The bible

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The Xeno
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The ascended one wrote:As you have pointed out there are many different understandings of religion, faith etc. How do you know which one is correct? How for example can you know that Catholic church is the one that's right, how can you be sure it's this God and no other?

First, let me address an issue that you may or may not be raising.
Some branches of the Christian faith, and indeed the whole Koran, claim that in order to be 'saved' you must acknowledge Jesus/Mohamed.
To them, it does not matter if your actions up unto this point have been in perfect accord with the teachings they prescribe, failure to even know of the men’s names, will lead to damnation.

I cannot accept that, for the reason you propose: What if I were born in Southern America, during the time of the Inca? The issue of finding the 'true' faith wouldn't even come up.

So, I believe that we simply do the best we can. Presupposing a natural law, we do our best to find the religion that is closest to emulate it... and then 'Deny ourselves and take up our cross'.
Personally, the Orthodox Christianity I’ve converted to has yet to let me down. Indeed, on this very subject, the Church accepts the potential for salvation outside of its fold: Once having heard the word, we must do our best, and let God sort it out. If He's Just, stand up and recieve what you are due, with no fear if you have done your best.
If he/she/it isn't... well… hope it is a Bacchus and not Cronos.

The ascended one wrote:An atheist that would start a war for bringing down a religion is a mad man. Religions can't be beaten by wars. unless we all kill each other then there'd be noone left to believe in anything...

Atheist's do not fight over spiritual matters. They fight over territory, money, oil, slaves, and national grievances. Oddly enough ( :roll: ), that often coincides with the end of religious wars, which should alert you to the false piety of those war's leaders.
Those religions that do call for the extermination of the people of other faiths, need a closer look.
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Xeno wrote:What I do not understand, is if we deny God, If we believe that a human is the sum of its parts; i.e. just a bunch of electrons... whence can we draw 'right actions'?

In that light, 'killing' a person, has only disrupted a few atoms with other atoms (say in the form of a bullet). Stealing, doesn't really involve disruption at all, as unless the property is broken, nothing is physically disturbed. (Although the transitory period may annoy same air-particles).

Because we have a freakin mind :-D Do you want to die? No, so it would be wrong to kill you in most cases. I could just as well say you believe that you will go to heaven when you die therefore killing you would be a good thing since you would be in heaven :roll: Would you live your life any different if there was no God?
Xeno wrote:Last time beings with free will lived in heaven, one of them lead a legion of his fellows in betrayal.

It looks like God would learn, people do not want to worship him/her/it. It seems like God's plans always screw up (Satan, Eden, flood, etc) Even the Jews would go worshiping idols everytime they had the chance in the OT.

Xeno wrote:A common misconception, spurred perhaps by some protestant groups.
God does not need worship; He does not need saints or sinners.
If we accept views such as orthodoxy, God has given to us without actually providing that we give back unto him.

Then why the heck demand worship? If it is not important why send people to hell over it?

You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me,

I have debated several pastors (Baptist, Methodist, and Lutheran). Just regular people I have debated with many religions. If someone knocks on my door trying to convert me I will try and do the same thing :-D

I will be honest, I think that if a God exists that being is evil.
"Is He willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then He is impotent. Is He able, but not willing? Then He is malevolent. Is He both able and willing? Whence then is evil?"

Basically for me, there are many ways where God could have created freewill with no evil but he did not therefore there is no excuse for all this pain on earth.

Also I do not see how God could have free will since he would know the future and if he knows the future then he cannot change it or he never knew it.

I saw a bumper sticker today that said "26,000 children will starve today and you think that God will answer your prayers?" That is exactly how I feel.

Xeno I like your view on salvation but I do find evidence for it in the Bible. "Unless a man confess with his lips that Jesus Christ is Lord he shall not be saved."
"Conservatives are not necessarily stupid, but most stupid people are conservatives."
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Come_Forth wrote:Because we have a freakin mind Do you want to die? No, so it would be wrong to kill you in most cases. I could just as well say you believe that you will go to heaven when you die therefore killing you would be a good thing since you would be in heaven.

But what’s the mind? Its just more electrons… negative and positive charges; Organic binary.
Without a soul, a human being is nothing more than the sum of his/her parts. Nothing but billions upon billions of tiny little atoms. If you kill a man then you do nothing but pull apart a complex machine: You do nothing but render it down into its component parts, for nature to rebuild. You have, in effect done nothing, made no permanent mark upon the physical sphere. What then is so immoral about it? You’ve done nothing!

Now, if man has a soul, it must be something that exists outside of nature. I.e. it’s not some organ that evolution can provide. It cannot, therefore, be rebuilt by nature… only created by something greater. Therefore, by killing a man, (if we follow Christian tradition) you have destroyed something irreplaceable; you have eliminated, not just disturbed, something of the universe.

