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Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 9:22 am
by ~Vix~
Ok, I see people are being warned and junk for saying the word Fignut. People are saying that you can't say it, this is a warning one more time and you get a proper warning... Now for people like myself, who are in an alliance called 'Fignuts', this is a big problem...

The word aint bad..

Its the name of our alliance

When some one, such a byrnes :-" says Fignuts in a recruitment thread, step back and think for a sec, did he want to insult, or was he suggesting the alliance -_-

If people are getting warnings for saying the word we have A BIG problem, cause sigs, lil alliance tag on forum, war threads and a possible recruitment thread are ALL about to have it on :/

Can a comprise be reached?

Re: Fignuts...

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 9:26 am
by ~Vix~
*looks at Matt*

lets try this one again -_-

Re: Fignuts...

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 9:40 am
by dastupy
Change alliance name? :roll:

If I would make an alliance and call it **Filtered** faggots and then go to the forum asking it to get unfiltered, do u think it'd work > :roll:

Re: Fignuts...

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 9:40 am
by ~Vix~
Nope... making it a filtered word would be bad my special nic, something we didn't do...

Re: Fignuts...

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 12:32 pm
by Jack
~Vix~ wrote:Nope... making it a filtered word would be bad my special nic, something we didn't do...

What if I made an alliance called Niggers&Spics.

Would I be allowed to have that on the forum? Just askin' :-"

Re: Fignuts...

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 12:51 pm
by kojak
Fignuts is a derogitory term used in Jest What you came out with (If used in seriousness) would just be pure racism.

Re: Fignuts...

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 4:05 pm
by yofeehely
Oh my god has the whole world turned in to tweety birds? Dead set, if something like FIGNUTS offends people (personally I laugh at it and I am quite sure 90% of people do!) what the heck is this world coming to...

I will NOT change our alliance name for the whims of sissy's... yes I said it.

The main instigator of this action against our name who I need not mention has used the word more than any of my alliance mates... and yet no warning has been issued to 'her'.

Should I remind everyone that we are not using the word against others... It is OUR choice to be joined under It!

So if you decide to filter the word well I guess on the forums we will be known as **Filtered**.... For a little while... Until we change our name to Masking.... then you will ban that... then we will change it to FIgNuTs.... ban it? Ok I can play this game all day! Masking

LUKE, A Masking
(Yes I have inferior intelligence, physical appearance, social skills and character)

Do you see me running for a mod!

Re: Fignuts...

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 4:18 pm
by Q Man
yofeehely wrote:Oh my god has the whole world turned in to tweety birds? Dead set, if something like FIGNUTS offends people (personally I laugh at it and I am quite sure 90% of people do!) what the heck is this world coming to...

I will NOT change our alliance name for the whims of sissy's... yes I said it.

The main instigator of this action against our name who I need not mention has used the word more than any of my alliance mates... and yet no warning has been issued to 'her'.

Should I remind everyone that we are not using the word against others... It is OUR choice to be joined under It!

So if you decide to filter the word well I guess on the forums we will be known as **Filtered**.... For a little while... Until we change our name to Masking
.... then you will ban that... then we will change it to FIgNuTs.... ban it? Ok I can play this game all day! Masking

LUKE, A Masking

(Yes I have inferior intelligence, physical appearance, social skills and character)

Do you see me running for a mod!

actually no, you'd get warned for evading a filter, where it to be filtered.
but i can see both sides of this and i really do hope common sense prevails.

this should be based on context. as an alliance name, i see no problem, but if its used in insult, then sure it warrants a warning. but my opinion is swaying toward keeping it out of the filter.

Re: Fignuts...

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 4:19 pm
by papa~smurf

hmmmmm ?
been here ,got the t shirt
told ya it was hard to slice stuff 2 ways

now this is a bit of a pickle i think
but i am sure u can talk your way around, point to the rules (not sure which rule u point to but point) your way out of it
and they thought we did not need a user bill of rights lol

i know fignuts is not an acrom hmmmmmmmmm

Re: Fignuts...

