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Re: Ascended cap

Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 9:01 am
by Dr Toboggan
Ifrit wrote:
| Nemesis | wrote:
Ifrit wrote:
TheRook wrote:the cap just needs to be a rolling cap like main...

its the simplest solution to the stagnation that at least 30-50% of the server is suffering from now they are over the 2bill cap


whats wrong with the raiding suggestion?? I mean really it allows the smaller player to grow faster. And in some method forces snipers to acually train and maintain their account to some degree.

Raiding is a dumb idea, the most active members of TJP and FUALL would end up so far ahead just like Mojo and Sinister used to be

Why does everyone moan about snipers blah blah they never have anything to mass etc etc, well heres a thought. Maybe we dont have anything to mass because you guys are always massing us for single hits, if you log on and you`ve been hit and theres nothing to mass then you were to slow simple as

about raising the cap.... you have no idea how this would benefit us "snipers" You guys would all grow much faster and soon enough have much larger incomes and to compansate you would/might build a SLIGHTLY larger defence. The snipers will or most likely do have a much superior CER and will easily be able to compansate for your larger defences and when i go on a farming run my attack log becomes 4 pages longer. Just think all those players in that attack log will have bigger and bigger incomes leading to much larger DMU hits :-D

so eeeeer good luck trying to keep up :lol:

Can you supply a reasoning for saying that is so, you obviously didnt read my I will rewrite my thought again...

1.) Cap increase, and move with the growth of players.
2.) Raiding reintroduced, but once you are at or above the cap you can no longer raid.

so basically snipers and those with huge CERs can get to the cap really quickly with their CER, those without a huge CER can get there most likely just as quickly by raiding. So then pretty much everyone hits the cap and then it moves up again. Your idea might make it a slight bit less stagnant, but instead of having everyone past the current 2b cap, your going to have pretty much everyone who is active/semi-active at another cap that will be steadily increasing because pretty much anyone who wants to be there will be there. Raiding would also be an easy way for alliances with bigger players above the cap with CERs they can't fully uses, to bring the rest of their alliance up to the cap very easily if they so chose. If enough of something like that was done using raiding, in combination with snipers with huge CERs, it seems like the cap could be artificially be increased rather rapidly by a small minority. I suppose this would all depend on how closely the cap follows whatever top percentage of players. Ascended is already a very fast growth realm in comparison to main, something like raiding with a moving cap etc. would most likely cause it to be an even faster growth realm, which I guess may/may not be a problem depending on your point of view.

Re: Ascended cap

Posted: Sat May 17, 2008 12:12 pm
by TheRook
Really the easiest and best solution is a rolling cap just like main.

I'm probably going to stop repeating myself soon as my name isn't TheParrot.


Re: Ascended cap

Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 4:16 am
by 12agnar0k
Defense-Forcefield wrote:to get back on first post, why do u want to move the cap ?

i want to know the reason...

i was doing 40mil planets/day before hitting the cap
i still make 40mil planets/day now at more than 6bil planets

the income increase at same rate than the cap, so, u can continue to grow as well

if it's only to see Physical Expansion : 200bil planets, there is really no need

u all cry about snipers, but if cap is moved, u will have snipers with more strenght, that's all

Quite simple really, the reason why "snipers" are so effective is because they grow from 0 - 2(or more whatever the cap was raised too) bil planets at full CER which is well over 200 mil Planets a day.
Where as their targets the players over the cap, only get a fraction of their planets a day, nearly 10 tme less.
The snipers put all their planets into strike, and can beat all the defences because the over cap players dont get enough planets to be able to match the snipers. No point in putting 5 bil planets into defence because you can be Assassinated by a sniper very easily.
No point spreading it between Assassin and Defence because you can still be farmed and to boot you will have 0 income, mutes the point for builing a defence in the first place.

Now i'm not saying raising the cap, once, or even a rolling cap will work, no it wont, it wont make the snipers stronger, it just means both sides have higher numbers of planets to mess about with but at the same proportions, it may take snipers a few extra days of rebuilding before they can strike but thats hardly a solution.