Then you would have done something. You would have exercised power, not futility. And, as the philosophers and producers of Spiderman all like to say:
With power comes responsibility; from responsibility arises options of right and wrong.

Come_forth wrote: Would you live your life any different if there was no God?

If I were an atheist, my life would be much different. I would have a different world-view, different friends, different influence, different interests, different jobs, and different impact.
Now, if you mean that, I, still following my Christian beliefs would continue to act as I do now; even if there were no God? Then yes, I would probably still act in a similar fashion to the way I do now.

However, it seems to clear to me that there must be a god, of some sort. I cannot ascribe to our physic’s bound electron, properties that can only belong to a god. Science has not given me an answer, and even if science were to be true, were to be completely empirical: Then I would hate to live in that world, where human’s are not valued any more than their weight in sub atomic particles.

Come_forth wrote: It looks like God would learn, people do not want to worship him/her/it. It seems like God's plans always screw up (Satan, Eden, flood, etc) Even the Jews would go worshiping idols everytime they had the chance in the OT.

Some people do not want to worship Him, many do. You cite the old testament; what of Job? Of Abraham?
What of the Saints and martyrs, who, skepticism about their miraculous achievements aside, did die for their faith?
Some people do not want to worship God.
Some people do.

Come_forth wrote: I saw a bumper sticker today that said "26,000 children will starve today and you think that God will answer your prayers?" That is exactly how I feel.

I volunteer many hours at the soup kitchen, many more hours distributing goods to the poor, and doing other civic service. I am, in other words, trying to make a difference. What though, would their lives mean to me, if I valued them no more than the air? What would the lives of those twenty-six thousand (182,000 per week) matter?
A belief in God is the only thing that gives their lives any meaning at all. That same belief, in my case, would hold that there is an eternal life, with the potential to repay earthy suffering with bliss a million fold. We are all going to die, I don’t pray that God prevents that, or that He makes the road of life easier; I do pray that He gives us strength to deal with that road, and that He have mercy upon those who show up at heaven's gate, as I hope he will show me.

Come_forth wrote:Also I do not see how God could have free will since he would know the future and if he knows the future then he cannot change it or he never knew it.

I’m not sure what your saying. As there are many ways around this, though they’d all be speculation. For example, it could be that God being omnipotent, could see the future as an infinite, ever branching ladder, where each potential choice and its effect upon the future are written. Choosing, therefore, does not mean he does not ‘know’ the future; He like a computer at Chess, has already seen all the possible permutations, and has simply chosen a particular set.

Come_forth wrote: Xeno I like your view on salvation but I do find evidence for it in the Bible. "Unless a man confess with his lips that Jesus Christ is Lord he shall not be saved."

And, having read that, I as a Christian would be bound to it. But again, a Just God, would not hold those who have never heard or seen that passage to account, unless it was their sloth that kept them from viewing it. I do not believe in an Allah, who smears the heathen’s eyes in mud, and fills his ears with wool so that they cannot hear or see the truth.

Also, could you provide me with a passage for that quote?
The closest I can find is: "For if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved"
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sorry I was mixing two verses
the one you quoted and this one:

John 3:18 - Show Context
"He that believeth in Him is not condemned; but He that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.

another one
Matt 16:16
16 Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not
believe will be condemned.

From my reading of the Bible it seems to say that if you do not believe in Jesus you will go to hell. I have biases just like anyone else, but I believe I am not building up a straw man as to what the Bible is saying.

I enjoy talking about free will and God more, but I will try to keep it to the Bible :P
"Conservatives are not necessarily stupid, but most stupid people are conservatives."
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I suppose the quickest (though most simple reply) would be an extension of the ontological Vs. epistemological necessity.
C.S. Lewis wrote:We do know that no person can be saved except through Christ; we do not know that only those who know Him can be saved by Him.

Now, the question as I see it (and I must admit, I have had no real time to explore your question; consider this loose speculation)
Is whether or not condemnation can be averted by mercy. After all,
before mercy can be exercised, one must be condemned, before one can be condemned, one must be judged.

For example:
Matt 16:16 wrote:16 Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned.

Those who are baptized and believe (belief including action as well as words naturally), have justly earned their reward.
Those however, who have been condemned, may yet have salvation if mercy (the only moral sidestep of justice and law) intervenes on their behalf. Mercy, being a gift and not a right, cannot be effectively legislated by man, but may be exercised by an omnipotent God.

I will do some searching, as I realize that is hardly a comprehensive defense of my position, but atm, the mundane matters of the scholastic hound me. :?
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Don't worry about spending too much time on this :P I am in exams week and just get on the forum to waste some time.

