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The Xeno
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any organized religon has bebased its purpose and is wrong, if god is real then he as an omnipotent being then he apreciates all form of life.

Aye, and I see nothing in the Christian Tradition to contradict that. Christ raised the dead, I did not see him whip out nukes and begin to toss them about. :P
The faith is whole, the people are broken.

however human nature has changed, we have a sense of rights if human nature hadn't i would as a thing of instinct if, you had a hot girlfriend Xeno, i would kill you and take her. Humans are now governed by thought and not by emotions, which differences us from common animals.

And, coming from a Christian viewpoint, I would say that we have always had a sense of reason/will. Ergo, no change. :)
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nature is a matter of opinion..and i wont continue down that one as it bores me unless u want to?

ok... no i wont be less of a human because i am male, nor will maria be less of a maria because she is a she...but! niether of us are supposedly perfect, and we cannot be can gender is a sign of imperfection (as both genders have majour faults as neither can reproduce without the other etc etc)...Maria is NOT perfect, not because she is a female, but because it is NOT her nature, not Her attribute, not mans attribute, we have far to many flaws, you said that yourself. She, though in her imperfect nature IS a girl/female..whatever..a gender is an attribute of the imperfect. SO because god is a him it would automatically imply men are far more perfect them women..we know thats not true! and to give god an imperfect cannot do he will become imperfect.
is an asexual amoeba more perfect then a human? hmm..a good point. in the context of gender that is a BIG debatable question, as it can be seen from many different ways. Is the ability to experience sex, and have genetic variation greater perfection then the ability to reproduce/not have a gender, but still somehow adapt through meiosis (mutation) every so often oin ones life cycle..that is a different debate on its own. as ultimately both exist...with humanities great 'advancement' over the microbe we also have far more flaws, and are infact reliant upon the microbes for existence.

does god share the same faults as mortal men? (btw you did it ypourself! you referred to it as a him! my point! it cannot be a him...cannot..gender is an imperfect attribute, and god cannot have it) and no i dont intend it to imply god has the same faults of mortal men, as if it indeed does exist it cannot have faults as it is perfect, perfection has no faults. It means people in christianity and the catholic church who refer to god as a him contradict themselves.
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The Xeno wrote:
any organized religon has bebased its purpose and is wrong, if god is real then he as an omnipotent being then he apreciates all form of life.

Aye, and I see nothing in the Christian Tradition to contradict that. Christ raised the dead, I did not see him whip out nukes and begin to toss them about. :P
The faith is whole, the people are broken.

however human nature has changed, we have a sense of rights if human nature hadn't i would as a thing of instinct if, you had a hot girlfriend Xeno, i would kill you and take her. Humans are now governed by thought and not by emotions, which differences us from common animals.

And, coming from a Christian viewpoint, I would say that we have always had a sense of reason/will. Ergo, no change. :)

point taken there

however the whole god destroying all those cities for not bieleving in him
AncientAnubis wrote:Would you be worthy of being a God if you didn't have an overinflated ego?
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Afentius you are a blin Fanatic Read the Book "History Of God" and then act like you know something about religion and its history.

Names of God
Main article: Names of God

God is often viewed as like a force of nature — or rather as a consciousness which can be manifest as a natural aspect. Both illuminating light (pictured) and mysterious darkness are canonical symbols for representing God.The noun God is the proper English name used for the deity of monotheistic faiths. Various English third-person pronouns are used for God, and the correctness of each is disputed. (See God and gender.)

Different names for God exist within different religious traditions:

Allah is the Arabic name of God, which is used by Arab Muslims and also by most non-Muslim Arabs. ilah, cognate to northwest Semitic El (Hebrew "El" or more specifically "Eloha", Aramaic "Eloi"), is the generic word for a god (any deity), Allah contains the article, literally "The God". Also, when speaking in English, Muslims often translate "Allah" as "God". One Islamic tradition states that Allah has 99 names while others say that all good names belong to Allah. Similarly, in the Aramaic of Jesus, the word Alaha is used for the name of God.

Yahweh, Jehovah (Hebrew: 'Yud-Hay-Vav-Hay', יה-וה ) are some of the names used for God in various translations of the Bible (all translating the same four letters - YHVH). El, and the plural/majestic form Elohim, is another term used frequently, though El can also simply mean god in reference to deities of other religions. Others include El Shaddai, Adonai, Emmanuel. When Moses asked "What is your name?" he was given the answer Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh, which literally means, "I am that I am," as a parallel to the Tetragrammaton Yud-Hay-Vav-Hay. See The name of God in Judaism for Jewish names of God. Most Orthodox Jews, and many Jews of other denominations, believe it wrong to write the word "God" on any substance which can be destroyed. Therefore, they will write "G-d" as what they consider a more respectful symbolic representation. Others consider this unnecessary because English is not the "Holy Language" (i.e. Hebrew), but still will not speak the Hebrew representation written in the Torah, "Yud-Hay-Vav-Hay", aloud, and will instead use other names such as "Adonai" ("my Lord", used in prayer, blessings and other religious rituals) or the euphemism "Hashem" (literally "The Name", used at all other times). Another name especially used by ultra-Orthodox Jews is "HaKadosh Baruch Hu", meaning "The Holy One, Blessed is He".

