Revolutionary Idea, An iPhone App For SGW

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Revolutionary Idea, An iPhone App For SGW


My username is Phenomenal19rocks. I have been playing stargate wars for over a year and have come to love the game. Recently I purchased an iPhone, which is how I log on to sgw. I wanted to suggest that an application for the app store be created for sgw. There are tons of iPhone users and it would possibly attract a great deal of business for you. For users such as myself it would be exceptionally helpful.

If you choose to consider this, I have a few ideas for some of it's functions. A section that notifies the user when you recieve a pm, broker, or are attacked. Mail notifies me when one of my email accounts recieves a message, some thing similar would be fantastic.

Also a function that alerts the user once their uu or naq have reached a certain number. To be specified by the user preferably.

The normal game play would be important also. Maybe the command center could be broken into tabs.

A calculator similar to pookies sgw calculator would enhance game play. A section that calculates and compares the users various weapons to their troops would also be helpful. That way they could no exactly how many troops to train or weapons to purchase so that they can keep them equal.

The reason this idea appeals to me so much is because having realtime information on sgw without having to go through safari would make game play of a great and addicting game even more enjoyable. It would also make users such as myself more effective players. Plus, for the admin, all the thousands of iPhone users browsing through the app store will see the app and likely create more publicity and business for your selves.

I hope this has caught your attention as much as it has mine. If I need to send this idea else where to promote it better please let me know. Also, if it's not too much to ask I would love some feed back on what you think about this.

PS this had been sent to the admin email on the 'contact us page,' just in case some one needs to know.
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Re: Revolutionary Idea, An iPhone App For SGW

I do not have an problem getting on to the site from my Itouch
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Re: Revolutionary Idea, An iPhone App For SGW

I don't have any issues getting on either, execpt for the occasional crash of safari. But the advantage comes from the realt time alerts. When uu or up reach a certain point an alert would be given, preventing most attacking and farming. Also that calculator would be a great asset to planning.
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Re: Revolutionary Idea, An iPhone App For SGW

it would also give Iphone users an advantage no one else gets. I disagree with that. Now if there is a charge that generates $$ for the site and its avalible to all sure, but not a small% of users for free.
schuesseled wrote:And Yes, If someone attacked me with a knife and I had a cannon I would shoot them with it.
Age old saying that, "Dont bring a knife to a gun fight"
Reason, youll get dead.
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Re: Revolutionary Idea, An iPhone App For SGW

This app doesn't have to be limited to the iPhone. Pc, mac, and other portable devices could also have the app. Not just iPhone users would benefit. iPhone apps were the source of my inspiration but that's not to say this idea is limited to that. I don't think, however, that demanding $$ for this app would be the right thing to do. What makes sgw so great is that it's free. If this app is created with a cost it would detour future players by misleading them to think they must purchase a membership.
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Re: Revolutionary Idea, An iPhone App For SGW

hence what I said, either open to all, or if it can only be offered to a few then there needs to be a fee, just not free to a small % and no one else as it gives a definite advantage.
schuesseled wrote:And Yes, If someone attacked me with a knife and I had a cannon I would shoot them with it.
Age old saying that, "Dont bring a knife to a gun fight"
Reason, youll get dead.
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Re: Revolutionary Idea, An iPhone App For SGW

i would say make for the lower end model of cell phones, bc you can then port it over with a little bit of work. My old company used to do that for game testing on cell phones.
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Re: Revolutionary Idea, An iPhone App For SGW

That's a good idea. Then it would allow the majority of users to have access to the program. But in that case the advantage of real time updates would be lost. Another idea that could be used to counter that would be SMS updates. Instead of the program itself notifying the user when uu or up reach a certain level, or when your attacked, a SMS with the same information could be sent. Kind of like myspace, which notified you once you recieve a message or comment. It may be possible to incorperate that into the main sgw page with out the program. In which case, everyone would have access to it. That's probably a bit more doable also. Anyone have thoughts about that idea?
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Re: Revolutionary Idea, An iPhone App For SGW

phenomenal19rocks wrote:That's a good idea. Then it would allow the majority of users to have access to the program. But in that case the advantage of real time updates would be lost. Another idea that could be used to counter that would be SMS updates. Instead of the program itself notifying the user when uu or up reach a certain level, or when your attacked, a SMS with the same information could be sent. Kind of like myspace, which notified you once you recieve a message or comment. It may be possible to incorperate that into the main sgw page with out the program. In which case, everyone would have access to it. That's probably a bit more doable also. Anyone have thoughts about that idea?

