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Re: Vaccines- biological preparation that improves immunity

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 12:05 pm
by [KMA]Avenger
@Thriller, if you still frequent these boards...I dare you to watch all 4 parts of this film and then decide if you still want to be shot up with untested vaccines...if you do, then respect my wishes that me and mine chose not to be shot up with-as TheAntiterrorist puts it- monkey spunk and cat vomit.

Re: Vaccines- biological preparation that improves immunity

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 2:16 pm
by Lithium
there arent untest vaccines , sooner or latter there will be mass extinction of humans. if u dont belive it refere to history.

Re: Vaccines- biological preparation that improves immunity

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 3:20 am
by [KMA]Avenger
Another study links autism to vaccines
By Dr. William Campbell Douglass on 09/06/2010

Don't expect to read about this in the mainstream: Yet another study has linked mercury-laden vaccines to autism.

I wonder whose career will be ruined for telling the truth this time!

Researchers from the University of Pittsburgh and Thoughtful House Centre for Children in Austin, Texas gave infant monkeys a series of vaccines following the typical schedule given to American kids in the 1990s.

Then, they compared the brains of these monkeys to the brains of monkeys that were not vaccinated.

Lo and behold, the vaccinated monkeys showed the brain changes associated with autism... while the unvaccinated monkeys did not.

The monkeys that received the vaccines had an increase in brain volume -- and trust me, that's not making anyone smarter at that point. Increased brain volume has strong links to autism. And after being given the 12-month vaccinations, the monkeys showed changes in the amygdala -- another region with strong ties to autism.

Sounds like someone owes an apology to Dr. Andrew Wakefield, whose 1998 study in The Lancet linking vaccines to autism was retracted earlier this year.

"Retracted" is too mild a word -- they've run this man through the ringer, and come after him with pitchforks and torches. They even stripped him of his medical license.

Source: ... cines-2361

Keep taking those vaccines and don't forget to drink your Fluoride :smt047

Re: Vaccines- biological preparation that improves immunity

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 3:30 am
by RepliMagni
Have you read some of the other articles written by "Dr" Douglass?

Are microscopic vampires the superbug solution?
Watch out for veggie scams
Cancer strawberries coming to the produce aisle
Your dentist will give you cancer
Fat people have little brains

:-k [-X

Re: Vaccines- biological preparation that improves immunity

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 3:46 am
by [KMA]Avenger
I don't care about other things he has written, i do care about this because i searched some info that a new study had been done recently which shows there is a link between vaccines and autism. His just happened to be the top link in the search but there were many more which said the same thing.

Why don't you go and research for yourself instead of nit-picking?

But hey, lets forget the facts and attack the source...yeah that's a good way to bury your head in the sand and hope the whole thing is a "conspiracy theory", while you drag your kids to the doctors of death who will pump your kids full of toxic crap!

Re: Vaccines- biological preparation that improves immunity

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 6:51 am
by Kit-Fox

Re: Vaccines- biological preparation that improves immunity

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 7:28 am
by [KMA]Avenger
All the links i have read so far state "there are strong links between vaccines and/or multiple vaccines, causing (in this case) autism". Does that not suggest that there needs to be more study to find out conclusively if these results stand up or not?

I think the studies carried out so far carry enough weight that further studies need to be carried out and in the mean time all further vaccinations with links to "this or that" should be stopped ASAP....

Anything else is completely and utterly irresponsible, if not downright criminal...would you not agree?

Re: Vaccines- biological preparation that improves immunity

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 7:49 am
by RepliMagni
[KMA]Avenger wrote: while you drag your kids to the doctors of death who will pump your kids full of toxic crap!

:smt081 I think a little wee just came out :smt081

Seriously KMA are you telling me you have never had a vaccination? Nor have your kids? I'm not saying all vaccines are good, and certainly I wouldn't go on any kind of trial vaccine, but to say "vaccines" create autism or "doctors of death" - its no wonder I find it hard to take you serious when you use such ludicrous hyperbole.

Re: Vaccines- biological preparation that improves immunity

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 8:57 am
by [KMA]Avenger
i had my vaccinations and my eldest had his MMR jab....has he had any other jabs since, no, have my other 2 boys had there, not since i found out what their putting in them!

To put it mildly, you think i'm over stating my case when i say "doctors of death"?!

Let me put it like this...

A hypothetical human being goes to the doctor and says "doc! i don't feel right", doc carries out a few tests and says "call back in 2 weeks when we have the results back", HHB (hypothetical human being) says "ok".
HHB calls the doc after 2 weeks and doc says "sorry chum, you've cancer" you cry out "OMG!! doc says "don't worry me ol mucker, we can fix you up no probs!", HHB says "really?" doc says "yep, what we'll do is send you to the hospital and let them put you full of drugs and irradiate you till your dead, but don't worry the cancer will be gone!".

