BP oil spill has shut down gulf stream....

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BP oil spill has shut down gulf stream....

new ice age on the way????

I came across some info a couple days ago that the BP spill has shut down the Gulf stream and this is why we are experiencing the weather we have now. my first reaction was "WTH?!?! this isnt some "conspiracy" about Fluoride killing people or the NWO, why the hell isn't this plastered on the front page of every paper?! why did i have to get this knowledge from the net?! :mad: ".

anyways, this has massive implications for the whole planet beyond just a change in the global weather patten but could pose a potential catastrophic breakdown of the food supply, further strain on the global economy which is already teetering on the brink of collapse, animal migrations/invasions/extinctions and so on.
its not an exaggeration to say that this dwarfs Chernobyl or Bhopal (just 2 disasters off the top of my head) and every other disaster in human history. the only parallel i can compare this to is a disaster from any number of Hollywood blockbusters :shock:

this disaster has been further compounded by the use of one of the most toxic substances i have ever come across, Corexit, and they are STILL using this stuff even though BP has been ordered to find and use something less damaging. its outlawed in most civilised country's except the US and not a single blessed soul has even gone to prison for this atrocity...that is outrageous and further proves that corporations are bigger than any Govt...but we wont go down the road of "conspiracy" in this thread...

what are your thoughts about this, and did you know about this already or what??

PS. some VERY important clips to watch before you comment:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?annotation ... feature=iv


http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/ ... istan.html

thats just a few links to get you lot started.

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Re: BP oil spill has shut down gulf stream....

suggested solutions? :-k
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Re: BP oil spill has shut down gulf stream....

stock up on canned food and other basics, camping stoves, torches (flash lights for you yanks), clothing etc. etc. etc...

no comments regarding what's going on with the weather, or the fact nobody has been held accountable or the media silence?

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Re: BP oil spill has shut down gulf stream....

[KMA]Avenger wrote:stock up on canned food and other basics, camping stoves, torches (flash lights for you yanks), clothing etc. etc. etc...

no comments regarding what's going on with the weather, or the fact nobody has been held accountable or the media silence?

Does that really surprise you?
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Re: BP oil spill has shut down gulf stream....

does what surprise me?

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Re: BP oil spill has shut down gulf stream....

Not a word about this on the media, no one saying anything about it? Like it never happened...?

Does it surprise you? Or a better question, should it surprise you?
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Re: BP oil spill has shut down gulf stream....

well, i spose it shouldn't but it does-as i explained in my OP, this isnt some "conspiracy theory", this is fact as proved by satellite thermal imagery and the weather outside my window :?

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Re: BP oil spill has shut down gulf stream....

People hate to feel helpless. They hate to watch on TV how their world is falling apart piece by piece in the hands of sheer human callousness and greed. Why would the news broadcast something like that? Why would they feed the very people they're trying to subjugate with information and news about it? Why zap someone to wake up when you love to see them slumber in their own worldly filth and decay?
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Re: BP oil spill has shut down gulf stream....

All valid points i agree with...however...ultimately thats not what this thread is about ;)

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Re: BP oil spill has shut down gulf stream....

Last edited by Kit-Fox on Wed Jan 04, 2012 4:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
The river tells no lies, yet standing at its shores the dishonest man still hears them

If you dont like what I post, then tough. Either dont read it or dont bother replying to it.
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Re: BP oil spill has shut down gulf stream....

i have had the thought that this will correct itself given time, but a correction will be impossible until the cause of the imbalance itself has been corrected, the spill has been fully stopped (which it still has not been stopped...fully) and the oil and dispersant are gone from the region.

did you watch the clips? in one of the clips the Professor said that they have evidence that the gulf stream was already in decline before the deep water horizon explosion. all the spill has done is accelerate the "shut down" that was already under way.

as a kid i remember that (before the bin collection were privatised) the dustman themselves were the ones who spread the grit on the roads in the winter, and they did it with shovels so we used to get a decent amount of grit on the roads, now we have these worthless buckets patrolling the streets chucking out salt from the rear in such fine quantity it boggles the mind why they even bother sending these things out in the first place...

a classic case of "its not broken but we'll fix it anyways" mentality :smt115

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Re: BP oil spill has shut down gulf stream....