YHWH, the name of God or Tetragrammaton, in Phoenician (1100 BC to AD 300), Aramaic (10th Century BC to 0) and modern Hebrew scripts.In early English Bibles, the Tetragrammaton was rendered in capitals: "IEHOUAH" in William Tyndale's version of 1525. The King James Version of 1611 renders YHWH as "The Lord", also as "Jehovah", see Psalms 83:18; Exodus 6:3.
Research in comparative mythology shows a linguistic correlation between Levantine Yaw and monotheistic Yahweh, suggesting that the god may in some manner be the predecessor in the sense of an evolving religion of Yahweh.

Elohim as "God" (with the plural suffix -im, but used with singular agreement); sometimes used to mean "gods" or apparently mortal judges.

The Holy Trinity (one God in three Persons, the God the Father, the God the Son (Jesus Christ), and God the Holy Ghost/Holy Spirit) denotes God in almost all Christianity. Arab Christians will often also use "Allah" (the noun for "God" in Arabic) to refer to God.[citation needed]
Deus, cognate of the Greek Ζευς (Zeus) is the Latin word for God, and will be used in Latin portions of Roman Catholic masses. [3] It is also used to denote God by some Deists, Pandeists, Pantheists, and followers of similars non-Theistic beliefs.

God is called Igzi'abihier (lit. "Lord of the Universe") or Amlak (lit. the plural of mlk, "king" or "lord") in the Ethiopian Orthodox Church.

I rest my case

same religion, same God, thousands of years of bloodshed.

Don't be such a close minded fool bud.
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The Xeno
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SO because god is a him it would automatically imply men are far more perfect them women..we know thats not true! and to give god an imperfect cannot do he will become imperfect.

Again, I ask you... how would making God a woman make him any more perfect?
How would making him a neuter make him any more perfect?

How would changing a things gender, make that thing more perfect?
If we take a human, and make him/her neuter, have we make 'it' more perfect? Hardly....
The same holds true for God. Either he is perfect, or he is not, gender does not matter. :)

And again, this is assuming we take 'Him' in an extremely literal and unimaginative way.

however the whole god destroying all those cities for not bieleving in him

And inflicting harm (spiritual/physical) on other humans.
We don't exist in a vacuum, no matter what Locke might think.

same religion, same God, thousands of years of bloodshed.

I would say again, the bloodshed is no different than that committed by pagans and atheists... the only difference is Christianity does have a higher ideal for human behavior than say... Bacchus cults. People are not perfect and believing in Christ is not a one-way automatic ticket to salvation. Nor does wearing a cross confer any special piety, humility, or virtue.
Last edited by The Xeno on Thu Nov 02, 2006 3:32 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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to all - I refuse to go and read wiki - because for all I know you yourself wrote the hogposh...

so... there goes alot of arguments :P
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one god only difference the Muslims do not accept that jesus was teh son of God just a prophet.
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Afentius wrote:to all - I refuse to go and read wiki - because for all I know you yourself wrote the hogposh...

so... there goes alot of arguments :P

you mind is so closed I think I'd feel safe leaving money there. Is there intrest?
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Orici wrote:Afentius you are a blin Fanatic Read the Book "History Of God" and then act like you know something about religion and its history.

Names of God
Main article: Names of God

God is often viewed as like a force of nature — or rather as a consciousness which can be manifest as a natural aspect. Both illuminating light (pictured) and mysterious darkness are canonical symbols for representing God.The noun God is the proper English name used for the deity of monotheistic faiths. Various English third-person pronouns are used for God, and the correctness of each is disputed. (See God and gender.)

Different names for God exist within different religious traditions:

Allah is the Arabic name of God, which is used by Arab Muslims and also by most non-Muslim Arabs. ilah, cognate to northwest Semitic El (Hebrew "El" or more specifically "Eloha", Aramaic "Eloi"), is the generic word for a god (any deity), Allah contains the article, literally "The God". Also, when speaking in English, Muslims often translate "Allah" as "God". One Islamic tradition states that Allah has 99 names while others say that all good names belong to Allah. Similarly, in the Aramaic of Jesus, the word Alaha is used for the name of God.

Yahweh, Jehovah (Hebrew: 'Yud-Hay-Vav-Hay', יה-וה ) are some of the names used for God in various translations of the Bible (all translating the same four letters - YHVH). El, and the plural/majestic form Elohim, is another term used frequently, though El can also simply mean god in reference to deities of other religions. Others include El Shaddai, Adonai, Emmanuel. When Moses asked "What is your name?" he was given the answer Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh, which literally means, "I am that I am," as a parallel to the Tetragrammaton Yud-Hay-Vav-Hay. See The name of God in Judaism for Jewish names of God. Most Orthodox Jews, and many Jews of other denominations, believe it wrong to write the word "God" on any substance which can be destroyed. Therefore, they will write "G-d" as what they consider a more respectful symbolic representation. Others consider this unnecessary because English is not the "Holy Language" (i.e. Hebrew), but still will not speak the Hebrew representation written in the Torah, "Yud-Hay-Vav-Hay", aloud, and will instead use other names such as "Adonai" ("my Lord", used in prayer, blessings and other religious rituals) or the euphemism "Hashem" (literally "The Name", used at all other times). Another name especially used by ultra-Orthodox Jews is "HaKadosh Baruch Hu", meaning "The Holy One, Blessed is He".

