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Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2011 3:54 am
by Noobert
I found a torrent for a DvDRIP. I will send the PM to anyone who wishes, as it seems it's forbidden to post links to pirated stuff.

If you want to find it yourself - PirateBay is a good start. ;)

This is a bullet casing. ;)

Re: Ultramarines

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2011 4:58 am
by Lithium
that was hell of a game :)

Re: Ultramarines

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2011 1:12 pm
by Noobert
I am watching the movie now. GOOSEBUMPS YO. 8-[

Watched it. Loved it. Keeping it. It had a few downsides, but I'll let you see for yourself. I recommend this movie to any fan of Warhammer. Strongly recommended.

I want a Blood Ravens one, definitely. FOR THE EMPEROR. :lol:

Re: Ultramarines

Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2011 3:43 am
by nightlight
I have got it on my PC and will be watching it tonight (Sunday) i will give you my reveiw tomorrow :D

Re: Ultramarines

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 6:03 am
by Londo Mollari
watched this a few days ago

good film, effects were pretty decent, fairly accurate portrail of the ultramarines

chaos marines were too weak though, they should have been much tougher than they were

Re: Ultramarines

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 7:20 am
by Noobert
Londo Mollari wrote:watched this a few days ago

good film, effects were pretty decent, fairly accurate portrail of the ultramarines

chaos marines were too weak though, they should have been much tougher than they were

Agreed. The Chaos Marines were weak **Filtered**. They were so was pitiful.

For ex-Space Marines, they are weak. I did not follow the lore behind it, but I've played DoW games and loved them. It got me into the Universe and I can tell you that from my experience - they were far stronger then that. Far far stronger.

The Demon's portrayal was accurate though, I thought.

Re: Ultramarines

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 11:12 am
by Londo Mollari
yeh the demon was cool, stealthy, evil, destructive and possesive...all the things a demon should be

the chaos marines, arn't just former space marines, they are (at least the vast majority), the original legionnaires, they should each have 1000's of years of combat experience

they should not be running into battle willy nilly getting shot in the face

especially the black legion, they would take out the unit commander and break the units moral before annihilating them with a concentrated assualt

but...minor griping and general moaning aside, t'was fairly awesome

Re: Ultramarines

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 4:33 pm
by Noobert
Londo Mollari wrote:yeh the demon was cool, stealthy, evil, destructive and possesive...all the things a demon should be

the chaos marines, arn't just former space marines, they are (at least the vast majority), the original legionnaires, they should each have 1000's of years of combat experience

they should not be running into battle willy nilly getting shot in the face

especially the black legion, they would take out the unit commander and break the units moral before annihilating them with a concentrated assualt

but...minor griping and general moaning aside, t'was fairly awesome

I agree completely. Just let me ask you this now.

Would you love to see a Blood Raven movie? Or even an Ork movie? ;)

Re: Ultramarines

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 4:37 pm
by ~LordRse~
To be honost.. I expected more of it..

More wars
More races...

BUT! I did like it, I collected pretty much Warhammer armies (Ultramarines, High Elves, Lizardmen)

I give it 7/10

Re: Ultramarines

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 4:50 pm
by Lawless One
getting it now and watching it tonight :)

Re: Ultramarines

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2011 12:14 am
by Londo Mollari
Noobert wrote:
Londo Mollari wrote:yeh the demon was cool, stealthy, evil, destructive and possesive...all the things a demon should be

the chaos marines, arn't just former space marines, they are (at least the vast majority), the original legionnaires, they should each have 1000's of years of combat experience

they should not be running into battle willy nilly getting shot in the face

especially the black legion, they would take out the unit commander and break the units moral before annihilating them with a concentrated assualt

but...minor griping and general moaning aside, t'was fairly awesome

I agree completely. Just let me ask you this now.

Would you love to see a Blood Raven movie? Or even an Ork movie? ;)

a blood raven movie, would be ok

an ork movie would be harder to do, assuming they are doing it with the orks as main characters, as they arnt exactly characters you would sympathise

a move about one of the armageddon wars would be awesome though

even a movie about the eldar's struggle against chaos would be amazing

Re: Ultramarines

Posted: Sat Feb 26, 2011 6:36 pm
by semper
Well.. as a player of the 40k table top game (for 10 years or so now) and a very knowledgeable movie enthusiast.. i'll give this a good run down.

