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Fading away

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 2:46 am
by FreeSpirit
3 years have passed since I as a young noob came to SGW to make his path in the history of it. I can say that i got known in SGW with both good and bad things. Sadly the book has come to its final chapter and i can see the last page allready. In SGW i got to meet so many friends that my msn is crowded but i never regretted being here and walking most of the path that i walked. I started out as a young lad in the TA where i learned most of my lessons in SGW. TA was a family and i enjoyed most of my time in an alliance there. Creating TATS with that was a dream comming true and its good to see that TATS is still around. After that i joined Alpha for a short period. I had my fun there and probly would have stayed there if RL issues didnt pop up and made me temporary depart from the game. I joined TF and grew there to a tactical member who was not affraid of the ongoing bullying in the game. The CoP-CiA war was fought and after that i was still around. I joined DDE fought there for a certain time under command of SGW Pimp REK and can say i am proud to have served under him. Then i joined The Triad after a request to join em was made. I created their training alliance The Darklighters but even there i coudnt get satisfied with my needs in SGW. My needs were to mass mass and mass wich i did on a daily base for the last 3 months. The only one able to satisfie that need was my friends in TLE. I joined em and after a while became the second in command over The Gladiators. Now the TJP - FUALL war came around the corner and i wish i could see it to an end. However this soldier is getting to rusty in this game and he cant keep up with all new updates and ways of fighting. My motot always was when putting down the weapons of battle i'll be the one standing however this time this soldier lost the battle. I have always lived up for my ideals in SGW and never had a problem telling people how i though of em. I had my fights with the biggest legends in SGW aswell as ingame as out of the game wise.

I wish i could thank every single person i met in SGW but that would take me another year to do and i just wanna departe from here as soon as my mothership is ready for one last cruise through the galaxy back ot earth.

First of all i wanna thank Manetheren for bringing me to this game. Without him i would still be stuck in Ohtador fighting round after round.

2ndly everyone in the TAF i have served, fought, laughed and cried with you will never be forgotten and are part of most of my SGW memories.

Mato: You showed me what fun was mate and i am glad to have served right under your command aiding u where was possible.

Blahh: My sgw daddy i learned a lot from. Dad do your son proud and show em who the Blahhmonstah is.

Nimras: My officer for 2 years. Keep it up mate and dont let people drive u crazy. You know what your capable off and i know one day you will get the glory you deserve so badly.

Minx: My love keep safe in SGW i will miss fighting with u. But youll never dissapear for me ;)

AuraX: My TDL love who always cheers me up i will keep in touch ;)

PK: SGW's hottest babe enjoyed every single minute with her as well as ingame as out of the game. I will miss the fun we had but MSN/Teamspeak will surely bring more fun. :-D

Pianomutt: Mate you were my best friend in SGW the fun we had and the things we did. I will still chat you up ;)

Jenny: Always we have fought on the different sides of the fence. Always we were a team and as expected when u speak up u get nailed. I am glad to have fought against you in the game and served with u on the forums. Keep it up Jen you know you have my support.

Shrek: My ogre, my secret squirrel how can i ever forget the green monster in the swamp i happely spand time talking with u and farting around :P

Rhett: We had our past but no matter what happened the last few weeks were pure fun on msn and teamspeak.

Geisha: Even though as mod here i did u wrong on occassion we still have fun on TS and MSN

TDL/TL/TLD/TG: It was a honor to have fought with you in sgw keep it up and dont let the political banter take u out

TJP: Become victorious in this war!!!!

Smooshable: only 2 words come in mind 1 i will filter myself: <self modded> U ;)

Jack: I hope the smell of smoosh his janus will keep u drowzy thinking logical and treating people equally is just a thing you dont know about

I will mention more people as i cruise through my memories of SGW keep in mind its 3 active years of memories and it will take me time to mention everyone i want to.

Re: Fading away

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 2:57 am
by Azarak
:( Sad to see you go mate. Only really gotten to know you past couple of months but always been a good guy and been able to have sensible disucssions ignoring alliances and anything else game related.

Game has lost another good player and the forums lose another member and also a member who was a good mood.

Keep in touch and best of luck with whatever you do in the future.

Re: Fading away

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 3:07 am
by pianomutt20000
You can't leave...period........I will not allow it.

Re: Fading away

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 3:17 am
by makelovenotwar

Its hard, I know.

But there are more important things in life.

Hope I will still talk to you mate.


Re: Fading away

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 3:33 am
by Wolfe
dang another one leaves... pritty soon i might be one of the most ancient people of this game,.... dare i say it i might have to leave myself :shock: nah thats just folly....

well good luck to u freespirt and may the real world be awesome

Re: Fading away

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 3:38 am
by The Doctor
*humps freespirits leg and doesnt let go*


*puppy dog eyes*

on second thoughts...

*gets PK to do puppy dog eyes instead*

You'll be missed :(

Re: Fading away

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 3:39 am
by Mistress_Minx
WTH wes, ur not going now, me and bill wont allow it. We will kidnap you and make u play still.

Im going to miss having someone to mass with, youve taught me so much in such a short time and i loves ya for it.

I very much doubt you will be away for long as we all know that you thrive on massing and the drama....I think youll still be part of it all at least on msn.

Youve set a high standard for us to follow and I hope we will all make you proud xx

Re: Fading away

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 3:43 am
by Mira
Its a sad day for SGW, you will be missed mate :(

But i wish you all good in RL and take care.

Re: Fading away

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 3:47 am
by Xeen
GL, FS have fun with your SGW hollidays.

I will expect you back cos addiction is addiction :lol:

Re: Fading away

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 4:04 am
by FreeSpirit
Xeen wrote:GL, FS have fun with your SGW hollidays.

I will expect you back cos addiction is addiction :lol:

The day 3 particular people dissapear from the mod and admin staff is the day my sgw account will come off vac mode.

Re: Fading away

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 4:14 am
by LTC
No mentioning the LTC?


Re: Fading away

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 4:25 am
by MajorLeeHurts
:smt009 :smt089 :smt089 :smt089 :smt089 :smt009

Re: Fading away

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 4:35 am
by JOS
I'll have your first born son for this!
I forbid you to leave! -_-
You are denied quitting privileges due to being one of the few remaining epic non-nubj players of this game.

Re: Fading away

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 4:44 am
by Nimras
M8 i am going to lock and delete this thread soon if you dont post your not leaving.

I am helping everyone here to make sure you dont leave damn it idiot/jerk what else i can think of that dont break rules or filter dont leave.


Re: Fading away

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 4:55 am
by Mistress_Minx
we start a petition to make him not quit?
we nag at him on msn?
gang up on him