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Re: A child expelled from a school for having asked a questi

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 2:00 am
by Psyko
Psyko wrote:
MEZZANINE wrote:Such is the madness of the times we live in, and what choices are your left with

1) Rebel, stand up and say this is madness....... for this you get labeled a racist of homophobe etc

2) Withdraw from society and do your own thing........ near impossible unless you want to become a outcast hermit or survivalist, only really possible with a lot of money

3) Sit quiet, tolerate and ignore the madness around you...... what most people do and just perpetuates the problem

I have personally been warned and told off in work for calling some of our social housing residents nutters and benefit bums, and for referring to the 'travelers' who cause so much crime around our area as pikies. I was also forced to go on a PC course, most off it I forget now but the one bit funny enough for me to remember was they taught nonsense like which toilets to direct transvestites to if they ask, we've never even had a tranny in the office but apparently you tell them where both mens & womens toilets are and leave to them to decide..... a tranny is allowed to go in the womens toilets if they want, how messed up is that ?!?!!?!

We had an annual drag show at my college where we raised money for local charities and foundations. Professional drag queens would volunteer their time, on a weekend where they could be working for real money, and talents to support our cause. They would prep and dress in the public bathrooms available on campus.

After a female student complained of the drag queens using the Women's room, the queens were asked very politely (I was standing right there) if they could please use the Men's room to change. The drag queens did so, but made no qualms about showing their outrage over the request. They found it insulting and outrageous that our Gay-Straight Alliance members were thrusting such labels upon them. Sorry, dude, but you've still got man parts. You belong in the Men's restroom.

Trannies, in my opinion, are a different story. Men who are transitioning into women need to become comfortable with the idea of using the Women's room, and I can see the psychological benefit of a person who is acting and looking like a woman to use the Women's room. The same has to be done by Women transitioning into Men. The cool thing about bathrooms is that everything personal (aside from men at the urinals) can be done behind a stall door, and even in the case of men using the urinals the woman who is using the Men's room would still be sitting behind a stall door to do her thing.

Trannies after transition shouldn't be a problem. They are now a man or woman and should use the respective bathroom to their sex.

And what about the rights of the real women using the toilets not to have a man dressed as a woman, or a Half n' half, or a pervo who only dressed as a women to get in there enter their toilets ???? Why do the rights of minority groups always take priority over the rights of common/average people when it comes to PC BS.

I said I could see the psychological benefit for those transitioning. I did not condone pervs and whatever other riffraff using the restrooms to pry into the privacy of women. I also did not say any one person or type of person took priority over anyone else.

Honestly, you can't stop someone from entering the toilet for the purpose of violating a woman's privacy. If they have such bad intentions, they will likely be able to do it and you can only punish them after the fact. It's not like there are DNA scanners at every entrance to be sure a person has the right chromosomes to enter.

If a tranny walked in and used the bathroom I can bet no one would even notice. They would go in and do their business just like everyone else and walk the heck out. They would have been taking hormones long enough they would look like a normal male/female (whatever's applicable) and they would be dressed like everyone else. No bells and whistles to alarm every female/male in the place of their presence.

It has nothing to do with Political Correctness. If a Male-to-Female tranny, who is living as a woman, walked into a Men's restroom to take a leak, the men would be the ones upset. If that same tranny walked into a Women's restroom, the women wouldn't notice. If it were just a cross-dresser, people will notice. If it is a group of male drag queens changing into tight clothing with big hair, people will notice. If it were anyone with bad intentions, people will notice.

Re: A child expelled from a school for having asked a questi

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 3:06 am
by Ashu
Would it be fair to say that, perhaps in this case the management in cause over reacted or do you think this kind of behaviour is typical for institutions nowadays?
If yes, then what led to this?

Re: A child expelled from a school for having asked a questi

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 3:12 am
by [KMA]Avenger
MEZZANINE wrote:Sorry mate, wasnt thinking specifically of you at the time........... you mad conspiracy theorist :smt043

I really felt forgotten and left out there! :smt089 Just don't let it happen again :smt064

MEZZANINE wrote:And what about the rights of the real women using the toilets not to have a man dressed as a woman, or a Half n' half, or a pervo who only dressed as a women to get in there enter their toilets ???? Why do the rights of minority groups always take priority over the rights of common/average people when it comes to PC BS.

My thoughts exactly! if a person is that confused they have no idea which loo to use then they should start wearing nappies (diapers for you yanks), and the PC brigade can go take a flying youknowwhat!

Malx wrote:Would it be fair to say that, perhaps in this case the management in cause over reacted or do you think this kind of behaviour is typical for institutions nowadays?
If yes, then what led to this?

I asked that earlier, but not as eloquently as you just did. personally, i blame us "ordinary" folk who let this creep up and take hold.

That old quote comes to mind, " The only thing required for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing.", not sure who said that, some say Thomas Paine others say Edmund Burke, but i think it was JFK who made it famous...regardless, by the same token, all PCism needs to prevail is for people to put up with it regardless of where it comes from.

Re: A child expelled from a school for having asked a questi

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 3:39 am
by Psyko
Malx wrote:Would it be fair to say that, perhaps in this case the management in cause over reacted or do you think this kind of behaviour is typical for institutions nowadays?
If yes, then what led to this?


Re: A child expelled from a school for having asked a questi

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 3:57 am
by Juliette
Psyko wrote:
Malx wrote:Would it be fair to say that, perhaps in this case the management in cause over reacted or do you think this kind of behaviour is typical for institutions nowadays?
If yes, then what led to this?

Re: A child expelled from a school for having asked a questi

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 4:06 am
by [KMA]Avenger
Psyko wrote:
Malx wrote:Would it be fair to say that, perhaps in this case the management in cause over reacted or do you think this kind of behaviour is typical for institutions nowadays?
If yes, then what led to this?


