possible CS max damage bug

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possible CS max damage bug

smacks of irony uses its Black Hole String to inflict 68,386,500,000,000 damage, destroying 99999 Enegry Vortex Shields on ******!

Is 99,999 the max number of shields you can destroy per hit on a CS? Right now it's a pretty trivial issue and not likely to affect the game. But if CS's get updated it will become a problem.

If the updates do change the mechanics of CS's then it's not hard to envisage a time when people are running around with useful CS's with 10's of millions of slots that can't effectively be taken down if there is a 99,999 cap in place.

Is anyone, in addition to the account I farmed, capable of testing? (Sorry bout the hit lol)
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Re: possible CS max damage bug

What's your CS power?
~Insider Trader~
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Re: possible CS max damage bug

Not enough to have 99,999 destroyed in a 15 turn hit

[spoiler]Black Hole String Maximum Strength 1,252,500
Offense Capacity 52,605,000,000,000

Energy Vortex Maximum Strength 1,252,500
Defence Capacity 80,160,000,000,000[/spoiler]

I don't think there's too many CS's out there with >4mill weps & shields to test this. If Forum opened beta I'd love to build up a CS and have a crack at it.

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