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I'm done with the game.

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 8:31 am
by Be4utiful_De4th
I'm just tired of being treated horribly. everyone talks as if i'm some horribly mean person that's a supreme **Filtered** to everyone, when i'm not. and I get bashed for being a noob, i get bashed for not massing everything that moves, i get bashed for trying to make people laugh, i get bashed for anything and everything. I get treated like dog **Filtered**. people act like this game is a way of life, as if it's going to somehow delay their inevitable demise. i'm sure Rahl will surely have a big smile on his face now, he made it perfectly clear that i'm a useless piece of trash, and I think I can thank him for me quitting. I was fighting back against his insults and demands that i quit the game and I was kicked out of the alliance for it, and of course i'll be sat on permanately. so why bother playing anymore.

you know, the worst part is, the entire 2 years i've been playing, i've had ONE goal, and that was to reach QTA. i'm at LTA right now with 600 ish g+r and I just got decended, and forced into quitting. sucks how i'm ONE ascension away from the only goal i've ever had. it just sucks.

but really it doesn't matter. unless you've massed a few thousand people you have no significance in the game. you have no meaning, no one really cares if you're around or not. people will bully you when you dont know how to fight back, people will troll you when you're trying to get away from them. I dont see this game expanding, it's just going to diminish further until all that is left are those that have nothing better in life and are desperate. I remember a time when the game was fun, that time has passed. and most of you who are reading this are shaking your head in denial, thinking i'm full of it and it's the most amazing game ever and all that, but you will see. eventually all the bullies and trolls out there will flush out all the players in the game and it'll be shut down.

if anyone wishes to keep in touch with me on a personal level without the game being a factor, add me on MSN thetrueReain@h and/or add me on facebook, just search for Rick Ellis who lives in Waco, TX.

I hope any of you that still truly enjoy the game, continue to do so. and I hope that any of you that dont enjoy the game, leave it. but it's been a long time comeing that I leave, a lot of people have been trying for it and i've been staying just to fight that but i'm giving them all what they want now.

duces <3 :smt117

Re: I'm done with the game.

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 8:36 am
by muffafuffin
Don't leave BD I still love you (and we have the same goal of being Queens :smt050 Ya some people are douchey idiots and can't let stuff go or go overboard but not everyone is that way.

You and I can party down anytime. Also you can mass me if it makes you feel better :P

Re: I'm done with the game.

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 8:38 am
by Be4utiful_De4th
I was actually going to yesterday cuz i was kinda upset. but even if i wanted to stay, no alliance will take someone being sat on by OE. I did it to myself really.

Just one ascension away man, just one. it just blows.

Re: I'm done with the game.

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 8:40 am
by Be4utiful_De4th
Eärendil wrote:
Be4utiful_De4th wrote:I was actually going to yesterday cuz i was kinda upset. but even if i wanted to stay, no alliance will take someone being sat on by OE. I did it to myself really.

Just one ascension away man, just one. it just blows.

Then don't be a **Filtered** and fight/work though it ;)

ladies and gents, we have my case and point.

Re: I'm done with the game.

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 8:42 am
by Guild
Be4utiful_De4th wrote:I was actually going to yesterday cuz i was kinda upset. but even if i wanted to stay, no alliance will take someone being sat on by OE. I did it to myself really.

Just one ascension away man, just one. it just blows.

wait ! when your descended you cant ascend ever :shock: ...

if your going to give up this not sure you would have made it

but anyway, sorry to see you leave , thanks for the sig, i use it on our forums and hav been comlimented on it :)

Re: I'm done with the game.

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 8:43 am
by Be4utiful_De4th
that seriously made my day. i'm not kidding.

Re: I'm done with the game.

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 8:50 am
by muffafuffin
At least make it to queen amigo and then we can haz a party to celebrate :) I will put on my best dress and we can party :)

Re: I'm done with the game.

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 8:53 am
by RoKeT
I didn't ever have problems with you I dont' think mate, anywyas good luck at real life nice to see you back evne though it was for so short lol

Re: I'm done with the game.

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 8:55 am
by Be4utiful_De4th
i'm just gonna wait for Juliette tziki and rahl to put in their two cents. it should be a mixture of insults and joy.

Re: I'm done with the game.

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 9:06 am
by xDaku
Slightly disappointed. Good luck outside the cyber world.

Re: I'm done with the game.

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 9:12 am
by ƒëmmë ƒatalë
BD don't let the so called adults trying to be cool kids of this game chase you out... stay and be the Queen you wanted to be atleast.

Re: I'm done with the game.

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 9:17 am
by Clarkey
Be4utiful_De4th wrote:i'm just gonna wait for Juliette tziki and rahl to put in their two cents. it should be a mixture of insults and joy.
Firstly, who gives a crap in hell what Juliette, tziki and rahl think. All they do is type messages on a forum like the rest of us, just ignore them. It's easy enough just add anyone that's horrible to your foe list (besides mods of course).

Secondly, whatever you are dealt in life just return it with double force, otherwise you will always be trampled on.

Don't leave because of some **Filtered** ingame.

P.S. Never knew you, but that's my two cents.

Re: I'm done with the game.

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 9:22 am
by ~Dä Vinci~
why are you being attacked or sat on what did you do?

Re: I'm done with the game.

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 9:25 am
by Be4utiful_De4th
techically i'm not being sat on, i just figured that always follows being kicked out of an alliance.

Re: I'm done with the game.

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 9:28 am
by Clarkey
Be4utiful_De4th wrote:techically i'm not being sat on, i just figured that always follows being kicked out of an alliance.
So basically you are fussing over something that isn't actually happening and something that you "figure" always happens. ](*,)

Deal with things WHEN they happen, don't cower away because you think they might happen.

Get back in game and stand tall.