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Found this jewel...

Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2010 7:43 pm
by Eternal Usul
One of Arthur C. Clarke's early short stories. Read it some time ago and I'm tickled to find it on the interwebz. :-D

Nothing quite like the classic authors... :lol:

Rescue Party

Anyone else have a favorite short they'd like to share?

Re: Found this jewel...

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 1:41 am
by Zeratul
we'd like to share some of our favorite stuff, but what we consider short, most consider to be small books...

Re: Found this jewel...

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 3:00 am
by Eternal Usul
Bah, we're all here because we like reading anyway. :razz:

Adding something new to my list...

Not sure how to classify it, as it's not actually an official "book." Rather, it is an inspiring example of what can happen when millions of monkeys get electronic typewriters...

Occasionally, one writes something worth reading.

This story follows events after Humanity recieves a message from "God" politely informing us that the gates of Heaven are closed...permanently...and the reign of Satan has begun. All humans are required to quietly lay down and die.

Many do.

This follows those who don't. It may offend the religious sensibilities of some, but I'm finding it an enjoyable read. Maybe it's just me, but the idea of a multi-national coalition of forces Curbstomping an army of demons is verrry gratifying.

It's long, easily novel length. I just finished the first page of the thread containing it, and there is much more to come...


Re: Found this jewel...

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 3:07 am
by Juliette
Books in which humans 'stomp' demons and live to tell the tale are.. annoying to read. In my experience.
Ah well.. I guess everyone has their weakness in such regards.

Re: Found this jewel...

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 4:28 am
by Zeratul
yes, but we consider 150 full-size PDF pages short...

Re: Found this jewel...

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 5:49 am
by Eternal Usul
Offensive Bias wrote:Books in which humans 'stomp' demons and live to tell the tale are.. annoying to read. In my experience.
Ah well.. I guess everyone has their weakness in such regards.

Generally I agree, but this story manages to make it entertaining. At least, it entertained me at 4am...I'll find out if it's actually that good later when I start reading the rest.

I have to give the writer some props though, I think he nailed it with his portrayl of how a bronze age military would fare against a modern military...even if it was massive and composed of demons.

heh...meatgrinder... :sge

Re: Found this jewel...

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 7:12 am
by Juliette
So it's a butchery massacre thing? *heart*

Zeratul wrote:yes, but we consider 150 full-size PDF pages short...
Probably because it is short..
And because you are using a big big font type. :P

Re: Found this jewel...

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 7:13 am
by Zeratul
actually, we're using regular text size... text size cant be changed in PDFs... at least not easily...