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Two Out of three...Aint bad...But its not great.

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 1:11 pm
by buck
I think Most of you saw this comeing...

Ive completely, Lost my mind.

Ive come to that point in my life, where alot of things are becoming clear, Alot of things are moveing forward, So much is happening and im too tired to swim against the infernal current that is life...So i wanna swim with it. Alot has happened recently (weather you heard about it from me or weather you didnt even know) which has changed me, made me think alot more, So this forum, and this game, I dont have the time for...really. So its time to take a step back. Ive posted on the omega forum, and im going to go into detail about some things there etc, but the long short of it is im leaveing, Im going to keep my account running, though i'l log in very rarely...(I could never bring myself to sell/delete my baby) so im going to see what they wanna do, as in, shall i stay or go from there. Other than that, I'l be gone...More so than i have been recently (yes some people have been complaing via msn as to why i dont post often anymore...). As in, I'm no longer here, BAI.

I wanna leave yall with something, but im not sure what yet so i'l carry on typeing...Im nowhere near the person i was when i started off, I remember people used to regaurd me as an astute poster, an amuseing if grumpy person, some people also thought i was a **Filtered**, Which i admit to being :D

Theres not much i can say about that, people and times change i guess.

But you'l never find your goals trompling about on the internet (unless your name is bill gates) So i urge you all to go out there, and look, listen, feel...My god i think ive had some form of revalation here...haha!

Just do it, Dont leave yourself short, dont cut yourself short, if you love someone tell them before its too late (yes this is one of the things ive found out...With my dad almost dieing) If you've made a mistake, Hold your hands up and admit it. Be as nice as you can to as many people as you can, And if you cant be nice, Just smile.

Dont let people push you around, and always look em in the eye, Never let them see you bleed.

If you want something, You HAVE to get off your ass and take it.

Ive made too many friends over the years to name everyone, so i wont try, I'l just say...In no order.

To everyone ive wronged, you know who you are, Then i am sorry.

To everyone ive righted, Your welcome...

Everyone from the sgws meetup (and i will attend anymore that happen), My beloved Omega, Everyone Alliance ive had contact with, Everyone in the UK, Australia, America, Saudi Arabia, Well you get the idea...

Jake, Reborn, StI, Geisha, EtL, Nuto Vixen, The Deity, Winterwolf, Balor, Mandragoran, Semper, Mordack, BW, Wolf359, Goo, Apapendamek, Whitey, Homer, Smooshable, Admin, Rahl, Law1447, Louis, Tanith, SLicky, Proffi, Corky, Anyone on My MSN or anyone ive spoken to, I know ive left millions of people off that list but hey, If i have feel free to post below and complain...

I just thought id mention those people who have impacted upon me, In a way or anouther...

Oh, and if you never liked me, **Filtered** off.

And Finally, Old Skool will always prevail, Exit Light, Enter Night...And remember to let it all fade to black.

Sleep when your in the ground people.

Re: Two Out of three...Aint bad...But its not great.

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 1:24 pm
by Archon
Have fun out there :lol:

Re: Two Out of three...Aint bad...But its not great.

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 1:39 pm
by Easy^
You **Filtered**!

Why you have to leave me out there alone :(

Well take care... what else can i say. And i hope i get to met you one day in person.

Re: Two Out of three...Aint bad...But its not great.

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 1:44 pm
by generaloneill
No Buck, you cant leave the game. :shock:

Re: Two Out of three...Aint bad...But its not great.

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 1:55 pm
by Teal'auc of the Void
Well, buck, take care out there and don't be a stranger should you decide to come back. You know you have many friends here... :)

Be well. :)


Re: Two Out of three...Aint bad...But its not great.

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 2:22 pm
by Juliette
Enjoy life! :D

Re: Two Out of three...Aint bad...But its not great.

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 3:05 pm
by Severian
Quit a week or two ago myself (well way before that but was asked to stay on until something, which I did) and its quite liberating so good to see you've made the same step mate :-P

I'll Echo the statement of getting out and experiencing life and that there is more then arguing internet opinions. Like the New Order Eccy Trip:

I feel so extraordinary, something's got a hold of me, I get this feeling i'm in motion, a sudden sense of liberty...

Keep in contact Buck and stay prepared. Each day spent in laxity brings us closer and closer to Z-Day...which reminds me, I still owe you a dawn of the dead poster - still waiting on the sale to be back on but when it does I will claim one in the name of Buckzh0r :-P

Take care and much <3


Re: Two Out of three...Aint bad...But its not great.

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 3:22 pm
by Nuto vixen
I wish you well Phil.
Enjoy your life and smile as often as you can.

May the road rise to meet you,
May the wind be always at your back.


Re: Two Out of three...Aint bad...But its not great.

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 6:15 pm
by semper
ah ha! Well you have no excuse not to come to Chester and party in RB's with me now.... *rubs hands in Monty Burns fashion*


I like this move! Its wonderful! Make sure you drop me a txt or something. Nearly end of uni year... Times a wasting!

Ronan Keating wrote:Living each day as if its the last, dancing all night and having a blast.

I'll be joining you here in two months myself.

Re: Two Out of three...Aint bad...But its not great.

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 12:47 am
by Mystake

It's weird not playing sgw!!! I've already tried re-logging into my account only to remember I don't have an account!

Buckeh, catch me on msn :( you never talk to me anymore
you don't call me back the next day :(

Re: Two Out of three...Aint bad...But its not great.

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 12:49 am
by zeekomkommer
take care buck

Re: Two Out of three...Aint bad...But its not great.

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 2:49 am
by HellFire
</3 D:

Hope you have fun wherever life takes you mate, make the most of it =D


Re: Two Out of three...Aint bad...But its not great.

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 3:04 am
by ~squishie~
have fun buck... dont be afraid to say hi if you are ever over my part of the country :P

Re: Two Out of three...Aint bad...But its not great.

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2008 3:16 pm
by Mordack
We still need to meet up for that drink..

Re: Two Out of three...Aint bad...But its not great.

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 12:59 am
by Zeratul
we hope you cant stay away long...