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Re: To all mods

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 4:15 am
by jedi~tank
Clarkey wrote:
Gothmog wrote:
[BoT] Jack wrote:So basically, your idea of respect is not having an opinion? Mkay

You can have an opinion. You just don't have to say it if it's negative. You mods could do first come first serve so that the couple of mods that post first are enough. It can be daunting when half the mods are ridiculing your thoughts. Again it doesn't matter if they are ridiculous.
Then that's quantity not quality. You are assuming that the first couple of mods that post in response to something is enough and nothing else needs to be said. So you assume the first couple of mods will be correct in what they say and cover everything that needs to be said.

Personally that's ridiculous. No Mod speaks on my behalf, therefore if I feel I have something to add to a topic then I can assure you I will add it. However, I am trying to keep that down to a minimum now to where it really only concerns me.

Mods may not speaak on each others behalf, but in certain situations they DOOOO represent.

Re: To all mods

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 4:27 am
by Loki™
Stuart Gordon wrote:You're irrational, requiring superhuman powers of detachment.
Who would you replace the staff you don't like with?

I wouldn't replace anyone. As I said this is a minor issue its just you people trying to make it sound like I'm foaming in the mouth. (I'm even friends with some of the mods I quoted)
Also just taking some people seriously doesn't take superhuman powers.

Juliette wrote:
Stuart Gordon wrote:You're irrational, requiring superhuman powers of detachment.
Who would you replace the staff you don't like with?
He did not say 'replace one with the other'. [-X
He wants us to post like Haz. Boring, very scarcely, and 'almost' never outside of your own section.

Loki wants us to behave as if we are anonymous mod accounts. No opinions, no thoughts, no character. After all, the human folly, flaws and failures are so painfully obvious and plain to see; and such humanity should not be on public display. Am I wrong, Loki? It might not cover the full extent of what you say, maybe we should also post in robotic fonts? Kind of like this.

"You can only express positive opinions." Blooming ridiculous. How is that for a positive opinion. If you cannot handle criticism, find yourself a teddy bear. If you think a post is spam, report it. Don't piss around and wait 3 pages before making your actual point.

You are taking this far too seriously Jo. You can even be angry in those topics just don't make it a joke.
Eärendil wrote:Or. We can continue to whine and **Filtered** on an outside social sites.

Seriously though, 1 vague line does nothing to express much about an issue.

This is eary's post in rob3rt's thread and its not bad either and eary is hardly robotic.

Stuart Gordon wrote:I don't think Haz is boring. Moderators are users.
Holding the Administrators to a higher standard is something I'd agree with, but not people who are regular users in all but a few sections.
I'd say you're exaggerating Loki's points.

Legendary Apophis wrote:
Stuart Gordon wrote:You're irrational, requiring superhuman powers of detachment.
Who would you replace the staff you don't like with?
Some would say separate accounts for moderating (to split the user from the mod), but that was tried, and it didn't succeed.
Of course that wouldn't work. Instead of focusing how moderators should be of near mechanical perfection, maybe we'd better realise that they're just as human as anyone else. This is the first forum I've seen where mods are publicly ridiculed and lambasted. It's strange there are any left. Masochism?

Are you agreeing with me or not? :-k

Re: To all mods

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 4:50 am
by lone dragon
Stuart Gordon wrote:
Juliette wrote:Phil, leave it. You should not base your opinion on my words alone. Get to know people before burning them for things that are more tradition than substantiated complaints here.
That's what this is.

lone dragon wrote:
Stuart Gordon wrote:
lone dragon wrote:
[BoT] Jack wrote:
lone dragon wrote::shock: not one post message about me being a mod not sure its that a good thing or a bad thing :smt017

Who the **Filtered** are you? Why are you wearing the mod blues?