Modern medicine is a **Filtered** joke...period!

The problem here is that you assume i deal in "theories", let me tell you something mate, there is not 1 cure for cancer but many cures, the same for most other diseases.

Have you never wondered why there has been such an explosion in illnesses of all kinds in the past 50+ years, you think that the explosion of all these illnesses is because of population growth? :?

I am not overstating or overacting when i call doctors "doctors of death", its a bloody fact!
(that does not mean they are aware of that and are killing people intentionally. you have to keep in mind these "doctors" believe in a system which was founded on eugenics and deal with Mr X from some big pharma that says "hey doc, new wonder drug to cure boredom, want some to give to your bored patients?" doc says "sure, but first i want to see the test results" Mr X from big pharma waves his hand and says "you don't need to see the results", doc says "i don't need to see the results" Mr X from big pharma says "trust us, we care" doc says "i trust you, give me 2 dozen shots to start with").

I don't want you to like me, or to trust me or even to respect me, what i do expect is for you to say "you know what?! KMA maybe an Awhole but i will spend some time to research it all myself and see what's what because in the final analysis, i owe it to myself and mine!" because MORE than enough information has been give in this thread and the one i created to show something is not right with vaccinations and to give you all the starting info you need to research it for yourself!

Remember gulf war 1 and the dreaded gulf war syndrome?

Re: Vaccines- biological preparation that improves immunity

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 9:24 am
by Kit-Fox

Re: Vaccines- biological preparation that improves immunity

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 10:01 am
by [KMA]Avenger
Kit-Fox wrote:Along with the rest of it, your not seriously going there with GWS are you??

I mean do even begin to understand the complexities of that?

It is a disservice & dishonour towards those who suffer from it to say 'it was caused by drugs & DU mmm'kay' especially when there are clear studies showing that

- Not all of those exposed to DU have GWS
- Not all of those who were exposed to all those innoculations have GWS
- There is a 'mental' component to suffering from GWS

End result is no one is sure & you ought to know that having had your ass handed to you in the thread about it many moons ago


you go get your Govt studies, while you're at it you can get the big pharma studies which show everything is right with vaccines while girls are dropping dead from gardasil, and now they want to pump that crap into men as well.

I know of no instance of my backside being handed to me in the DU thread!

Re: Vaccines- biological preparation that improves immunity

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 10:03 am
by Kit-Fox

Re: Vaccines- biological preparation that improves immunity

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 10:32 am
by [KMA]Avenger
Way to go! #-o as usual, lets argue about trivial and nonsensical things and ignore the real issues...

Whatever floats your boat i spose ;)

Re: Vaccines- biological preparation that improves immunity

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 10:36 am
by Kit-Fox

Re: Vaccines- biological preparation that improves immunity

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 11:54 am
by RepliMagni
Lets talk specifics then KMA - you had one kid immunised with MMR, the other two not. Did you have the other two separately vaccinated against each disease? If not, they are at considerable risk, and for example, wouldn't be allowed into my uni where an outbreak of mumps happened in fresher's year and it became policy to recommend full vaccines....

As for the controversy:
The MMR vaccine has been the subject of tremendous controversy about risk in the UK, following widely publicised reports that the vaccine may be linked to autism and Crohn's disease (or irritable bowel syndrome). In 1998, gastroenterologist Andrew Wakefield published a paper in the Lancet , which described a small group of children who had been referred to his paediatric gastroenterology unit with concurrent developmental regression and gastrointestinal problems (Wakefield, 1998). 9 of the 12 children had become autistic. The paper suggested a possible trigger: the parents of 8 of the 12 children associated the onset of these problems with MMR vaccination. This was reported in the popular media as a scientific claim of a possible link between the MMR vaccine and autism, initiating an impassioned debate about the vaccine's safety.

12 children? Where the parents associated the problems with the MMR vaccine? Yep, that's conclusive right there ;)

In 2010, Wakefield's research was found by the General Medical Council to have been "dishonest", and The Lancet fully retracted the original paper. The research was declared fraudulent in 2011 by the British Medical Journal. Several subsequent peer-reviewed studies have failed to show any association between the vaccine and autism.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences, the UK National Health Service and the Cochrane Library review have all concluded that there is no evidence of a link between the MMR vaccine and autism.

As for the positives: ... _inset.png ... 93-cdc.gif