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LEET SPEAK, Quik Silver, and the like

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 5:47 am
by evilhomer
Ok, so, for those that dont know, Leet speak is a multi with quick silver, who have robbed several people of thier UU. I have kicked Leet out of the TA and sent the alliance as a whole against both Leet SPeak, Quick Silver, and any of thier respective officers and commanders. I would urge others to do the same, make thier game playing experience here miserable.

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 5:51 am
by Bad Wolf
thanks for the info

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 7:51 am
by CrimsonFrost
I wonder how long we are going to have to endure this.. This guy can simply change his user name over and over for as long as he wants and keep scamming people. No one will know until he is gone, and the IP wont be banned because other decent players happen to use the same IP. :x

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 7:04 pm
by Setesh
CrimsonFrost wrote:I wonder how long we are going to have to endure this.. This guy can simply change his user name over and over for as long as he wants and keep scamming people. No one will know until he is gone, and the IP wont be banned because other decent players happen to use the same IP. :x

And thats why we have his unique user ID

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 8:05 pm
by Sniping_Viper_1
the issue with tying accounts to ip address is that most ISP's use a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocal to assigne a ip address for a given amount of time. thus i can have the same ip address as the guy up the street did the week before. Also if someone at work is playing and sets their account up at work they are using the same ip address. I firmly belive that forum should investigate a way to tie accounts to NIC mac address. not to modem mac cause that directly affect familes not that ip address doesn't. i will also be looking into it as i see most of this is run in php it should be to difficult to research

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 8:11 pm
by Cmdrproger-Reborn
I'm sure the paranoid among us, including myself, would reject this offer post-haste. Why would we let ourselves be identifiable over the net? This is in my terms a security breach, but thats because I'm nuts when it comes to administering my computer. Besides, what happens when people goto libraries instead of their homes, or have more than one NIC installed, or have a box of NICs handy, like a precaucious system admin:D. The proposal dies before it lifts off the ground, simply because that forces everyone to use the computer they first created the account on, and only one account can be tied to a computer.

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2005 8:48 am
by CrimsonFrost
That would be true except the problem account is tied to an IP that is static, a school router, so DHCP is a non-issue. That also makes MAC a non-issue as well, because the web site will only get the MAC address of the school router.

Cmdrproger-Reborn you are mistaken. Im not advocating that someone "personally identify" anyone. Im reccomending that a player that consistantly cheats from a particular IP address should have that IP banned. That doesnt identify him in any way. Banning IP address is a pretty routine thing nowadays if you look around at all in the computer world. :wink: And besides, having 1,000 NIC's wont change your IP address when you log online. :wink: Although im not sure why a "cautious system admin" would have a ton of NIC cards laying around, lol. (Perhaps a Help Desk, like where I work.) You arent forced to use an IP forever, you are simply prevented from using one IP if you cheat from it.

On a last note, I didnt think about the unique user ID being used.. Thanks for mentioning that Setesh. :-)

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2005 8:55 am
by Cmdrproger-Reborn
I'm not talking about IPs I'm talking about MACs, assuming you are Sniping. BTW I'm never mistaken :D. Having "Cmdrproger-Reborn = 67:0D:56:EB:4A (randomly made up)" somewhere on forum's database does personally identify me. "I firmly belive that forum should investigate a way to tie accounts to NIC mac address". Having one NIC to an account limits the game severely, just as I said. IP banning does jack squat, and if you don't believe me then get it implemented. I never said NICs = changing IP addresses, NICs = having different MACs, which makes banning MACs pointless. Changing IP is simple in terms of programming, and simpler if you don't have a direct connection, and then theres always proxies. I have extra NICs so I have different MACs, and to quickly replace a NIC when it becomes useless.

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2005 10:46 am
by CrimsonFrost
Never mistaken? Right. :wink:

Let me repeat again that I didnt advocate tying MAC address at all. You are preaching to the choir. Read a little more into the earlier posts, and you will notice that I didnt suggest that. :-) I simply said that changing NICs or MAC Address wont change your IP address, which it still will not. And I dont think changing IP's is particularly easy when you connect to the net, because its your host that is assigning you your IP, not yourself. Im not sure what kind of programming would allow you to do that, because in that case you could easily program yourself 100 multi accounts and never get caught because you could simply program yourself a new IP each time you want, and the auto-cheat check would never catch you :lol:

On a final note, IP banning actually does quite a bit. If you feel that strongly about IP banning, you unfortuantly have multiple industries that disagree with you, and that have fully implemented IP banning :lol: :) The military being a prime example, (I worked at the NOC on the USS Bataan, my last command :-) ) and well... If you are right, then the makers of Peerguardian are out of a job too :cry:

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2005 1:08 pm
by Cmdrproger-Reborn
And let me repeat that I thought you were Sniping, and as such thats why I responded the way I did. And again I never said that changing NICs will change your IP address. If you'd like I could try and dig up some old code that would do the trick, its not "easy enough" or feasable to do it 100 times, but its dooable... although since you were with the US Navy then I have no business with you at all. Oh and, good for the US military about implementing IP banning, although they've never gone to war with me... yet :D.

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2005 2:15 pm
by Setesh
When did the SGW forums become a nerd fest?

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2005 2:45 pm
by Cmdrproger-Reborn
Since it took a nerd show and turned it into a nerd game, and provided a nerd forum SGW to talk on.

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2005 4:05 pm
by Rukia
so anyone wanna talk XML too?

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2005 4:19 pm
by Cmdrproger-Reborn
sounds like fun

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2005 6:18 pm
by Setesh
*adblocks this thread*