Last edited by Kit-Fox on Wed Jan 04, 2012 4:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
The river tells no lies, yet standing at its shores the dishonest man still hears them

If you dont like what I post, then tough. Either dont read it or dont bother replying to it.
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Re: BP oil spill has shut down gulf stream....

*takes a deep breath*

we seem to have gone off track a bit so i'll get back to the topic at hand...this is what we are talking about:


this is what The Thermohaline Circulation should look like:

http://oceancurrents.rsmas.miami.edu/at ... am-YYY.gif

this is what it looks like as of the 21st of December:

http://rads.tudelft.nl/gulfstream/gif/g ... 11_vel.gif

images source: http://rads.tudelft.nl/gulfstream/

there's also this brief explanation as to what's happening in the upper atmosphere and the jet stream: http://news.bbc.co.uk/weather/hi/news/n ... 223918.stm

a must listen to 21+minute Youtube radio exert with Dr Deagle: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YUOLXiK9xxE

a most excellent article with links to sources:
[spoiler]The latest satellite data establishes that the North Atlantic Current (also called the North Atlantic Drift) no longer exists and along with it the Norway Current. These two warm water currents are actually part of the same system that has several names depending on where in the Atlantic Ocean it is. The entire system is a key part of the planet’s heat regulatory system; it is what keeps Ireland and the United Kingdom mostly ice free and the Scandinavia countries from being too cold; it is what keeps the entire world from another Ice Age. This Thermohaline Circulation System is now dead in places and dying in others.

This ‘river’ of warm water that moves through the Atlantic Ocean is called, in various places, the South Atlantic Current, the North Brazil Current, the Caribbean Current, the Yucatan Current, the Loop Current, the Florida Current, the Gulf Stream, the North Atlantic Current (or North Atlantic Drift) and the Norway Current.

The thermohaline circulation is sometimes called the ocean conveyor belt, the great ocean conveyor, or the global conveyor belt.

It is a university level physics experiment to use a tub of cool water and inject a colored stream of warm water into it. You can see the boundary layers of the warm water stream. If you add oil to the tub it breaks down the boundary layers of the warm water stream and effectively destroys the current vorticity . This is what is happening in the Gulf of Mexico and in the Atlantic Ocean.

The entire ‘river of warm water’ that flows from the Caribbean to the edges of Western Europe is dying due to the Corexit that the Obama Administration allowed BP to use to hide the scale of the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Disaster. The approximately two million gallons of Corexit, plus several million gallons of other dispersants, have caused the over two hundred million gallons of crude oil, that has gushed for months from the BP wellhead and nearby sites, to mostly sink to the bottom of the ocean. This has helped to effectively hide much of the oil, with the hopes that BP can seriously reduce the mandated federal fines from the oil disaster. However, there is no current way to effectively ‘clean up’ the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico, which is about half covered in crude oil. Additionally, the oil has flowed up the East Coast of America and into the North Atlantic Ocean, and there is no way to effectively clean up this ’sea bottom oil’. It is likely, based on numerous reports, that the oil is still flowing in massive amounts from multiple places on the seabed floor. This effectively means, that even if we had the technology in place to somehow clean up the free flowing thick crude oil deep in the ocean, it would likely not be enough to reverse the damage to the Thermohaline Circulation System in the Atlantic Ocean.

Dr. Deagle: The evidence has come in from ROV video and other experts such as Matt Simmons, BK Lim, and Lindsay Williams and my own anonymous whistleblowers from inside the closed circle of Cameron Ironworks, Tranocean Marine , Oceaneering International. My source provided very solid info re the ROV analysis by Oceaneering engineers that the BOP Blow Out Preventer was ‘modified’ and never had hydraulics to close the BOP. BP knew that the field had dangerous high levels of methane, hydrogen sulphide, and pressures exceeded any valve technology as the current state of the art. The seeps continue along a fractured fault line from the Macondo well site where evidence presented by BK Lim that the only well of three that reached the abiotic batholith ocean of oil and gas was never capped or stopped and has continued to leak along the ocean floor and inject oil and gas and tar into the rock strata.

