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Re: Terra Nova

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2011 12:21 pm
papa~smurf wrote:could be that they are really in the future, and the hope center was really in the they said in Star Trek "all these time loops, they make my head spin...

Possible but seems unlikely, how would long extinct Dino's repopulate after the fall of man, also what about the stars, Im pretty sure stella observations is how they determined what year they had traveled back to, they had to check the date to ensure they were not colonising the earth a couple of years before the extinction event that wiped out the Dino's.

Re: Terra Nova

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2011 3:13 pm
by VeNoM56k
papa~smurf wrote:could be that they are really in the future, and the hope center was really in the they said in Star Trek "all these time loops, they make my head spin...

Possible but seems unlikely, how would long extinct Dino's repopulate after the fall of man, also what about the stars, Im pretty sure stella observations is how they determined what year they had traveled back to, they had to check the date to ensure they were not colonising the earth a couple of years before the extinction event that wiped out the Dino's.

indeed, also it would not really make sense for it to be in the future seeing as the planet is dieing, and terra nova is bursting with life.

I think the bermuda triangle theory is a good one and could very well be what they end up using. It be an interesting take on the subject.

Re: Terra Nova

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2011 4:34 am
by Lithium
VeNoM56k wrote:
papa~smurf wrote:could be that they are really in the future, and the hope center was really in the they said in Star Trek "all these time loops, they make my head spin...

Possible but seems unlikely, how would long extinct Dino's repopulate after the fall of man, also what about the stars, Im pretty sure stella observations is how they determined what year they had traveled back to, they had to check the date to ensure they were not colonising the earth a couple of years before the extinction event that wiped out the Dino's.

indeed, also it would not really make sense for it to be in the future seeing as the planet is dieing, and terra nova is bursting with life.

I think the bermuda triangle theory is a good one and could very well be what they end up using. It be an interesting take on the subject.

guys theres no bermuda triangle , lol , how could u think of that???? do u think they are in US nearby florida :) :)
check the show intro where the one continent is appearing "Pangaea" and go find the bermudas there

Re: Terra Nova

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2011 12:30 pm
Lithium wrote:
VeNoM56k wrote:
papa~smurf wrote:could be that they are really in the future, and the hope center was really in the they said in Star Trek "all these time loops, they make my head spin...

Possible but seems unlikely, how would long extinct Dino's repopulate after the fall of man, also what about the stars, Im pretty sure stella observations is how they determined what year they had traveled back to, they had to check the date to ensure they were not colonising the earth a couple of years before the extinction event that wiped out the Dino's.

indeed, also it would not really make sense for it to be in the future seeing as the planet is dieing, and terra nova is bursting with life.

I think the bermuda triangle theory is a good one and could very well be what they end up using. It be an interesting take on the subject.

guys theres no bermuda triangle , lol , how could u think of that???? do u think they are in US nearby florida :) :)
check the show intro where the one continent is appearing "Pangaea" and go find the bermudas there

Yeah but Hope Plaza is in the US, it still sends to Pangaea, and without the Anchor arch thing it doesnt even come out in the same place so locations are NOT relative, they even said that one pilgrimage came out over a lake, so no reason a second portal couldn't exist over water. And since they found part of a ship and the Triangle is famous for ships disappearing without a trace, the tie in makes sense. Of course they might just skip the cheesy use of legends and place a portal over any stretch of water, or ever underwater anywhere in the future Oceans.

Re: Terra Nova

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2011 1:54 pm
by Lithium
well its not that the bermuda can still be located in sea, it can be inland since long time ago its belived all continents were in one.

i think they headed to that location because there might be other time fractures, like the one they were using, and prob they can build a portal to another time frame.

Re: Terra Nova

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2011 2:30 pm
Lithium wrote:well its not that the bermuda can still be located in sea, it can be inland since long time ago its belived all continents were in one.

i think they headed to that location because there might be other time fractures, like the one they were using, and prob they can build a portal to another time frame.

Yeah but they found a peice of a wrecked ship, wrecked ships tend to go missing at sea not on land lol Hence a fracture might be at sea in the future.

Bermuda Triangle idea is just from watching to much StarGate, they liked to tie-in every earth legend to their own stories, in fact Im surprised they didnt use the Bermuda Triangle themselves at some point and blame it on aliens lol

Re: Terra Nova

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2011 2:34 pm
by Lithium
because its an alien portal only lol ya need visa to get in :)

Re: Terra Nova

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2011 2:56 pm
by Mordack
I also thought of the Bermuda Triangle as soon as I saw the ship.

Re: Terra Nova

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2011 11:30 am
by semper
Oh dear...near mythical portals, people coming to the paradise to abuse it's wonder with weapons and advanced tech, ancient ships not where they're supposed to be, father figure vs son figure, hot totty firing the gun in a bad-ass way... I think LOST is becoming a little repetitive.

Oh wait. lol.

Still ok. But just ok, nothing particularly good... I spoke too soon before, apparently they've not been cancelled yet and they're actually likely going to be given a second season! I hope they do... as it was good enough. I pray they work on those special effects though and kill off Josh and a few of the other writers. The boy is an idiot and some of the stories have been abysmal, even borderline stupid.

Re: Terra Nova

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 6:51 am
by Zeratul
We got around to watching the finale episodes today, and found them rather good.

Some of the methods used here are strangely and hopelessly bad. They knew several days ahead that soldiers were coming. Why did they not set up barricades? A single vehicle and a few crates isn't a proper barricade.
Why did they not set up hidden weapons caches in the colony? Have some weapons they can find, but also have some they can't find.

If they do get that second season (which we think they'll get) they should make more use of the dinosaurs... The trick with sending that carno back in a crate to the future was a very nice one. Why risk dozens of soldiers, when you can make use of a single large and hungry carnivore?

anyways, we've got a theory on the lack of air transports... Its not so much that they can't make air transports that work on such power cells, but more that they cant make air transports large enough to survive that work on such power cells. There are plenty of creatures in that era capable of flight, and many of them are considerably larger than insects... To have full advantage of a flier, they would need a VTOL system, as there's a serious lack of runways in around Terra Nova. Even if they could build a flier that wont be knocked out of the air by the wildlife, they'd need qualified personnel to fly it. Considering that humans mostly live in domed cities in 2149, we'd guess that there are not all that many fliers in that era. If that is the case, then even fewer might have gone through the portal. End result? Few, if any pilots, combined with dangers of flight and lack of great advantages to using it.

Why would you fly around, when flight has seriously limited cargo and crew capacity, and ground crews are more than capable of keeping ground-based wildlife away?
The single greatest advantage to flight is moving between points far from each other quickly, and they have no need of moving that far, thus the advantage is moot.

we'd not considered the possibility of the potential badlands fracture being in the Bermuda triangle, but it does make sense.
To those doubting fracture being watery: If fracture can go from land to land and from land to water, why can it not go from water to land?

Re: Terra Nova

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 3:01 pm
Zeratul wrote:If they do get that second season (which we think they'll get) they should make more use of the dinosaurs... The trick with sending that carno back in a crate to the future was a very nice one. Why risk dozens of soldiers, when you can make use of a single large and hungry carnivore?

I agree

But I also think the 6ers will soon realise that they would never be allowed to return to the future even if the badlands portal is found, the baddies couldnt allow the secret to get out and the 6ers would have to live out their lives in a strip mining operation, then the 6ers will change sides and show the Terra Nova people how to survive without supplies from the future and to fight using the dino's and other natural resources.

Re: Terra Nova

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2012 10:22 am
by Zeratul
It is probably not so much that they'll not be allowed to return as it is about them being written off in an debit column. They will be used so long as they are useful. When their usefulness expires, they'll be disposed of. It'll take a while, but we're pretty sure that some of them will realize just that. Junior Taylor probably won't, as he's blinded by his hatred of his father, but Mira is a bit more practical-minded.

Re: Terra Nova

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 3:50 pm
by KnowLedge
I finally got around seeing the finele..

It was actually amazing. Still very much predictable but amazingly good. It was probablly the best episode in the series so far. I predict it will get another 2 seasons.

The Badlands = I believe in the 1800s, some people figured out how to get back to past. they did so. Therefore, the bad guys believe that in the Badlands there must be a way to get back to the future... that is why they are going there.
- Spend another 1 - 2 seasons on this story.
- introduce some aliens in season 4 and 5.
- and take it from there.

I think the show has a bright future!

Re: Terra Nova

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 4:37 pm
by Zeratul
did you predict the "cargo" he took with him to the future?

Re: Terra Nova

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 4:42 pm
by Mordack
I thought the presence of the ship's masthead was meant to illustrate that Terra Nova is accessible through multiple points in time, rather than another time existing; although that's an interesting idea, and one I hadn't considered before.