YHWH, the name of God or Tetragrammaton, in Phoenician (1100 BC to AD 300), Aramaic (10th Century BC to 0) and modern Hebrew scripts.In early English Bibles, the Tetragrammaton was rendered in capitals: "IEHOUAH" in William Tyndale's version of 1525. The King James Version of 1611 renders YHWH as "The Lord", also as "Jehovah", see Psalms 83:18; Exodus 6:3.
Research in comparative mythology shows a linguistic correlation between Levantine Yaw and monotheistic Yahweh, suggesting that the god may in some manner be the predecessor in the sense of an evolving religion of Yahweh.

Elohim as "God" (with the plural suffix -im, but used with singular agreement); sometimes used to mean "gods" or apparently mortal judges.

The Holy Trinity (one God in three Persons, the God the Father, the God the Son (Jesus Christ), and God the Holy Ghost/Holy Spirit) denotes God in almost all Christianity. Arab Christians will often also use "Allah" (the noun for "God" in Arabic) to refer to God.[citation needed]
Deus, cognate of the Greek Ζευς (Zeus) is the Latin word for God, and will be used in Latin portions of Roman Catholic masses. [3] It is also used to denote God by some Deists, Pandeists, Pantheists, and followers of similars non-Theistic beliefs.

God is called Igzi'abihier (lit. "Lord of the Universe") or Amlak (lit. the plural of mlk, "king" or "lord") in the Ethiopian Orthodox Church.

I rest my case

same religion, same God, thousands of years of bloodshed.

Don't be such a close minded fool bud.

very true, however think about this. If you say that you believe in "god", I say thats awesome. But what do you believe about this "god"?
how old is this religion?
Christianity IS the oldest religion out there.

where was I going with this.. ah

point is, if you believe in god (and muhommid is his prophet), that IS a different god. You believe many different things; EG what heaven is like, wether you believe that hijacking planes and flying them into the world trade center will get you more virgins, ect. Also, Muslems add alot of requirements; how to pray, which way YOU HAVE TO BE FACING (for pete's sake, come on...) when you're praying, and wether killing (Your supposid fellow - believers... after all, Christians follow the same god, right?)Christians is a good thing...

and I just lost my place.
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Orici wrote:
Afentius wrote:to all - I refuse to go and read wiki - because for all I know you yourself wrote the hogposh...

so... there goes alot of arguments :P

you mind is so closed I think I'd feel safe leaving money there. Is there intrest?

And you're so insulting that if you wanted to convince me that your way is right (What is your way?), you just failed miserably.
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Orici wrote: ... iefs.shtml ... cs_1.shtml

one god only difference the Muslims do not accept that jesus was teh son of God just a prophet.

There are fundimental differences.... EXAMPLE - Age of the belief - why create another belief recently thats the same thing, just make Jesus not devine... doesn't make sense.

EDIT - sorry for the triple post - thats the first time I've ever done that :)
Last edited by Afentius on Thu Nov 02, 2006 3:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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"Truth is elusive to those who refuse to see with both eyes wide."

You are so blind

Jews Believed in God . Then Jesus shows up and invents christianity. Same God, different beliefs. Then Muhammed preaches about God and invents Islam. Human nature explains it all. Also side note The cult of the solar diety is the oldest religion on record as sun gods are still worshiped by wicans today.
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Orici wrote:"Truth is elusive to those who refuse to see with both eyes wide."

You are so blind

Jews Believed in God . Then Jesus shows up and invents christianity. Same God, different beliefs. Then Muhammed preaches about God and invents Islam. Human nature explains it all. Also side note The cult of the solar diety is the oldest religion on record as sun gods are still worshiped by wicans today.

Same God, same beliefs, yes....

then yes, he invented it.. he "saw" an angel... (remember, Lucifer is an "angel of light", the most beautiful God created)...

and Cults aren't apart of this, unless you're introducing them.

also, try to keep your petty insults to yourself
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ahh they are cults today because they are not organized as a religion back then they were not cults they were religions .

Religion is a system of social coherence based on a common group of beliefs or attitudes concerning an object, person, unseen being, or system of thought considered to be supernatural, sacred, divine or highest truth, and the moral codes, practices, values, institutions, and rituals associated with such belief or system of thought. It is sometimes used interchangeably with "faith" or "belief system", but is more socially defined than that of personal convictions. The development of religion has taken many forms in various cultures.

if you want to continue to argue back up your statements before I plow you under.
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