Dr Gianluigi Zangari PhD from the Frascati Institute is a Theoretical Physicist, who has worked for years with a collaborative network of scientists monitoring the Gulf of Mexico Loop Current and its contribution to the Thermohaline Current System that makes the Gulf Stream that becomes the North Atlantic Drift Current and subcurrents. After receiving a contact from a naval scientist via a regular guest on the NutriMedical Report national radio show, on Genesis Network, John Moore sent Dr. Deagle the info on Dr Zangari’s work. Dr. Deagle contacted him by SKYPE and and within minutes was conversing by SKYPE to Italy with Dr Zangari re his serious analysis with data from six satellites of the May to June 12th 2010 dissolution of the Loop Current. Over the next few weeks to July 28th, with numerous interviews on The NutriMedical Report and LiveStream.com/TheNutriMedicalReportShow updates, final proof was provided that the Gulf Stream had been stopped cold at the 47th longitudinal parallel with a 10 degree Celsius ocean temperature drop, and loss of velocity and energy, so that the Gulf Stream was only able to be measured by satellite to less than one-third the way across the Atlantic ocean. As Dr Zangari stated, this is not the butterfly effect but the ‘elephant effect’, and with the amount of oil released, the natural system linked as the pacemaker to world climate for millions of years, this was now gone, replaced by an artificial system with a Gulf of Mexico by late July seven degrees Celsius above normals, and totally disconnected Loop Current from the Florida current that becomes the Gulf Stream. In his reported on June 12th 2010 in a journal article, the CCAR Colorado data agreed with the NOAA and US Naval Satellites data. This live satellite data map later altered on the CCAR servers, and he emailed that this was “to falsify” and he could not explain this fact logically. He returned to NOAA and US Naval data on the same and later dates and stated by early August that the CCAR data was no longer reliable and his conclusions was not changed in quality or quantity of the serious consequences. His conclusion that ‘glaciation’ at an unknown pace was inevitable from this disaster.

Almost a month ago, we broke the story that the Loop Current in the Gulf of Mexico had effectively died. We quoted Dr. Gianluizi Zangari, who first discovered the damage to the Thermohaline Circulation System:

“As displayed by both by the sea surface maps and the sea surface height maps, the Loop Current broke down for the first time around May 18th and generated a clock wise eddy, which is still active. As of today the situation has deteriorated up to the point in which the eddy has detached itself completely from the main stream therefore destroying completely the Loop Current. ..”
“It is reasonable to foresee the threat that the breaking of [such] a crucial warm stream as the Loop Current may generate a chain reaction of unpredictable critical phenomena and instabilities due to strong non-linearities which may have serious consequences on the dynamics of the Gulf Stream thermoregulation activity of the Global Climate.”
- Dr. Gianluigi Zangari

The massive amount of crude oil, ever expanding in volume and covering such an enormous area, has seriously affected the entire thermoregulation system of the planet, by breaking up the boundary layers of the warm water flow. The Loop Current in the Gulf of Mexico ceased to exist a month ago, the latest satellite data clearly shows that the North Atlantic Current is now GONE and the Gulf Stream begins to break apart approximately 250 miles from the Outer Banks of North Carolina. The Thermohaline Circulatory System, where the warm water current flows through a much cooler, much larger, ocean, effects the upper atmosphere above the current as much as seven miles high. The lack of this normal effect in the eastern North Atlantic has disrupted the normal flow of the atmospheric Jet Stream this summer, causing unheard of high temperatures in Moscow (104F) and drought, and flooding in Central Europe, with high temperatures in much of Asia and massive flooding in China, Pakistan, and elsewhere in Asia.

The most current data continues to show a dying of the entire Thermohaline Circulation System in the Atlantic Ocean. This is indicative of the fact that the dispersants have caused the oil to remain in place below the surface, and according to most reports remain in almost full amounts (up to 80%) long after the BP Oil Disaster began. Since there is no current way to remove this massive amount of free flowing oil below the sea at depths up to one mile deep, it is apt to continue to effect any natural recovery of the Thermohaline Circulation System.