I am a mod and prefer to be silent until needed and only moderate where is is required thus never gain attention like a generally good little blue mod.
Is being a moderator the only thing you do on this forum, Lone Dragon?
Or do you active participate in other threads, like wars or suggestions?
I'm asking to find out whether you're a user as well as a moderator, or just a moderator without any other interests.
While it appear plain when I can I moderate when its need to I do the mod order thing otherwise for modding I leave each area on their own I dont participate too much not much in the war section due to I am a market mod> Once tried to apply for Ombs and crashed rather badly so I talk on few threads and mainly admin in my alliance and play so I do what I can to help the game not much but what I can.
Okay, that's clear. Would you describe yourself as an active part of the forum community? Not the game community, you're involved in your alliance so that's a given.
Again, I ask to find out whether you're an actual user AND a moderator, or only the embodiment of what the Balrog wants moderators to be like.

I utilize and play the game I am not and embodiment of anything as user and moderators all people here are moderators and users. I dont know Balrog wants moderators to be like I in life and here just be me.

Re: To all mods

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 9:14 am
by Psyko
Gothmog wrote:I think you are doing a fine job but you should change the way you handle critic. If someone is issuing critic to you all you should only post if you really have something to add to the conversation and not post pointless veiled insults. And if you are called out personally only you and your superiors should post there. Nobody cares what Juliette thinks about the feedback empy is getting.

Up to a point, I agree with you.

If a Mod's name is on a Feedback thread, it should be up to the Mod in question to address the issue with the user. However, sometimes it can take a few hours, or sometimes days, for said Mod to return to the forum and see the thread. Users are allowed to add their feedback against the Mod in question, so it should also be acceptable for other Mods to add their view/opinion regarding the issue. As long as it maintains a semblance of relevance to the issue, I feel other Mods posting their viewpoint is acceptable, but it does not give them final say in the matter. In the end, it should come down to a civil conversation between the user and the Mod.

Gothmog wrote:This is not a serious issue and has nothing to do with Mods abusing their power (which I believe happens very rarely). I'm talking about threads like this viewtopic.php?f=95&t=186711
As users they can post whet ever they want ofc but in a thread like this Mods should think twice before posting.

E.M.P. wrote:Okay, we'll put a stop to it right now. :smt056

Noobert wrote:I like abuse.

[BoT] Jack wrote:I like it when Deni "abuses" me. 8-[

Juliette wrote:

[BoT] Jack wrote:I am disappointed that it is not a real group, was totally going to like. :(

All of the above were stupid posts that shouldn't be there.

Haz wrote:If this is a legitimate request, please be more specific. Abuse of mods by users? or abuse of users by mods? And any specific cases?

I will also add that all users should keep spam out of this topic.

All posts should have been like this.
First off, no Mod was mentioned specifically, therefore every Mod on the forum had the right to post in that thread. Even those who do not know Rob3rt or whatever sparked the thread, because he was the one who made it a thread against all Mods instead of whichever Mod or Mods with which he had issues. I can guarantee you that Rob3rt has not dealt with every Mod in the forum on a personal basis, let alone knows every Mod.

Secondly, the vagueness of Rob3rt's statement pretty much opened the flood gates. If I posted a thread directed at a group within the forum, say an alliance, and made a generalized and vague statement about the group as a whole, most of the users to reply to my post would be members of the group I have named. Some would be upset and post angrily, others might laugh it off or post sarcastic comments due to the ridiculousness of my comment, and some would refrain from posting.

If I took issue with a single alliance member and created a thread, I'm sure others from the alliance would step up to support the user, but the final resolution should still happen between me and the member in question. If I do not name that/those member(s), no issue can be resolved and the thread itself is relatively pointless and will end up moving off on a tangent or simply filling with other pointless posts/arguments that do not resolve anything.

Moderators on this forum are unable to have much of a choice when it comes to threads about us. If we see the ridiculousness of a thread like that and choose not to post, we are ignoring the issue/user. If we post as to the ridiculousness of it, we are apparently not being honest/responsible/respectable Mods (even if the thread is ridiculous*). If we take the thread seriously and never receive an answer from the user, nothing is resolved. However, we can't simply consider the case closed and lock the thread, because maybe the user's net cut out and he hasn't had a chance to respond, so we leave it open. We cannot moderate it because we have a rule against acting as a Mod when we are involved in the thread (SS cannot Mod a war thread which involves his alliance, I cannot Mod a thread about me or my actions, etc). So the thread is left to stew, fueled by other users of the forum and the Mods they typically are against/disagree with...until it boils over and turns into the same mess everyone can see happened in Rob3rt's thread.