I think that more focus should be put on hell. If hell exists I am most likely going to it so heaven is not so much my concern lol. I have often wondered if the hell in the Bible is only temporary. It might even be argued that from the Bible that hell is only a metaphor for dying and not going to heaven. What I mean by that is simply that people who are not saved stop existing after they die.

I have also had friends tell me that there will be a second chance for people to get saved after they die.

The only answer to the afterlife is time though, we will all find out when we die.
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Not funny, not even remotely engaging. Even 2000 years ago they had better understanding of paragraphs than you.
The bible isn't a topic to be taken lightly, It is the basis of the worlds largest belief, Christianity.

While the ethical and moral parts of the bible are being left behind, for "somthing better" many countries around the world are becoming very Religious, turning their lives around for the better. While the "somthing better" people are destroying each other for the heck of it.

Hypothetical situation: Even if there is no God, The morals and ethics taught in the Bible are valuable life tools to make you a better and more adjusted member of society.

Even though most wars over time have been based on ones Religion, that doesn't mean that religion is responsible, as this practise of war goes directly against the morals and ethics taught in the Bible.

Best post ever? I think not.

Forum Replicating pieman
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Lanklock wrote:Not funny, not even remotely engaging. Even 2000 years ago they had better understanding of paragraphs than you.

What the hell are you talking about?
The bible isn't a topic to be taken lightly, It is the basis of the worlds largest belief, Christianity.

I am not taking it lightly, I am attacking it.

While the ethical and moral parts of the bible are being left behind, for "somthing better" many countries around the world are becoming very Religious, turning their lives around for the better. While the "somthing better" people are destroying each other for the heck of it.

So what if it makes their life better does that make it any more true? A crutch is still a crutch.

Hypothetical situation: Even if there is no God, The morals and ethics taught in the Bible are valuable life tools to make you a better and more adjusted member of society.

I would dare say that nobody follows the full system of ethics as described in the Bible. Do you kill your kid if he tries to convert you to another religion? I have taken college level courses on the Bible and do know what I am talking about.
Even though most wars over time have been based on ones Religion, that doesn't mean that religion is responsible, as this practise of war goes directly against the morals and ethics taught in the Bible.

Lol look at the OT where God told them to go and slaughter people, they are following the Bible. Look at the flood God destroyed most of the people on earth!
Best post ever? I think not.

Did I claim that it was the best post ever?
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1. No I wouldn't kill my child for trying to convert me. That story is to show that your child should be in your essence, such as you are in God.

2. The flood was to purge the sinners and non believers from the earth.
and is metaphorical answer/question to the power of God. Because what good is a god if you can't fear him? Without fear he would have no power over the masses. And without power/fear, he would of no believers.

Faith is called faith for a reason, Blind faith and faith are 2 different things. Faith with knowledge and belief are what God wants us to have.
God doesn't want us to follow him blindly, he wants us to know and love.

"Faith, hope and love," thats the motto God wears on his T-Shirts :D

You are intittled to your opinion, but I feel there may be a better way for you to go about your ways.

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I admit I can be an ass on the forum. I am an atheist how do you think people treat me in real life? Just today someone tried to "witness" to me and told me I was going to hell. I asked them what hell would be like they told me their view of it. I do not go around telling people that if they do not worship my Darth Vader bank they will go to hell and be burned forever. I have no love for religion.

Because what good is a god if you can't fear him? Without fear he would have no power over the masses. And without power/fear, he would of no believers.

Of course God has to punish me with hell to worship him :wink:

22:18 Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live.
22:19 Whosoever lieth with a beast shall surely be put to death.
22:20 He that sacrificeth unto any god, save unto the LORD only, he shall be utterly destroyed.

"And the man that committeth adultery with another man's wife, even he that committeth adultery with his neighbour's wife, the adulterer and the adulteress shall surely be put to death." -- Leviticus 20:10
My point is that no one bases their morality from the Bible.
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I don't think you are an ass. You are sharing your opinion and I am ok with that. I dont believe in forcing beliefs upon others.

But ya the bible does have some strange parts like that. but its a pretty amazing book, my favourite is genesis, revalations and the gospels, mainly by Luke & Mark.

22:18 Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live.
22:19 Whosoever lieth with a beast shall surely be put to death.
22:20 He that sacrificeth unto any god, save unto the LORD only, he shall be utterly destroyed.

There are big differences between the OT and the NT, the OT was written obvisouly before the coming of Christ, before they knew that god was really like, if you know what I mean.

This is obvisouly an unwinnable arguement for both sides, but I respect that you don't believe, or maybe you just haven't found a Religion that stands out to you. I personally am interested in Buddism, as I've read some amazing books, and science have proved that over time their brains CHANGE!