So what does this mean? Violent mixing of the seasons, crop failures, and increased drought and floods in diverse places is now daily news since the April 20th 2010 BP Oil Volcano. They have killed the pacemaker of world climate in the worlds of Dr Zangari PhD. Dr Mike Coffman PhD geologist resource climatologist, and Dr Tim Ball PhD climatologist have confirmed that if this data is correct, that an ice age and massive climate shift with famine is now imminent. We are now seeing Russia stop all delivery of wheat crops on prior contracts, and most sources of staple food crops moving worldwide in a crisis of famine. The Gulf Stream and related currents are effectively DEAD. This should enrage the public and bring forth scientists to challenge and support the data and analysis, for the consequences to the civilization of mankind and ecological collapse have global consequence producing famine, death and massive population migration away from zones of advancing ice age and regions unfit for human habitation. Let us get the facts and call the corporate and government to task on these issues now or face worldwide catechisms of biblical proportions. We shall continue to report with new scientific experts on this most important disaster.

The ‘process’ of entering a new Ice Age could begin coming upon us in full force (rather like in the movie “The Day After Tomorrow”) at any time, or it could take three to five year to fully play out with early glaciation beginning in North America and Europe and Asia this winter (both models have existed in the beginnings of different Ice Ages in Earth’s past).

Current sea surface temperature satellite data show pre-Ice Age cooling continuing - image ~


A new Ice Age, could kill 2/3 of the human race in the first year in a rapid onset; a slower onset would likely kill close to this number but simply take a handful of years.! Thank you BP; thank you President Obama, the lies and the dispersants were just great. Now if you could just direct all that hot air to the right places maybe we can avoid a icy hell in our near future.

UPDATE 2 September 2010: Europe is going into an early winter ~ link ~ with snowfall in the Alps coming a month early ~ link ~ half a meter of snow in late August in Norway ~ link ~ early snow in Russia ~ link ~ Additionally, sea ice in the Antarctic is at near record levels ~ link ~ and coldest August in South Australia in 35 years ~ link ~ This is indicative of a major climatic change to the entire planet and is to be expected from the dying Thermohaline Circulation System in the Atlantic Ocean.

Dr Bill Deagle MD AAEM

The NutriMedical Report Show on Genesis Network

Rt. Hon. The Earl of Stirling
news blog EUROPE

Dr. Bill Deagle is a environmental physician with a background in marine oceanography and host of the NutriMedical Report international radio talk show. Lord Stirling has been a consultant to a number of high-technology firms and is host of EUROPE a popular news site.

The Gulf Steam ~ link ~ The Gulf Stream is bigger than the combined flow of the Mississippi, the Nile, the Congo, the Amazon, the Volga, the Yangtze and many other major rivers of the world. The best technical estimate is that one hundred thousand million tons of warm salt water flow between Florida and the Bahamas every hour. At 235 gallons per ton, we have 235 x 1010 gallons per hour flowing between two and five miles per hour northward. This flow has been estimated to be about twenty times greater than all the fresh water in the world flowing into the oceans of the world from rain, rivers, and melting ice.

This great mass of flowing water, or energy, has no beginning or ending, for its waters flow continuously northward along our east coast then east across the North Atlantic to the coasts of Europe and the United Kingdom, where it turns south and flows along western Europe and Africa, before again turning westward across the South Atlantic to the Caribbean basin. Lake any large river, it has tributaries, counter currents and eddies.

This entire circulation is not called the Gulf Stream; only the portion that flows northward beginning in the Caribbean Islands and flows to the mid-Atlantic at the latitude of the North Sea is so named. There are many other names for the other segments.

How is it possible to have such a continuous source of energy that moves the estimated one hundred thousand million tons of water (100,000,000,000 [1010]) past Miami at the rate of two to five miles per hour? This is perhaps the greatest simple source of power in the world.

Simply explained, the earth rotates counter-clockwise, and the combination of the rotation and the viscous fluids, air and water, produces a pumping action that pushes the water of the South Atlantic westward. The atmosphere, resisting the world’s rotation, produces what we call Trade Winds. Because the earth is spinning faster than the surrounding mantle of air, on the surface of the earth the winds blow from the east. Thus, the great expanse of water in the South Atlantic is pushed westward by both the earth’s rotation and the less viscous air, until it is thrust against the land masses of Central and South America, and is forced to split into two streams–the Brazil Current, flowing south, and the Gulf Stream, flowing north, the Gulf Stream being greater of the two.