Mods make mistakes. We make wrong choices. For the most part, we own up to that and apologize when we find we did something wrong. But we are not the BORG and we do not think collectively. Each Mod has a different way of responding to a thread or a post, and even a different way to interpret the rules and do our jobs. We are not robots who always react the way we should in a given situation and to expect perfection from imperfect people is unrealistic and absurd. But many users on this forum have such expectations.

Over time something has shifted. Now the whole staff is labeled as bias if a single Moderator is perceived as being such. It is absurd, ridiculous, does nothing to address the issue, and has devalued the term in the eyes of the staff to the point where it is no longer taken seriously. But the worst part, in my mind, is not naming the Mod so that a GM or Admin can actually do something about the actions of that Mod. It makes me wonder, sometimes, if users even want it to be resolved.

I never meant to post in this thread, and I have been refraining from doing so, but I feel some of this needed to be said. Other parts may have been unnecessary, but I found myself unable to delete any more of this post than I already have. Take from it what you will.

*What I refer to as ridiculous is not Rob3rt himself, or his thread. It is this notion users have that they can fairly label an entire group of people because of the interaction they have with one or two members of the group. Mods see this so often now, we can't help but laugh at the absurdity of it. Problems regarding specific Moderators should be taken up in PM or (because many have asked for the option of transparency when it comes to Mod actions) in a thread dedicated to a particular Moderator, where the Mod's name is mentioned.

Re: To all mods

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 9:45 am
by Juliette
Makes sense, Psy. ;)

Re: To all mods

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 9:50 am
by jedi~tank
Nice post..I am not going to address this post in line item fashion but will be general about it..

but the "vagueness" of rob3rts post did not open the flood gates..if indeed you are referring to the way it was spammed up on page 1...the MODS opened the flood gates..and therein lies a HUGE problem with you all to a greater degree, passing the buck...denying responsibility and or deferring fault to another.

*What I refer to as ridiculous is not Rob3rt himself, or his thread. It is this notion users have that they can fairly label an entire group of people because of the interaction they have with one or two members of the group. Mods see this so often now, we can't help but laugh at the absurdity of it. Problems regarding specific Moderators should be taken up in PM or (because many have asked for the option of transparency when it comes to Mod actions) in a thread dedicated to a particular Moderator, where the Mod's name is mentioned.

This has been tried and on a large scale a waste of time. Why? Obvious reasons..and do not lose sight of the fact that all of this has been started following a body of work over a period of months..

Just the other day I reported a post that is in an announcement thread...10 lines were utter BS and thus spam and 1 line not so...well the mod that was to be handling replied to me with this..

It speaks of the past of DDE ("DOO,DOC, DSL, DxI, 333perg and DXM are all gone") and notes that he thinks you have ruined REKs empire, all to do with DDE State of Affairs. I admit, yes, he could have been less harsh on his wording, but I still believe it is not spam.

Which BTW was the most idiotic reason for NOT deeming a post spam in a specific announcement thread I have ever received.

OK so what I took away from that exchange is dont know what a gray area is, you dont know what spam is, you dont know what a serious thread and or section is, you dont know what a spam area is and you have no clue how to moderate a forun if you interpretation of certain kinds of posts are done in line item fashion. And I god dam sure have the notion I can label an entire group XY and Z when the body of work done is consistently crap across the board and on the majority level, and its a shame the good ones in the basket are in the crossfire. Ya'll need to get some **Filtered** str8. Your post is wonderful and well written, and admirable, but **Filtered** nonetheless.

