a man and a woman for procreation.

The institution of marriage in a legal form is called marriage because the term was taken from religious texts. They borrowed the term and religious people assume the definition. There is no reason why the legal term for a legal union between homosexual relations cannot be marriage - except for the fact that religious people go ape **Filtered**. Also, gay is not a choice.

This country was founded upon religious beliefs..and for a very good reason..the institutions of family were "instituted" for a reason..and good ones..when a nation steers away from its founding values as fast as this nation is doing it hastens its downfall. And it is a choice..people are not born gay as if it were an alternate sex or skin color..its a state of mind..a free choice.

One of the founding values is the freedom of religion. Despite the vastness of Christianity within our country and its part in our original documents (which were written by Christians), the rest of the country, as a whole, is free to practice whatever the heck they want. Forcing one's religion on a legal institution is a violation of this same founding value.

And sexual orientation is not a state of mind. It is a biological condition. Being attracted to someone, for any reason, comes down to a firing of electrons in the brain and the release of chemicals in the body which fuel attraction. I have a friend who is completely asexual. Is it your opinion that she chose to not be physically attracted to any sex, or are you willing to concede that she's mentally retarded (in that those electrons don't fire)? I, myself, will never be physically attracted to closed-minded or short people. That's just how it is. [-(
Way too true.

Its all about separation of church and state, but it is not like that in our country....Hasnt been like that for a good while now.

Also good thing, im not closed-minded and short, haha.

Re: 10 issues with US Gov. and my solutions

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 1:34 pm
by Juliette
Regarding electric cars.. The Netherlands rock that department. We have electric BMW's and almost done creating complete coverage for electric car recharge sites. ^_^
Also, your positioning of the electric car in time is incorrect.
Wikipedia wrote:Electric cars were popular in the late-19th century and early 20th century, until advances in internal combustion engine technology and mass production of cheaper gasoline vehicles led to a decline in the use of electric drive vehicle.
Ahahah, well over 100 years ago. ;) Evolution of car = Horse -> Steam-powered car -> Electric car -> Gasoline Car.

Anyway, I will let you get back to your debate. :-D

Re: 10 issues with US Gov. and my solutions

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 1:38 pm
by Rudy Peña
Kit-Fox wrote:
Rudy Pena wrote:RoKet, We do not need more years in school. All we need is more funding, more teachers, better teaching equipment. Like instead of all this paper stuff, we can use USBs, Ipads and that kind of things.

Like I said, my gf's kids use these kinds of things here in oregon. And they know more things about tech and what not, they are know more, cause they are being teached and uses the same kind of tech.

Actually teaching kids to use technology without first teaching them the basics like reading/writing, maths, the 3 primary sciences etc and using paper based methods that encourage the use of dictionaries and research from sources more reliable than wikipedia is a really bad things to do

As it mostly teaches laziness.

By all means use teach & teach children about tech but not at the expense of what should be basic understanding. So a fair portion of the time spent in state mandated education should really be about teaching people how to think first, then introduce technology to them

My gf's kids are between the ages of 8 and 12...the ones that go to school. Im sure they know how to read, write, math. ;)

Re: 10 issues with US Gov. and my solutions

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 2:24 pm
by Guild
if america is all about freedom, where is the freedom for the gay people ?

and if one of your main problems with yoru goverment is that they wont legalise weed.........then you have no hope.

Re: 10 issues with US Gov. and my solutions

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 2:30 pm
by RoKeT
Guild wrote:if america is all about freedom, where is the freedom for the gay people ?

and if one of your main problems with yoru goverment is that they wont legalise weed.........then you have no hope.

Ignorant people frustrate me so much...

That's why I put the &/or there it doesn't have to be but hemp still should, also polls from the city I live in now (only like 30k people) have a census of 75% that think it should be legalized, state wise (ny) over 60% and nation wise has hit a record high of 53%... So do "I" think it should be legalized... YES