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Field Marshall, standing down of active duty...

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 2:24 am
by Field Marshall
Nearly 6 years game play. A lot of funny, many friends and enemies.

I owe this game a lot, good times and bad. Most of all my friends and allies along the way. This is going to be a very long list of people I wish to thank for the journey :)

Revenge of Yevon
I think I am the last existing player of Revenge of Yevon, an old alliance that included Dark Bahmut and Dark Ixion. 2 people who taught me how to play. They will never read this, but thank you :) I also saw my first billion trade here :)

Empire of Briton
My home for many years and the main place of residence upto the house update and debarcle. Too many people to give my love to, but Brythalious, Byrne1, Subaltern0, Caprilla, Harchester, ARC_Trooper, Leama are just the first to consider. This was the highlight of my gaming career, more recently Zakb3, Amounet and others have continued to hold a place in my heart and help me remain this alliance as my true home. I hope EoB will continue to the end of the game. One of the greatest places to learn and play in peace.

It is here that I befriended many great players under the name of Mattreed1986, wars against Omega, DDE, mH, server wars. I was never a great name here. I played for fun when it suited me. I also fought somebody called Fericide who was in OE for the first time whilst here....

In between being in EoB, I spent a short time in FS. My nemesis' at the time and befriended Mezz, Abhorsen, Easy, Papa Smurf and MajorLeeHurts amongst others. Great times, short and sweet....but the relationship stood from this moment onwards. Another place was the close friends EoB had in Nemesis, where I drawn by Iron Duke, Tyber Zann and Semper, other friends from EoB. I had a lot of fun here and developed a love hate relationship. I also met long term friend Calibretto here along with Andrew, Juliette, Castiel, Berserker and many many others. At later dates, also Golden Wing and Sammuel were considered friends :)

It was after the house updates that I met the 2 people that I have respect the most since first meeting them.

Jedi Tank and Guerrero, for 2 similar incidents. JT destroyed my only dual, a dual that I had built up for months and in a single blow destroyed my little account. JT offered EoB to stand next to them in the house they controlled, he showed me for the first time that though a feared member of the society, he also had a place in his heart for young and budding players. I have never considered ourselves friends, this does not mean that I do not respect you. This was the first turning point of my game play. From this moment, I was known as Field Marshal and self declared enemy of FuAll.

Guerrero, I will consider my greatest friend ever in SGW. He was farming me in the height of his game play, everytime I ticked over 100b. Swoosh. Gone. Little did he realise that my MS was actually hitting his quite hard. After PMs and chats we realised our friend in common Kaps1 and eventually created a friendship by itself. I now have his account and it's an amazing account. It's construction and design is all his work.

Earendil was the final straw, who massed me because I massed some n00b called Z E R O ( :smt060 ) who was his officer. I joined The Legion, who were at war with mH and shortly DDE. Guerrero joined me at this time. Even though I already had good relations with many of TL before moving there. I compounded these and made many friends. Here I fought Fericide once more and had a crack at someone called Kjakur, after failing, KJ became someone I consider as a good friend :)

Shortly after these wars along with Calibretto and Guerrero, we joined with Castiel and Kjakur to create Ascended Generations. Though time again was short and sweet here. The collapse of FuAll forced me to do something which would mean betraying my friends here. Omega could now be considered as my friends and the newly developed war between TL and DDE forced me to change my allegiance back to TL.

This brings me to today and due to promotions and growing up, I can no longer commit time to the game. It is a great game and I hope that it continues and devlops to the time. Jason, you can create something beautiful. Don't forget it and listen to the community, they are your greatest allies :)

There are hundreds of others not specifically mentioned...but in respect, I attempt to name as many as I can now :)

Mathlord - A long term friend and ally. Great ability to make me smile :)
bmmj13 - A man who commands my respect and friendship
Pimping D - I hate you and I love you
Ashu - Again....I hate you and I love you!
SHIZZO - The last crusader in the I love you and hate you group :P
Chacho - From the EoB days until today, considered a friend always :)
Avitir - Only known you since my TL days, but you always have time for me and able to gimme loving :) I hope one day you can return home :P
ETL - A stealer of stats, but dude, you got swagger and I like that. You know how to have jokes and though you're an old man, you still got skill.
Tekki - Another player who has greatly influenced me. Considered a friend and the first big person to speak to me as an equal. Great leader and better ingame.
Bullseye - I hope your new alliance grows to power, you're a great guy and I wish you all the best :)
Jorgensen - Legend :) again, a man with a lot of time and gossip :smt060
Lord Rse - You crack me up dude, so much. Evidence that the Dutch will one day rise...
Kaps1 - Legend, in your own right. You rocked the oceans once upon a time.
Brythalious - My true boss :) and a true friend. The man who let me win at go-karting :D
Byrne1 - Probably my longest serving friend and my second boss. Even to this day.
Desert Ghost - Wherever you are, whatever your doing...keep rocking :smt060
DeathIncarnator - Legend :) again, another great player that I am glad to consider an ally :)
Harchester - You still owe me 500ats :smt019
Golden Wing - Legend, many great chats with you. Keep rocking dude :D
Sammuel - You owe me one vendetta :P it's 2 months overdue now!
Fericide - One of my good friends and my best enemy. You made the game fun on many occasions. Always have time for people. Greatest Nemesis. I am glad I killed your defence. Even if it wasn't in your ownership. In fact, now I am quitting. Consider the score Feri 5 - 1 FM :smt058

I've got bored now :smt021

...I'll write some more in a bit :shock:

Re: Field Marshall, standing down of active duty...