The volume of water returning from Europe and Africa has been calculated to be substantially less than the volume of water of the Gulf Stream between Miami and the Bahamas. Some of this increased volume is attributed to the funnel, or venture, effect, caused by the narrowing of the Gulf Stream between Miami, Bimini and Cat Cay, which increases the Gulf Stream’s velocity and drags additional volumes of water along.

There are many doubts about who actually discovered the Gulf Stream. Credit is often given to Anto de Alaminos, the pilot for Ponce de Leon, who sailed to Florida in 1513. Benjamin Franklin has received credit for recognizing, publicizing and naming the current the Gulf Stream in 1770 (see exhibit #23). Walden Hoxton in 1735, however, had already charted and named the Stream, though his work was not published until a later date. Perhaps the discovery and naming of the Gulf Stream is a moot question, but to cartography it becomes important in tracing history, particularly in the Age of Exploration and Discovery of the New World.

From the available records, the title “Gulf Stream” was first used to identify the flowing waters off the southeast coast of Florida in 1768 or 1769 by William Gerand De Brahm, while in the employ of the British Government. In 1771, he requested the opportunity to publish a description of the waters of eastern Florida for the benefit of all ships sailing in these dangerous waters. Permission was granted and his work appeared in 1772. This publication, “The Atlantic Pilot,” together with its charts, described the “Gulf Stream” and its flows and eddies. His information was derived from the data he had collected as the Surveyor General of the new colony of East Florida, and as Surveyor General of the newly created Southern District. Since he began to work in St. Augustine, Florida, in January of 1765, the assumption is that his material for the “Atlantic Pilot” was collected between this date and his request for publication in 1771. His research predated Franklin’s, though he is not generally considered to have “discovered” the Gulf Stream. (See exhibit #21)

By the middle of the 18th Century, American ships sailing from England to America were completing the voyage as much as two weeks ahead of British Admiralty vessels making the same voyage, and England wanted to know why.

In 1786, Benjamin Franklin, who was then Postmaster General of the North American Colonies, was summoned to England to give a possible explanation. A cousin of Franklin’s, a sea captain named Folger, accompanied him. Folger had had much experience sailing the American coastline for fish and whales. Testifying before the Admiralty, he described, by sketching, the flow of water along the coast and the effect this had on shipping. The British Admiralty dismissed his information as of little account, and continued to follow their own, established routes. The rejection of this information may have had a major influence on America’s defeat of England during the Revolutionary War, because the information described by Captain Folger gave the American fleet an advantage. Benjamin Franklin published a map in 1770 showing the Gulf Stream. De Brahm’s work and maps were published in 1772, although his research was done prior to 1770. Although their objectives were different, both reached substantially the same conclusion about the Gulf Stream.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Source: http://www.infiniteunknown.net/2010/09/ ... t-change...

http://www.guerillamedia.co.nz/content/ ... comes-true[/spoiler]

you can bet your backside that the mainstream media will do U-turns on "Man Made Global Warming" and this will also be blamed on that evil and vial substance CO2 and big engined cars, and the solution will be, wait for it.....

"we need a CO2 tax".
Last edited by [KMA]Avenger on Wed Dec 29, 2010 11:58 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: BP oil spill has shut down gulf stream....

Well that is certainly one way to 'fix' global warming. :-"
Ya'll acting like you know what monster is
Me have 25 years in the monster biz
All monsters think you can fuss with this
Well you can talk to me Snuffleupagus
Me sneak into your house, me leave before dawn
Your daughters will be pregnant and your cookies will be gone
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Re: BP oil spill has shut down gulf stream....

Eärendil wrote:
Dr. House wrote:Well that is certainly one way to 'fix' global warming. :-"

Now we just need Teh Big Three to create moar gas guzzling trucks to counter this global cooling

And that, my friends, is how you skin a cat. :razz:
Ya'll acting like you know what monster is
Me have 25 years in the monster biz
All monsters think you can fuss with this
Well you can talk to me Snuffleupagus
Me sneak into your house, me leave before dawn
Your daughters will be pregnant and your cookies will be gone
Malx wrote:Make kids not cancer!
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