The story was... actually pretty good. It was true to the Universe in tone (which is what i'd expect from their best novel writer Dan Abnett) and it didn't beat around the bush. Which overall kept me watching it (and my loyalty to the hobby). There was one particular gaping hole in the thing though. How did the Black Legion decimate an entire company of Imperial Fist's (that's 100 marines, a captain, chaplain and vehicles who were dig in and fortified) yet they couldn't kill a 10 man Tactical Squad, Apothecary and Captain of the Ultramarine's 2nd Company (I think they were second company can't remember) without a kill/death ration of like 20-1?

Honestly though.... the special effects and animation were dreadful beyond belief. There are literally game trailers with better special effects (Ironically you should watch the intro sequences to DoW I and II and Mark of Chaos) and I think the company spent too much money concerned with getting some good actors behind the voices opposed to selling the universe visually which is disappointing because they made the very same mistake with Eragon.

Next is the representation of the Chaos Space Marines. I've never seen so much rubbish in my life. Chaos Space Marines can go toe to toe with any Space Marine army you want, they used to be space marines only a large proportion of them have a good 10,000 years of experience to boot and a bit of Daemon in them to add a bit of spice to all that sugar. These particular ones were Black Legion, the Ultramarines of Chaos and legion of Abaddon himself. These guys have lead crusades that have levelled entire Imperial sectors (Gothinc War, 2004 EoT campaign where they took control of the CADIAN SURFACE!) and fought dozens of chapters at once, yet a 10 man tactical squad and a captain could do what 100+ Imperial Fist's couldn't. The Daemon prince was represented well though thankfully... although I would have to question a tactical marine wielding a thunderhammer being able to kill the bad boy.

Finally is the use of Chaos Space Marines at all. As a novice writer and all the above.. i'd say that was a big mistake. It's their first movie.. the villains should have been Tyranids (battle for Macragge would have made an awesome film), Orks or even Eldar. Get the audience used to Space Marines being the good guys.. then do the unthinkable show us CSM's in another film.

All in all.. it was alright but I wasn't that impressed (it could be because I play CSM's and am a bit of a die hard fan lol). I think it was a slightly weak first foray into film for GW.

BTW. If they do a real, live film I think it should be the Horus Heresy. They could easily get a trilogy out of that. First film - Great Crusade, Horus begins to get corrupted. Second Film - Horus corrupted and Isstvan V drop site massacre. Third film - battle on Terra. The characters would be amazing.. can have Abaddon lurking, Ahriman, Kharn, Fabius, Typhus, Bjorn, Emperor, Primarchs, Captain of the Adaptes Custodes plus the battles... it'd be bloody awesome!

Re: Ultramarines

Posted: Sat Feb 26, 2011 11:51 pm
by Noobert
Perhaps the reason the Chaos Space Marines lost to that little amount of men was on purpose, no? The Daemon wanted to use them to take him to their Chapter World to create another Vortex (or something, forgot it a bit ATM), no?

Another completely different theory could be that fighting the 100+ Space Marines, and Vehicles that they depleted most of their armed soldiers in the process. That seems most viable if not for the first part I mentioned.

For a first step into the realm of Warhammer 40K: Space Marines Universe - I thought it was fantastic. It was a good first step to make, in my honest opinion. I'd go see a movie like this in the theater simply because I am a huge fan of the Dawn of War series, and the few WH40K books that I own.

I would have to agree with Londo though. I'd prefer to see the Armageddon Wars right now. I want to see the billions of Orks, and billions of Humans/Space Marines fighting for their worlds and chapters.

God. That would be one bloody **Filtered** movie. DADDY WANTS!

Re: Ultramarines

Posted: Sat Feb 26, 2011 11:57 pm
by Tyber Zann
Noobert wrote:Another completely different theory could be that fighting the 100+ Space Marines, and Vehicles that they depleted most of their armed soldiers in the process. That seems most viable if not for the first part I mentioned.

OR...they suck balls at rolling armour saves :-D

Re: Ultramarines

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 12:04 pm
by The Iron Duke
It was never supposed to be a major blockbuster, more of something to give their fans so I was happy. The SM captain was cool, the demon was also very cool, so was the chaplain :D
Most of the effects were fairly average but it was a very good short snap into the warhammer world

I lol'd at the shell casing. Gotta love purging the Xenos :-D