The idea is fine, has been suggested before, more then once if I remember correctly. Yours is a bit more inclusive and well thought out/defined.

But fact is, is it worth the time spent coding it? Or would you rather see some of the more serious issued in the game worked on and corrected first?

If you can get admin to consider it, go for it.
schuesseled wrote:And Yes, If someone attacked me with a knife and I had a cannon I would shoot them with it.
Age old saying that, "Dont bring a knife to a gun fight"
Reason, youll get dead.
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Re: Revolutionary Idea, An iPhone App For SGW

what are the more serious issues? I'm not sure what you mean. In truth, it's not imperative that a feature like this be added, but it would be nice. So what other issues did you mean?
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Re: Revolutionary Idea, An iPhone App For SGW

phenomenal19rocks wrote:what are the more serious issues? I'm not sure what you mean. In truth, it's not imperative that a feature like this be added, but it would be nice. So what other issues did you mean?


Dont read forums much do you? :lol:

want the entire list or just the top 10?

1. Ascended, pretty much every single piece of it is unbalanced and getting worse.

2. Unwinnable wars

3. "Account protection"

4. Untouchable strikes

5. Defenses being useless

6. Stike have to severe of a advantage (loosing 7 mill men to kill 65 mill)

7. 1AT massings

8. Planets. period LOL

9. The ascention process and its constant change, and disadvantages

10. Lifers

I can go on, these are just a few, course there is always things like the 7/8 month old alliance bank that still doesnt work. MS that sit and watch a planet be taken and dont do anything until it overwith, EVEN if your online. etc etc etc.
schuesseled wrote:And Yes, If someone attacked me with a knife and I had a cannon I would shoot them with it.
Age old saying that, "Dont bring a knife to a gun fight"
Reason, youll get dead.
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Re: Revolutionary Idea, An iPhone App For SGW

Woah, man I didn't realize there were so many issues. I've been playing sgw for over a year n I didn't gather all that. You're right though I don't read forums much. Just to trade n then this. Things like the bank n the ms issues don't sound like they'd be too hard to fix. I never use my ascended account, so can't say much there. Well, there are definitely some bigger issues. Have there been any steps taken toward fixing them?
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Re: Revolutionary Idea, An iPhone App For SGW

phenomenal19rocks wrote:Woah, man I didn't realize there were so many issues. I've been playing sgw for over a year n I didn't gather all that. You're right though I don't read forums much. Just to trade n then this. Things like the bank n the ms issues don't sound like they'd be too hard to fix. I never use my ascended account, so can't say much there. Well, there are definitely some bigger issues. Have there been any steps taken toward fixing them?

Mostly just bandaids instead of fixing the real issues. Thats how most of the limits/capps come into existance, planets, fleets, Merlins, Platforms, MS techs, and several others. Dont want to even get started on ascended. But most all the updates in the last 1 to 2 years have been bandaids and the success rate has been low.

As for fixes, well that Game Admin Jason area, and his alone.
schuesseled wrote:And Yes, If someone attacked me with a knife and I had a cannon I would shoot them with it.
Age old saying that, "Dont bring a knife to a gun fight"
Reason, youll get dead.
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Re: Revolutionary Idea, An iPhone App For SGW

Although this is an interesting idea, i think it would ruin some aspects of the game. Its nice to log in and see if you have any messages. Its also nice for a farmer to find someone who left naq out after their ppt ended. creating this 'program' would definitely change some aspects of the game, if not the style of the game itself.
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Re: Revolutionary Idea, An iPhone App For SGW

changing the game might not be as bad as your thinking, it's been a very long time since i was last on this forum, i was wondering about a sgw type game on the iphone googled it and was led here.

Since i first started to play sgw what 3/4 years ago, i dunno, the gameplay was exciting and fun, but now 3 years on its barely even recognisable so many features have been added and changed beyond recognition.

I think an iphone app would be a great idea, if it was made, i'd happily pay a dollar or a pound for it, as i imagine some other iphone users might want to.

some things to consider:

> the iphone already has a market for these types of games, with games such a iVampires and iMobs and so on. So there should be a demand for a new entry, and you could stand to make a substantial amount off of it, especially if you net ten of thousands of customers like on here.

> You could sell one free and one paid version, of course as i mentioned earliuer you can charge as little as 60p for these things and still be okay, with the paid version offering more features for players.

> You wouldn't necessarily have to link this to the current server you could treat it as a new server, like when you made quantumwars and chaoswars, providing a enteriley new game with original game play.

> You could create links or trades between the iphone server and the regular servers enticing your new customers to come and try the oriignal versions as well.
12agnar0k be taking over this here account, argh!


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