Of what exactly? if it's fear of criticism or singled out as a "racist" for example, then i refer you to my above post of not speaking up or acting when we should be. telling the PC inclined to **** off and going public with their stupidity when they do/say something without thinking is a good start.

I have done exactly that on a few occasions. 1 such occasion was a few years back when we was out shopping and my eldest was not behaving. without anger or malice, i calmly told him if he didn't stop he was going the right way for a smack. a bloke told me i couldn't do that, i told him by saying "if he didn't get his big nose out of my family business he would get the smack instead!". he didn't look happy but my words and face made it clear what i thought of him, and that i was fully prepared to act on my words. he ran away like the cowardly PC moron he obviously was.

If not, please elaborate.

Re: A child expelled from a school for having asked a questi

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 4:10 am
by Legendary Apophis
I don't really understand the link between the cross genders event and the thread subject..

Re: A child expelled from a school for having asked a questi

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 4:14 am
by [KMA]Avenger
Legendary Apophis wrote:I don't really understand the link between the cross genders and the thread subject..

It's just 1 example of PC going to is the case with your OP.

Re: A child expelled from a school for having asked a questi

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 4:22 am
by Psyko
[KMA]Avenger wrote:
Psyko wrote:
Malx wrote:Would it be fair to say that, perhaps in this case the management in cause over reacted or do you think this kind of behaviour is typical for institutions nowadays?
If yes, then what led to this?


Of what exactly? if it's fear of criticism or singled out as a "racist" for example, then i refer you to my above post of not speaking up or acting when we should be. telling the PC inclined to **** off and going public with their stupidity when they do/say something without thinking is a good start.

If not, please elaborate.

Nah, you got it.

People are afraid of how they are perceived by others. I think modern technology has amplified this to a very high degree. Labels are sticking a lot more than they used to when only a few people would see/know about them. It terrifies people to be seen as something they do not believe themselves to be, but at the same time you have people being more disingenuous than ever before.

Some people have balls enough to be who they want to be and say what they want to say without worrying about whether or not it can be taken the wrong way. They are unaffected by the PC movement. I've been called racist. I've also laughed myself damn-near sick in front of the person who accused me of it.

The biggest problem with facing down the PC movement is that it fits in so well with fears already present in today's society. We simply moved on from being judged based upon physical appearance to include being judged by what we say, with people becoming offended on "behalf" of someone who may/may not actually be offended by a remark.

Re: A child expelled from a school for having asked a questi

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 5:35 am
by [KMA]Avenger
Psyko wrote:
[KMA]Avenger wrote:
Psyko wrote:
Malx wrote:Would it be fair to say that, perhaps in this case the management in cause over reacted or do you think this kind of behaviour is typical for institutions nowadays?
If yes, then what led to this?


Of what exactly? if it's fear of criticism or singled out as a "racist" for example, then i refer you to my above post of not speaking up or acting when we should be. telling the PC inclined to **** off and going public with their stupidity when they do/say something without thinking is a good start.

If not, please elaborate.

Nah, you got it.

AH!, i understand what you are saying. sorry if i seem to be a bit slow, but when not sure of something, i've found it prudent to ask rather than assume :-)

Psyko wrote:People are afraid of how they are perceived by others. I think modern technology has amplified this to a very high degree. Labels are sticking a lot more than they used to when only a few people would see/know about them. It terrifies people to be seen as something they do not believe themselves to be, but at the same time you have people being more disingenuous than ever before.

Some people have balls enough to be who they want to be and say what they want to say without worrying about whether or not it can be taken the wrong way. They are unaffected by the PC movement. I've been called racist. I've also laughed myself damn-near sick in front of the person who accused me of it.

The biggest problem with facing down the PC movement is that it fits in so well with fears already present in today's society. We simply moved on from being judged based upon physical appearance to include being judged by what we say, with people becoming offended on "behalf" of someone who may/may not actually be offended by a remark.

I couldn't agree more, especially the underlined. i respect people who "stick to their guns", and do not pretend to be something they are not, but are also not afraid to admit when wrong.

As far as the topic at hand goes...that school is lucky i am not the parent of that child, i wouldn't put up with that kind of crap :smt021

Re: A child expelled from a school for having asked a questi

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 6:22 am
by Psyko
[KMA]Avenger wrote:As far as the topic at hand goes...that school is lucky i am not the parent of that child, i wouldn't put up with that kind of crap :smt021

Any parent should fight crap like this. If they do not, and choose to simply go along with it, how can they claim to be good parents who will fight for and support their children, especially when their child did absolutely nothing wrong?

I don't have kids, and likely never will, but I would fight tooth and nail for any child I personally know who is ever unfairly treated by a school system or any other institution. I gave one of my own teachers hell in HS for mistreating my cousin, and later accusing her of lying when she said she was related to me. This boy's mom needs to be all over the school in terms of media attention and fighting the expulsion of her child over this idiocy.

Re: A child expelled from a school for having asked a questi

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 6:44 am
by [KMA]Avenger
Here here!

Re: A child expelled from a school for having asked a questi

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 2:43 am
by Brdavs
Another example of everyone passing the buck down the line.

Oh it coulndn't be possible that the parnets did a somewhat questionable job raising their kid in a manner that he's accustomed to certain stereotypes, which don't represent the best foundation for future, it's the societies and school systems fault for beeing too sensitive.

I mean its hillarious that the kid got expeled but the reaction that they should layer up and fight tooth and nail is equally hillarious. I mean it's UK for petes sake, not some 99,9% creamy white country where kids first see black people on MTV.

They should have taken the kid to the side and explain this **Filtered** to him, allong with the birds and the bees, isntead of making it into a redneck vs pinko liberal battlefield lol.