Yes, there brains change, they adapt to pain and emotions better than normal people. If you know what I mean :D

(Be a buddist) :"D

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Lol I am interested more in philosophy than religion.

I know the OT and NT are different but my point is how do you know which verses to follow and which ones not to follow?
"Conservatives are not necessarily stupid, but most stupid people are conservatives."
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Lanklock wrote:Not funny, not even remotely engaging. Even 2000 years ago they had better understanding of paragraphs than you.

Though far nicer than some of the things you could have used, that was still completely unnecessary.

Lanklock wrote:Hypothetical situation: Even if there is no God, The morals and ethics taught in the Bible are valuable life tools to make you a better and more adjusted member of society.

Assuming a natural law, and further assuming the Bible and Judeo-Christian tradition are in accord with it (as I believe they are); then yes.

It would follow then that:
Come_Forth wrote:I would dare say that nobody follows the full system of ethics as described in the Bible. Do you kill your kid if he tries to convert you to another religion

I don't see what that has to do with the argument. The question should not be how many, or whom follows the letter of the Bible, but whether or not strict adherence would put one in accord with natural law. (which, if there is no God, must be the only basis for morality if there is to be any basis at all.)
One could argue after all, that killing dissenting children and adults might prove to be beneficial on a national level.

Lanklock wrote:Even though most wars over time have been based on ones Religion, that doesn't mean that religion is responsible, as this practise of war goes directly against the morals and ethics taught in the Bible.

Eh? Murder, is one thing. Just war is another.
As Come_Forth has stated, there are many instances in which He has condoned warfare.
(Justified warfare I might add.)

Lanklock wrote:Because what good is a god if you can't fear him? Without fear he would have no power over the masses. And without power/fear, he would of no believers.

I'm sorry, but I'm looking for bliss, not trying to avoid hell.
Fear is a part of respect, but it is not the only component;
God wants us to primarily love Him, not primarily fear Him.

Further, I'm not sure why you place such import on the necessity of believers (at least, that is how I read your statement). God does not need believers, worshipers, or followers.

Lanklock wrote:God doesn't want us to follow him blindly, he wants us to know and love.


Come_Forth wrote:Exodus
22:18 Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live.
22:19 Whosoever lieth with a beast shall surely be put to death.
22:20 He that sacrificeth unto any god, save unto the LORD only, he shall be utterly destroyed.

And...? I don't see any problem with those. :)

Lanklock wrote:I personally am interested in Buddism, as I've read some amazing books, and science have proved that over time their brains CHANGE!

I would daresay mine has as well (at least in size), I just lack childhood CAT scans to prove it. :wink:
Last edited by The Xeno on Fri Dec 15, 2006 2:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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I always like reading your posts Xeno.

I don't write in paragraphs I just like to break down my posts so that they are easier to read.

I have a problem with those verses, because if someone actually followed them they would kill me lol!

I have taken Bible courses and grew up in a Christian school, but I still do not understand how people can know what OT to follow and which ones not to follow. It seems subjective, because Jesus said that the two greatest commandments are to love your God with all your heart, and to love your neighbor as yourself.

I was debating with someone yesterday about starlight, and they said that they believed that God created the stars before the creation account. I am not sure about this because in Genesis is says "and He also created the stars" that was on the fourth day of creation.
"Conservatives are not necessarily stupid, but most stupid people are conservatives."
John Stuart Mill
The Xeno
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Come_Forth wrote:I don't write in paragraphs I just like to break down my posts so that they are easier to read.

I must agree, formatting is an art, not a science. :)

Come_Forth wrote:I was debating with someone yesterday about starlight, and they said that they believed that God created the stars before the creation account. I am not sure about this because in Genesis is says "and He also created the stars" that was on the fourth day of creation.

Another debate within the Christian community. It's all speculation, and frankly, I’m more interested in how they stars came to be; as a decision on that (empirical or divine) must come first.
I.e. I feel my time is better spent researching the various theories proposed by atheist-scientists, and creationist-scientists (Bar my ever so questionable-friend Icke...) of which I confess, I have little more than high-school level education.

After all, you must first accept God exists before attempting to find him.
(Not that you can't stumble upon Him by chance).

Come_Forth wrote:I have a problem with those verses, because if someone actually followed them they would kill me lol!

Pfft, you should fear no such end; your component atoms won't be harmed.
Remember; just the sum of your parts and all that. :wink:

Lanklock wrote:(Be a buddist) :"D

So, are you a Buddhist arguing for Christianity? Or...?
Because it is one thing for a protestant to speak up;
and quite another for a believer in karma to preach the gospel.
(Of course, I lack even Come_Forth's level of religious education, so perhaps I am throwing stones from a glass house.)
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