The only solution, other than Mojo suggests, "a full main/ascended server reset" which would have half the players who put Money into a game that would "never reset" thus making a stable investment. Would be, Remove the Cap on Army size, this solves the Sniper problem which it caused, it wont remove the after effects such as accounts now exist with large CER and Stats that should be totally newb but meh not their fault.
This hereby solves the problem the Army Size Cap causes. Snipers will no longer be able to rebuild at massive speed compared to their targets and would as such be less willing to just throw away their planets as because their is no ability to raid, their ability to catch back up again to do so once more is severly limited and I doubt they ever would catch back up.

Now I know someone is going to say "but this will lead to the same problems as before the Cap was introduced, Players with Massive Accounts and Massive Army's And Massive CER's which just couldnt be caught." Yes that is true the remove-all of the Cap will lead to this.
This is why I suggest the introduction of a new CAP, one which should have been put in instead of the Army Size CAP a LONG DAMN TIME AGO.

This would be A CAP ON CER... BASED ON THE ACTUAL CER NOT ANYTHING ELSE. by this I mean, when you raise your U.P to a certain level you hit the U.P CAP, at which point your U.P increase will decrease massively, now I can see the problem where players merely sit under this figure, but if you make it so U.P will always increase with every increase, I.e CAP is at CER of 50 mil, each increase in U.P will always add, but at ever decreasing amounts so basically the highest account ever would have 75 or 100 mil CER,
So instead of having most people at 1 mil planets a day U.P and a few players with giant U.P's over 100 mil a day, which was the problem oh so long ago, now you have everyone evenually at 50 Mil a day.
Now you might say but if someone was at 50 mil for a year a new player would have no chance in catching them, this is true, perhaps you can make it so everyone gets their u.p buffed to somewhere near the cap, and all new players get their too, perhaps new players can start with some army, many ways to solve it without actually ruining the game for everyone already playing.
Now you might also complain that someone has a 1 bil planet advantage and you can't catch them because your U.p will always be roughly the same as them and you cant raid, simple solution, mass them, they no longer have that 1 bil planet advantage, sorted.

All problems solved, well not all but its the best your ever going to get without , redesigned the game so its balanced and fair and then reseting it, but I dont want that to happen, neither do most people I assume, and I doubt it ever will. I would probably quit if it did.

Re: Ascended cap

Posted: Mon May 19, 2008 9:25 pm
by Corsair
I have proposed an idea for an update to the Cap in this thread


For those that dont want to click the link here it is.

As ascending now is only about the main bonus I propose to give something back to those that have or want to ascend further then LG+1 my proposal is to link the amount of ascension you have done to the size Cap of your planets. ie if you are a Prior your cap kicks in at 2 bill planets and then continues to grow at a constantly reducing rate like it does now, Prophet = 4 bill planets, Messiah = 6 Bill planets and so on until AG+10.

The 2 bill jumps are used as an example just to get my idea across as the current cap is set at 2 bill. I leave it to admin to consider the actual numbers.

At AG+10 I propose to have it as a dynamic growth cap from that point on unless admin wishes to increase the number of ascension that people can do.

Something along the lines of A Prior only has a small amount of power to influence the realm around them to increase that power they need to meditate further and ascend (ascend in main) to the next level of existence to have a greater power and knowledge to influence a larger area. Where as an AG+10 is only limited by the ever expanding Universe.

Re: Ascended cap

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2008 5:23 am
by TheRook

Re: Ascended cap

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 12:47 am
by Skunky
TheRook wrote:Really the easiest and best solution is a rolling cap just like main.

I'm probably going to stop repeating myself soon as my name isn't TheParrot.


its the solution though, admin wont change of the prior to Cap because he doesn't want it to turn into main so there is a huge gap between the new and smaller players. but a rolling cap still allows small players to catch up so it would help things a lot.

Re: Ascended cap

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 2:14 am
by cyberblade
there are issues with ascended-but removing the cap will only make things worse-except for the big guys.