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 4:37 pm
by yofeehely
Maddog wrote:
yofeehely wrote:Oh my god has the whole world turned in to tweety birds? Dead set, if something like FIGNUTS offends people (personally I laugh at it and I am quite sure 90% of people do!) what the heck is this world coming to...

I will NOT change our alliance name for the whims of sissy's... yes I said it.

The main instigator of this action against our name who I need not mention has used the word more than any of my alliance mates... and yet no warning has been issued to 'her'.

Should I remind everyone that we are not using the word against others... It is OUR choice to be joined under It!

So if you decide to filter the word well I guess on the forums we will be known as **Filtered**.... For a little while... Until we change our name to FIG-NUTS.... then you will ban that... then we will change it to FIgNuTs.... ban it? Ok I can play this game all day! FI-G-NU-TS, F*I*G*N*U*T*S...

(Yes I have inferior intelligence, physical appearance, social skills and character)

Do you see me running for a mod!

actually no, you'd get warned for evading a filter, where it to be filtered.
but i can see both sides of this and i really do hope common sense prevails.

this should be based on context. as an alliance name, i see no problem, but if its used in insult, then sure it warrants a warning. but my opinion is swaying toward keeping it out of the filter.

Thanks Maddog/Papa,

I hope common sense prevails also. We have not used the word in reference to a person, EVER! And we never will.

Although if it does get banned I guess I'll be getting alot of warnings.

And you may as well ban words like Idiot, Jerk, Moron, Loser, Goose, Dumb, Ugly, Noob etc etc etc... as these all are much more direct insults that are used AT PEOPLE quite regularly on these forums and apparently certain people dont like words that even suggest these ones (i.e. FIGNUTS)!

So I guess the poor person who looks after word filters better get about 500000 jugs of coffee ready... Cuz it's going ot be a long night.

Re: Fignuts...

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 4:39 pm
by Jack
yofeehely wrote:Oh my god has the whole world turned in to tweety birds? Dead set, if something like FIGNUTS offends people (personally I laugh at it and I am quite sure 90% of people do!) what the heck is this world coming to...

Niggers&Spics doesn't offend me, so does that mean I can use it as my alliance name?

yofeehely wrote:I will NOT change our alliance name for the whims of sissy's... yes I said it.

Who be you callin a sissy, princess? Image

Re: Fignuts...

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 4:51 pm
by yofeehely
Really productive/constructive reply there...

Congratulations on pointing out your lack of understanding regarding the use of words.

I am not even going to type the words you have writen but you honestly can not beleive that your words are the same as FIGNUTS?

FIGNUTS on It's own means NOTHING! This is what I find really funny! And when researched it means nothing more than Idiot, Moron, Ugly, Noob etc.... which we all use on a daily basis.

Your words however, well I am not even going to bother. We all know what they mean and their origins. Anyone comparing those words to FIGNUTS in my opinion is somewhat bizaar!

Oh no! Quick filter the word Bizaar!

Re: Fignuts...

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 5:38 pm
by Jack
I'm merely pointing out the flaws in your argument. Image

Re: Fignuts...

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 7:09 pm
by Empy
I'm fairly sure I've never read nor heard the word Fignuts before. I've heard fig, and nuts, but not Fignuts. Then again I'm not from the same hemisphere as the word seems to have originated from. I find no reason something like this, that is not profane cannot be used in jest. Used in a derogatory sense towards another person, personally, then it would be breaking at least one rule..

Re: Fignuts...

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 7:32 pm
by muffafuffin
i had assumed fignuts was like a food or something.

and so i did a search for it as well. and i the mentioned meaning for the word

"A derogatory term to describe someone of inferior intelligence, physical appearance, social skills or character"

on urban dictionary. honestly is that where we are getting our info now? on a website that says Dome means oral sex?

i mean honestly if we are going to deem things as bad lets make sure that our definitions and reasons are coming from a website that can be publicly altered :roll: