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Re: UK Census?

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 2:19 pm
lol just got a reminder to do mine, I have nothing against filling it in, just cant be arsed. News said 30% of Wales havent submitted it yet and the deadline was a week ago

Re: UK Census?

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 3:52 pm
by R8
Kit-Fox wrote:
R8 wrote:really this right to privacy crap annoys me everytime people kick up a fuss about it.

and normally it is the ones whos lives are so boring or so un informative that want to protect their "privacy."

Utter tosh, everyone has a right to privacy. Whether someone uses it or not is not up to you or anyone else, if someone wants to keep something as private as possible they should be able to do so.

R8 wrote:if the government wanted to know anyhting about you,which most likley they already know everysingle detail they need, they could easily tap your phone, spy on you , get existing records from elsewhere etc. hell people post all their information on facebook and all over the interenet but oh no if the government asks for it its suddenly becomes all synical.

Totally different situation. I suppose you are the kind of person who would speak to the police without prior legal counsel??

Someone taking up time & resources to find out information is a totally different situation to the originator of the information willingly distributing it

Also just because lots of ID-10-T people use social media as a way of posting everything about their lives doesnt mean everyone else in the world does the same thing, some people dont take part in social media like that and some take great pains to make sure what is presented is only what they want.

R8 wrote:why not look at the census as the way to get your own information accross ina manner that you want it to be understod properly,

It will be presented in the manner that the government want it formatted in, considering that its all closed questions with highly proscribed answers you have to fit into a tickbox. You have no chance to put anything across in your own manner so you can forget that sort of argument

R8 wrote: and just think that it could be useful to plan something for the future,

As already mentioned the local & national government no longer uses census data to plan anything with, as they instead already use sources that are considered more accurate & kept more up to date.

R8 wrote: or even at the very least school kids can use the information for their school reseacrh projects and so on, whcih i havedone in the past.

sorry a bit late jumping back on this. i forgot i posted.

first of all mr kit-kat, dont assume things about me, and dont mis read my post or imply im saying something else when im not - I didnt say people do not have a right to privacy, i was making a comment at how people alwasy so quick to jump on the defensive when its the governemtn asking for details ;)

also since you made assumptions about me im gona make a general one about you and say your one of those people who think the governemtn is the most evil organisation and anything they do has an alterior motive in which even if you dont fully understand the reasoning behind it your still sceptical about what they are trying to acheive. soemtimes it really is alot simpler than that ;)

excuse my spelling its 2 am :smt015

and yes my second argument was going to be do it or you get a fine so :-$

Re: UK Census?

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 5:08 am
by [KMA]Avenger
R8 wrote:first of all mr kit-kat

Firstly, there's no need for that kind of drives people away from both the debate and this part of the forum.

R8 wrote: i was making a comment at how people alwasy so quick to jump on the defensive when its the governemtn asking for details ;)

So what? i can't talk for anyone else BUT, personally, i dont care if the Govt is the most trustworthy organisation on the planet. It's none of their damned business.

In case peeps don't know (which is obvious they don't), a Govts job is to take care of OUR money by keeping inflation/deflation and currency devaluation at ZERO, NOT to be collecting information and making laws which apply to us and not them.

R8 wrote:also since you made assumptions about me im gona make a general one about you and say your one of those people who think the governemtn is the most evil organisation and anything they do has an alterior motive in which even if you dont fully understand the reasoning behind it your still sceptical about what they are trying to acheive. soemtimes it really is alot simpler than that ;)

And just what are they trying to achieve by gathering information and slapping you with a fine if you don't give them what they want? what are they trying to achieve by starting wars which cost billions while cutting back on all public spending and hitting us with austerity measures to pay a debt which does NOT belong to us? just what exactly does giving OUR money to thieving banksters who in turn lend that money back to us and our Govt at interest achieve?

Govt CANNOT be trusted, anyone who thinks otherwise hasn't studied history and is a fool!

Sorry if that offends anyone but it's the truth.