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Re: Greatest Villain in Literature

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 9:13 pm
by Zeratul
we thought of the ungoliant too...

the villains were so much better back in the days where the elves actually had a bit of inner strength...

Re: Greatest Villain in Literature

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 9:25 pm
by Eternal Usul
I really would like some of the stories in the Silmarillion to be fleshed out in some form...

Tolkien created what...100,000 years of history before he wrote The Lord of the Rings?

I always felt that Sauron was the shadow of a ghost compared to the war machine that was Morgoth's army...

After all...It was Morgoth who caused elves to return to Middle Earth...and ultimately he was the cause of their fall...besides their own hubris...

As well as being the flame in which the Kingdoms of Men were forged...

The tale Of Beren and LĂșthien is one of my favorites...I wish there was more...

Re: Greatest Villain in Literature

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 11:24 pm
by Zeratul
there are lots of stories... not sure how large amount has been published... but quite a lot...