Re: Ascended cap

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2008 3:53 am
by Iƒrit
its a bugger I agree, but after putting some development into my CER and taking a glance at it myself, I would say that their is no need for changing it the way it is. Sure I would love to see it get lifted or rolling, who wouldnt that has 250m+ planets a day. Its not broken so why fix it?

Re: Ascended cap

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2008 5:47 am
by Defense-Forcefield
agreed, it's not broker, why fix it ?
as is said some times ago, if u look to keep growing fast, just boost your fleet number and your charisma...
i have now a very decent amount of planet and i'm still growing at 4/5 of my best rate (32mil now, my best was 42mil)
u all forget that your income grow as fast as the cap decrease your CER.
just keep it like it is now...

again, a rolling cap will only help snipers. (and low people who dont want to work to reach decent CER)

Re: Ascended cap

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2008 3:52 pm
by Lore
Just make Deascention possible, and better then 50% of ascended will be fixed.

Re: Ascended cap

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2008 3:55 pm
by Iƒrit
Lore wrote:Just make Deascention possible, and better then 50% of ascended will be fixed.

I totally agree with you, some of us could not touch our accounts for at least a day and not worry. I for one find that to be to big of and advantage over the small guys. And even trying to fight someone with an equal account, its a joke, like anyone wants to sit in front of PC for 15+ hours to decend someone, hoping they dont come online.

Re: Ascended cap

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2008 4:05 pm
by Lore
Ifrit wrote:
Lore wrote:Just make Deascention possible, and better then 50% of ascended will be fixed.

I totally agree with you, some of us could not touch our accounts for at least a day and not worry. I for one find that to be to big of and advantage over the small guys. And even trying to fight someone with an equal account, its a joke, like anyone wants to sit in front of PC for 15+ hours to decend someone, hoping they dont come online.

The biggest problem is assasination is to powerful. Snipers control the server as no defense can defend an assasination, and no sniper can be stopped.

Make deascention possible, and atleast it levels the playing field.

When a group can war 1 man and lose on every front no matter how many resources are expended, it just makes the server futile.

Who wants to play a futile server? I mean really, everyone should just untrain every single planet. That will stop the snipers, and if anyone tries to grow then turn farm anyone alive since there is absolutely nothing anyone can do to stop it.

Re: Ascended cap

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2008 5:13 pm
by Iƒrit
I know what you mean lore, the other day I assassinated someone and destroyed over x2 what I spent in assassin planets, we both had the same levels too. I honestly think with my suggestion of adding attack into assassin stat to defending from assassinating, and decreasing amount of time between ascended attacks, or even using your suggestion of ascended battles it would be a far more competitive server, possibly sparking new life into the server. From what I have been told admin is looking into doing ascended updates so lets hope he is taking these into consideration.

Re: Ascended cap

Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2008 8:30 pm
by Mr Nice Guy
an idea: get all players same growing numbers: all grow 1b a day, no limit, sky is the limit. No limit into hitting someone. descencion for just 5 days. Lets see who lasts the longest... noone would be so big , and if get there ... well just would need effort from some i guess... at the end would just make the game playable... as it is now just a BIG WASTE OF TIME dear adming J. or should we call ya now destroyer of games ? :-D
Record: quantum gone to hell, chaos not worth to play, ascended is a big waste of time, and your newest screw up... main server. :lol:

Re: Ascended cap

Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2008 9:49 pm
by Tacet
I'd be happy just to find a way of countering snipers. The current cap doesn't really bother me (I'm way beyond it), and I don't think moving it will really counter the snipers. The only thing I suspect will happen is that the current army size balance will be moved. The ratio between sniper and victim will probably stay fairly much the same.

Here I agree with Lore - bring back descension. Don't make it too easy, but give us a way to strike back. I don't think we should rid the server of snipers (hey, I actually like Fremen!), but don't make us defenceless as we are now. Currently, a group of 20 large accounts can do very little to a single sniper (except maybe assassinate his strike whenever he build one) as the combination between ridiculously high assassination and the CAP allows him to recover much faster than them. I'd just like to see that a group of ppl together can actually achieve something against a sniper (preferably descending him).