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 2:34 am
by Lithium
omg what a huge post u aint leaving for good, we hope to see u again dude, take care and have fun :)

Re: Field Marshall, standing down of active duty...

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 2:37 am
by Field Marshall
Here we go...the rest...

Mezz - Legend, always a friend, great in know how to play the game properly :) our fight with Persus and someone else...legendary :)
Daku - my newest buddy, you are jokes :) you chubby pizza eating yankee :D
Abhorsen - Legend, nice bloke. Would love to share a beer wiv ya :D
Darkslayer - Or whatever your name is this time :) I actually quit before you...hahaha! Sucks to be you!
Supersaiyen - Up or down, you were my greatest officer. I apologise for any more recent unfriendliness between us :) but you're great :) keep playing, forever :D
Ryu - Legend, best of the're sick...and I hate your 5T MS!
Slayer - Dude, your talent is incredible. You mass and play the game the way it is meant to be played!
Les - My bro, sorry we lost touch with each other :) I hope you the best in everything. You're a legend and a true friend.
Aussie98 - Another great undervalued enemy, good times :)
Kaboomer, Robert and Bebs - Gonna link you all, cos you're probably the same person anyway :D legendary players, clever and smart. Regardless of BS. You're some of the best enemies a man can have :) for ME and jokes :P
Couz, T and R8 - Again, grouping you as I am sure you're the same person :shock: best players in game for everything. You guys rock. Get active and get playing. Own the game.
Robe - You were there years ago. You've always been there. A great leader and somebody I would truly consider a friend. Advise and help. I will truly miss you. Don't listen to the BS. Your a star :smt060

I think that's it...there are many others...and I mean many....these are just those that I found in the first few top alliances...

Probably more in a people complain :O

Re: Field Marshall, standing down of active duty...

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 2:39 am
by Field Marshall
Lithium wrote:omg what a huge post u aint leaving for good, we hope to see u again dude, take care and have fun :)

Lithium - lulz, you are the best joker :) your posts make me laugh and your skill is great. I wish we could have fought side by side. A distant friend and true game player :D

There's a lot more to come lol, I owe this game a lot of love :P

Re: Field Marshall, standing down of active duty...

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 2:41 am
by RepliMagni
There's still a war to be can't retire the rank of FM just yet ;)

Have fun out there in the real world. :smt100

Re: Field Marshall, standing down of active duty...

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 2:43 am
by Z E R O
Epic, I made mention in your leaving thread, though not entirely in a positive light xD

We may have disagreed in the past, but sad to see you go. The game will miss you.

Re: Field Marshall, standing down of active duty...

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 2:46 am
by Field Marshall
RepliMagni wrote:There's still a war to be can't retire the rank of FM just yet ;)

Have fun out there in the real world. :smt100

I hadn't got through to your alliance yet :P

Man, there is too much :D

RepliMagni - Loved you more back in the day, great player...clever player. Another who smacked me hard back in the day...I think I was FS back then :-k

Re: Field Marshall, standing down of active duty...

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 2:48 am
by Field Marshall
Z E R O wrote:Epic, I made mention in your leaving thread, though not entirely in a positive light xD

We may have disagreed in the past, but sad to see you go. The game will miss you.

I call you a nub, for jokes :) we settled our differences a long time ago...I still consider you a friend and another person who made this game fun for me :)

Re: Field Marshall, standing down of active duty...

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 2:53 am
by Lithium
Field Marshall wrote:
Lithium wrote:omg what a huge post u aint leaving for good, we hope to see u again dude, take care and have fun :)

Lithium - lulz, you are the best joker :) your posts make me laugh and your skill is great. I wish we could have fought side by side. A distant friend and true game player :D

There's a lot more to come lol, I owe this game a lot of love :P

yea we missed each-other, u do remember that chain account trading lol , from that day I was heading to my island leaving a trail of pants down in the empire of clowns.

Re: Field Marshall, standing down of active duty...

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 3:14 am
by Scar Face
The life on the outside is actually great! 8) Enjoy ma8! :-D

Re: Field Marshall, standing down of active duty...

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 3:17 am
by Clarkey
Take care FM. :)

Re: Field Marshall, standing down of active duty...

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 3:29 am
by Vicarious
Not a mention :( Doesn't matter anyway, you know everyone is sad to see you go, I don't need to tell. Myself included, please do come back for a chat if nothing else.


Re: Field Marshall, standing down of active duty...

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 3:34 am
by ~Dä Vinci~
matt sad to see u go i know cutting grass must be quite time consuming now but hope u stay on msn :smt050 and get a small account or something.. best of luck ure love ure friend ure northern **Filtered** #-o

Re: Field Marshall, standing down of active duty...

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 3:43 am
by Field Marshall
Scar Face wrote:The life on the outside is actually great! 8) Enjoy ma8! :-D

My favourite gossip queen :smt060

Clarkey wrote:Take care FM. :)

Ascending meister, multi catching and opinionated, much love Clarkey, the community owes you a lot, legend :)

Vicarious wrote:Not a mention :( Doesn't matter anyway, you know everyone is sad to see you go, I don't need to tell. Myself included, please do come back for a chat if nothing else.


I'll come back once you fix your calc :smt060 shame I never got to know you as well as I should have, you're a great guy and a lot of fun :)

~Da Vinci~ wrote:matt sad to see u go i know cutting grass must be quite time consuming now but hope u stay on msn :smt050 and get a small account or something.. best of luck ure love ure friend ure northern **Filtered** #-o

3 words....


That is all :D

Re: Field Marshall, standing down of active duty...

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 3:46 am
by ~Dä Vinci~