Re: To all mods

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 10:45 am
by Psyko
Jedi~Tank wrote:Nice post..I am not going to address this post in line item fashion but will be general about it..

but the "vagueness" of rob3rts post did not open the flood gates..if indeed you are referring to the way it was spammed up on page 1...the MODS opened the flood gates..and therein lies a HUGE problem with you all to a greater degree, passing the buck...denying responsibility and or deferring fault to another.

It is a combination of Rob3rt's post and the replies of the Mods that opened the flood gates. I do not understand how it has become "you all" when I know that you actually like and respect a couple Mods on staff. Personally, I never passed the buck. I admitted that my post in the first page of Rob3t's thread was sarcastic and unnecessary. Not once have I said I am not at fault, but I am not the only one to blame, either.

Jedi~Tank wrote:
*What I refer to as ridiculous is not Rob3rt himself, or his thread. It is this notion users have that they can fairly label an entire group of people because of the interaction they have with one or two members of the group. Mods see this so often now, we can't help but laugh at the absurdity of it. Problems regarding specific Moderators should be taken up in PM or (because many have asked for the option of transparency when it comes to Mod actions) in a thread dedicated to a particular Moderator, where the Mod's name is mentioned.

This has been tried and on a large scale a waste of time. Why? Obvious reasons..and do not lose sight of the fact that all of this has been started following a body of work over a period of months..

You might see it as being a large scale waste of time, and I may not disagree with you on that, but blanket-stating all Mods are _____ is just as fruitless from what I have seen. At least if you state a name you don't have five Mods telling you, "Can't help you with that, since you didn't say which Mod and you have yet to site a specific incident." I was saying that a user might get a more favorable response if they did what you did in your post.

Jedi~Tank wrote:Just the other day I reported a post that is in an announcement thread...10 lines were utter BS and thus spam and 1 line not so...well the mod that was to be handling replied to me with this..

It speaks of the past of DDE ("DOO,DOC, DSL, DxI, 333perg and DXM are all gone") and notes that he thinks you have ruined REKs empire, all to do with DDE State of Affairs. I admit, yes, he could have been less harsh on his wording, but I still believe it is not spam.

Which BTW was the most idiotic reason for NOT deeming a post spam in a specific announcement thread I have ever received.

If this were brought up to me, and I had any power to change it, I would examine the issue and probably rule in your favor. I can't speak for how a GM or Admin would respond, but if you don't even attempt it how can you expect any results. That is my mentality.

Jedi~Tank wrote:OK so what I took away from that exchange is dont know what a gray area is, you dont know what spam is, you dont know what a serious thread and or section is, you dont know what a spam area is and you have no clue how to moderate a forun if you interpretation of certain kinds of posts are done in line item fashion. And I god dam sure have the notion I can label an entire group XY and Z when the body of work done is consistently crap across the board and on the majority level, and its a shame the good ones in the basket are in the crossfire. Ya'll need to get some **Filtered** str8. Your post is wonderful and well written, and admirable, but **Filtered** nonetheless.

I never mentioned gray area or spam in my post, so I will admit to now knowing where that came from. I also never said you couldn't do a damn thing. You can do whatever the hell you want and we both know it. I don't see the full body of work that you do, as I pretty much stick to my section and don't monitor how the other Mods do their jobs, so I cannot speak to how poor our full body of work these past few months has been. But I do agree that there are many respectable Mods who have been caught up in the crossfire and it is a shame that has happened.

As for my view on gray area, spam, serious threads and sections and having no clue how to moderate, you may be right. I've had no feedback and no one has called me on my **Filtered**, so I've seen no indication that I should change how I do my job I do know of a few mistakes I have made and I have learned from them each and every time. I'm simply trying to do my job correctly in my section. I cannot help, change, or influence how other Mods do their jobs in their sections, but I can hope to deal with issues in the Misc section fairly when they come my way.

Re: To all mods

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 11:19 am
by Loki™
@Psyko I know rob3rt's statement asked for the reaction it got but I was thinking that it'd help you to stay serious. Not users but mods. At least this way JT would have a lot less to complain about to you right now. So if you heed my advice I think that - even if posts and threads like that won't get any rarer - those complaints and threads will have even less merit.

