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Mothership suggestion

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 10:49 am
by Bullseye
I done a search and could'nt find anything on this.

Anyway what about the option to sell slots, if you are in need of naq, or just want to reduce them.

Also the ability to swap one slot for another, at a cost.
IE swap weapon for shield for x amount naq.

What do you think, just gives more options to motherships, like putting it into attack mode or defence mode.

Re: Mothership suggestion

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 12:36 pm
by Ashu
klacey wrote:I done a search and couldn't find anything on this.

Anyway what about the option to sell slots, if you are in need of naq, or just want to reduce them.

Also the ability to swap one slot for another, at a cost.
IE swap weapon for shield for x amount naq.

What do you think, just gives more options to motherships, like putting it into attack mode or defense mode.

Listen to this:
I have 100k slots on offense...its getting i see i have like 3k slots on say fleets...i make a lot more for a low price then MAKE THEM OFFENSE and so on...still having ONLY 3k slots on fleets...Of course you could say keep the price but then i honestly don't see the point.
As for att mode,def mode...depends on what you mean by that!

Re: Mothership suggestion

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 12:51 pm
by Bullseye
I will use your slots as an example
Say you wanted to upgade 1 weapon from fleet, the cost to upgrade would be 100,001st slot - the cost of 3rd slot from fleet.

But many have shields too, so say you have 100,000 weapons and 200,000 shields, you have the option to transfer as many as you wish, at what ever the cost might be +/-

As for the attack or defence mode, have like a bonus mode like if your in attack mode, it gets a boost but defences suffers, and same the other way round, or the option to keep as normal.

Re: Mothership suggestion

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 4:52 pm
by Sarevok
imo, an interesting idea. Gives your MS some more flexibility. Though, i would suggest a 24 hour minimum change period. To stop massers, then swapping their thing to defense.

And in relation to modes, this should also have a 24 hour change. For the same reason as stated before. But allow for a neutral mode, where there is no affect on any of the attributes (though, leave fleets alone from the modes)

However, this could be exploited by masses getting even more attack, and effectively reducing the increased minimum damage needed back to where it was BEFORE the recent update

Re: Mothership suggestion

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 11:14 pm
heh, swapping should take a period of time as well (Maybe, 2 hours or so?) During which the MS's power should be halved... In order to prevent abuse :P

Re: Mothership suggestion

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 11:45 pm
by Bullseye
like the ideas guys, i think the 24 hours before change is good beofre you can change again in modes.

Also what about a 24hour wait while changing of slots are made, like its in a dock having the changes done, and its not instant.

Re: Mothership suggestion

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 11:47 pm
by Sarevok
Yeh, i did say 24 hours, but a smaller value is probably better. Was just a starting point

Re: Mothership suggestion

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 1:38 am
by Kroony
instead of Defense Capacity, Attack Capacity and hangers, it could be changed to the one upgrade 'MS size' or something like that.

A MS with a size of 30 could have 10 attack, 10 defense and 10 fleets or 15 attack and 15 defense ect. You get the idea.

that would remove the issue with different sizes being cheaper and loop holeing your mother ship to a huge size

Re: Mothership suggestion

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 6:41 am
by Sarevok
I think a simpler resolution is it costs you to change them over. Being the price difference (though harder to code i would imagine). Saves getting 100k of each, then going and having 300k weapon slots. Though, if the price of the slot is cheaper, you don't get rebated the difference.

Re: Mothership suggestion

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 6:35 am
by Norbe
I like this idea... in the sci-fi shows you always hear them say lines like "transfer remaining power from shields to weapons".

It would also make MS battles much more interesting... you sacrifice half of your strike to boost your def by a set ratio, or vice-versa. The ratio could even be dependant on the power of the opposing MS your hitting, so if you are hitting a much more powerful MS you can "overcharge" your MS strike up to 200% to counter it by removing your shield power, which makes you vulnerable and they can do the opposite to power their shields. However the max. you can overcharge your MS is up to 80% of the enemy's max MS shield power.

I do agree that there needs to be a limit to how many times it can be changed. Perhaps the 2-hour limit similar to when you take a planet, which gives the enemy a short window to take advantage.

Re: Mothership suggestion

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 6:40 am
by Q Man
this is actually a really interesting idea, it'd definatly bring some new life to the game, a bit of change is always good!

Re: Mothership suggestion

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 7:08 am
by Sarevok
Norbe, 2hrs is WAY to short. Just make sure their offline, and you can pretty much guarantee you can change it back before they get online, make it like 12 hours or something. I know it's a long time, and in reality it shouldn't take this, long, but anything shorter can pretty much be exploited

Example: I'm going to bed, so i boost my shields, when i wake up, i find someone that appears offline (4x turn income), and change back to normal (or even, weapons dedicated), i mass their MS, and then, 2 hours later, i just change mine back to defense, before they even come online

Though, the general concept is a good idea. I don't know about 200%, since this translated into cost, if you have even numbers of weapons and shields, is ALOT,

Re: Mothership suggestion

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 2:05 pm
by Bullseye
What about if the change has a time limit before going back to normal. Say you overpower your shields the efforts only last say 2 hours, =4x turns. And once the turn changes it all goes back to normal and cant be done again for say 24 hours.

Re: Mothership suggestion

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 3:10 pm
by Valume
well this idea seems very nice would proly have to be tested in beta or some stuff like that, but i would see that tryin to take out one MS on the weapon stand point so 1-2 turns. i would say 2 turns or a timer dont know code dont know if it would be hard but in MS massing with your sheilds down your taking alot of damage massin a bigger ship than proly what your killing

Re: Mothership suggestion

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 5:23 pm
by Sarevok
Yeh, i dunno about the change timer. If it was locked on for say 12 hours, then it would allow the opponent to get revenge (in a sense).
The way i see it, if you mass someone while your using max weapons, then IF they do come on, they can hit you easily, since you have no shilds to cover yourself

Also, i'm pretty sure massing a MS can be done in under a turn. Esp since i've had 10's of T worth of defense gone in less then 30 mins