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Declare War

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2005 7:35 am
by [SGC_ReplicÅtors]
Well we all have some1 we dont like in a game right

it will be another option on the "attck"

Declare war
1. More damage Spy/off/def
2. more losses
3. More gains
4. Can't attck anybody else exept the planet u declared war on...but others can attck u
5. Last about what 3 to 7 days?? after that a declare truce/peace treaty type thing appears

what do u guys think?

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2005 8:18 am
by Fox
NOW THIS I LIKE!!! It is more to the fashion of the game. Not something to make the game easier on us but more indepth. (that the right word I want...meh) Although I dunno about not being able to attack others. Several examples of fighting a war on more than one front but this premise is fantastic!!!

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2005 9:09 am
by chunkysoup
yes i agree, it's kinda of like dueling in warcraft, sounds very interesting, and we could have galactic wars going... ie imagine if all officers of THE_SAZ or Apophis declared war on all officers of Silent Todd... now that would be cool

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2005 10:45 am
by Forum
i like it too... can you add some more details on what war would do/not do, logistics around it, etc....
i will think on everything and see what can be done :D

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2005 11:13 am
by Fox
1)If you are at war with someone, I think that before other people attack they would have to declare war on you and get fully involved or not at all. That may contradict my previous post but I dont think so.

2)Being at war could mean a few things, like you cant win untill you have more units or attack power to completely destroy them so they surrender and you get the glory and a lot of spoils.

3)It could mean that you have to win X number of battles over the opponent before you are declared the victor.

4)There could be some kind of progress report that counts units destroyed and such so people can watch the battle unfold.

5)Of course the option to retreat/surrender would have to be there.

6)People could have the option maybe to donate resources to either side (although that cuts into the supporter benifits)

7)Rallied resources. Everyone on a side attacks at once for however X amount of turns.

8)The ability to call for help maybe...a button to request assistance from whoever wants to join.

9)Perhaps the ability to cut off supply lines so no naquada comes in (that would have to be difficult to do as it would turn the tide very quickly)

10)Some kind of "element of surprise" eg. dig a hole under the enemy and lynch them

11)The ability to break off into squads and launch attacks from multiple sides.

That should keep you thinking for a while. I'll work on some more ideas.

Ahhhhhhh I love the smell of replicating in the morning...

ewwwwwwwwwww 8)

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2005 11:33 am
by Fox
Another idea...Allocate resources to the war...Perhaps 1/2 going to buying supplies for the war and the other 1/2 to the regular at home defence.
Example. 1000 naquada coming in. Set 500 for war and 500 for home defence. Alternatly have 600 for home and 200 and 200 for two declared wars.

Perhaps add a distance factor. Figure out who is attacking/defending and say your X far away and it takes this long to get supplies.

Have a cost for war...That would be a distance factor tho. It would cost more to attack someone further away then it would to attack someone close. COuld be based on rank but thats assuming that close ranks live close together.

Good for now again. Man this has got me thinking!!! OUCH IT HURTS

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2005 1:15 pm
by [SGC_ReplicÅtors]
Somebody pointed out when u at war u cant attck others why i suggested this is because there could be a major loophole

for example

X declares war on Y and Y declares war on X that mean these 2 planets cant be attcked by the outside world right that means that they can sit there and do nothing while there money just rakes in immune to the outside world.

i suggested this because i saw FOX and ELUSIVE fighting for first place why not make it more interesting. add some really destructive force into the game which will make it more harder.

a interplanety war that could tip the scale of balance

i was thinking of more destructive force like new options when attcking certain races like when Gouald VS gouald there coould be a proganda attck take some of there armies into ur armies. Or for the Humans spread word that Gods are false gods and XX amount leave ur armies and jion the jaffa rebbelion. or for the Humans, kull Warroirs infiltrate there Undergraound Complex and destroy XX amount of armies. Replicators hmmmm humans have destoyed XX amount of units with the Ancient weopaon that kills replicators. For the asgard let see i really dont know

the propganda thing could be very good
trained units would be more diffuclt to kill than unassigned units

Add a Siege option sigeing the enemy..............
siege a enemy that means that enemy cant attck anybody else unless u can break the siege and the person who is doing the siege gets a bonus like your armies raided the Mining shippment and collect XX amount of naqada. I was thinking when the motherships come into effect this option would fit nicely with the siege.

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2005 1:25 pm
by Jaffa15
i really like the i dea but
Or for the Humans spread word that Gods are false gods and XX amount leave ur armies and jion the jaffa rebbelion. or for the Humans, kull Warroirs infiltrate there Undergraound Complex and destroy XX amount of armies. Replicators hmmmm humans have destoyed XX amount of units with the Ancient weopaon that kills replicators. For the asgard let see i really dont know
i dont really like that but it would be cool if it was in the game

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2005 1:31 pm
by Lord_Core
I really like some of the ideas being hashed out here.

How about with the declare war button. that if your commander does it you are stuck in only being able to attack that one person. That the Commander has declared war on.

Now the commander is not forced to fight one person if an officer declairs war on one person.

I like the idea of needing a % of money free to attack someone... and the further apart you are from your intended victum the more it costs. That way if they defend against you. They get a % of that Naq needed.

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 4:03 am
by Spykie
SGC_Replicators wrote:X declares war on Y and Y declares war on X that mean these 2 planets cant be attcked by the outside world right that means that they can sit there and do nothing while there money just rakes in immune to the outside world..

They also stated that people at war could be attacked by others but cannot attack others themselfs.

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 3:06 pm
by Fox
No other suggestions on this? Come people I poured my heart out on this...I dont want it to get lost in the shuffle.

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 3:09 pm
by [SGC_ReplicÅtors]
i also came up with another idea

when u are at war u entire goes to war and starts making makings at a cheaper price when u go to war the weopons go 5% cheaper or something. and to the repair cost go up 25% or something