Re: To all mods

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 11:56 am
by Clarkey
I agree that such vague complaints shouldn't be mocked or ridiculed.

Re: To all mods

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 1:20 pm
by Psyko
Gothmog wrote:@Psyko I know rob3rt's statement asked for the reaction it got but I was thinking that it'd help you to stay serious. Not users but mods. At least this way JT would have a lot less to complain about to you right now. So if you heed my advice I think that - even if posts and threads like that won't get any rarer - those complaints and threads will have even less merit.

When did I disagree with you about that? :shock:

It was unnecessary and did nothing to help the thread go anywhere. I admitted my part in it. I guess it didn't come across, but I did not excuse us for our actions. I admitted we screwed up and acted inappropriately given our position, but I also pointed out that we are not perfect. At least we can now change how we react to a thread in the future.

Clarkey wrote:I agree that such vague complaints shouldn't be mocked or ridiculed.

Re: To all mods

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 1:23 pm
by jedi~tank
Psyko wrote:
Gothmog wrote:@Psyko I know rob3rt's statement asked for the reaction it got but I was thinking that it'd help you to stay serious. Not users but mods. At least this way JT would have a lot less to complain about to you right now. So if you heed my advice I think that - even if posts and threads like that won't get any rarer - those complaints and threads will have even less merit.

When did I disagree with you about that? :shock:

It was unnecessary and did nothing to help the thread go anywhere. I admitted my part in it. I guess it didn't come across, but I did not excuse us for our actions. I admitted we screwed up and acted inappropriately given our position, but I also pointed out that we are not perfect. At least we can now change how we react to a thread in the future.

Clarkey wrote:I agree that such vague complaints shouldn't be mocked or ridiculed.

You Mi' lady represent the mods well, I take my leave.

Re: To all mods

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 1:26 pm
by Zeratul
We believe Psyko would prefer "ma'am" over "sir", considering her gender and all...

Re: To all mods

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 1:28 pm
by jedi~tank
Zeratul wrote:We believe Psyko would prefer "ma'am" over "sir", considering her gender and all...

Edited :-#

Re: To all mods

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 2:08 pm
by Loki™
Psyko wrote:
Gothmog wrote:@Psyko I know rob3rt's statement asked for the reaction it got but I was thinking that it'd help you to stay serious. Not users but mods. At least this way JT would have a lot less to complain about to you right now. So if you heed my advice I think that - even if posts and threads like that won't get any rarer - those complaints and threads will have even less merit.

When did I disagree with you about that? :shock:

It was unnecessary and did nothing to help the thread go anywhere. I admitted my part in it. I guess it didn't come across, but I did not excuse us for our actions. I admitted we screwed up and acted inappropriately given our position, but I also pointed out that we are not perfect. At least we can now change how we react to a thread in the future.

Clarkey wrote:I agree that such vague complaints shouldn't be mocked or ridiculed.

Don't attack me with walls of text if you want me to get anything you are saying :smt089

Re: To all mods

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 2:10 pm
by dastupy
Gothmog wrote:
Psyko wrote:
Gothmog wrote:@Psyko I know rob3rt's statement asked for the reaction it got but I was thinking that it'd help you to stay serious. Not users but mods. At least this way JT would have a lot less to complain about to you right now. So if you heed my advice I think that - even if posts and threads like that won't get any rarer - those complaints and threads will have even less merit.

When did I disagree with you about that? :shock:

It was unnecessary and did nothing to help the thread go anywhere. I admitted my part in it. I guess it didn't come across, but I did not excuse us for our actions. I admitted we screwed up and acted inappropriately given our position, but I also pointed out that we are not perfect. At least we can now change how we react to a thread in the future.

Clarkey wrote:I agree that such vague complaints shouldn't be mocked or ridiculed.

Don't attack me with walls of text if you want me to get anything you are saying :smt089

My lady shall do as she pleases [-(