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Suggestions for making getting massed more painful

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2012 2:24 am
by Freestyle304
The problem as I see it, is there is no real good way to hurt someone on ascended.

Yes, you can train up in one stats and take pretty much anyone out, destroying their weapons and obliterating their planets. So what? While it would take a long time for them to build up as many planets, they will still be able to farm well. They will still be a threat to others because they can train up their remaining planets in just one area and obliterate others. Their ability to descend is unhindered.

Yes, you can attack to descend, but if a person logs on at all frequently, this becomes very very difficult to pull off. Two weeks of no growth on ascended is a big penalty, but not good for actives.

I am generally left with the feeling that it is not worth mixing it up because, no matter what I would do, it won't matter.

SO, I am interested in your ideas as to how to make beating on someone you have a grudge against more worth the time. :-D

My initial idea: Make an attack that will allow you to mass a person's power levels directly. While similar to direct assault, it's no longer a complete success or complete failure. Levels would regenerate on their own over time as you ascended being, weakened by the assault, recovers his energy. Investment of LF Cache could be used to accelerate the recovery, at a much reduced cost to the original cost of the levels, of course.

What's your idea? And what do you think of mine?

Re: Suggestions for making getting massed more painful

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2012 6:14 am
by ƒëmmë
not so..

if you mass someone down you decrease their army size which in turn reduces the number of ppl due to the rank/ratio thingy..

Just leave it alone,

Re: Suggestions for making getting massed more painful

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2012 3:35 pm
by Sol
The same can just as easily be said for main.

Re: Suggestions for making getting massed more painful

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2012 3:37 pm
by Juliette
Sol wrote:The same can just as easily be said for main.
Absolutely.. but does that make it less valid? :P

Re: Suggestions for making getting massed more painful

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2012 5:34 pm
by Freestyle304
fem fatale wrote:not so..

if you mass someone down you decrease their army size which in turn reduces the number of ppl due to the rank/ratio thingy..

Just leave it alone,

Not sure what you are disagreeing with, other than change. Yes, their army size goes down when you mass them, but so what? Their ability to farm, mass, etc. is not significantly reduced the way the game mechanics are.

Sol wrote:The same can just as easily be said for main.

The consequences of being massed on ascended are far less than being massed on main. And the cost of taking down an account that has 5 times your army size (max difference after ascended massing) would be much heavier in main as well. In ascended it's really not that much of a big deal to do.

Re: Suggestions for making getting massed more painful

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2012 5:36 pm
by Juliette
Here is something we introduced in NewGrounds: 'max farmed Naq / raided UU' depending on Game statistics. :)
(Killable things, destructable things.. you know the works.)

Re: Suggestions for making getting massed more painful

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2012 8:18 pm
by Sol
Juliette wrote:
Sol wrote:The same can just as easily be said for main.
Absolutely.. but does that make it less valid? :P

Pretty much since ascended has everything to do with main with the major proportion of mechanics being based off of it, that in conjunction with the paragraph below...

@freestyle, i would have to disagree with you and suggest it's the other way around, UU and naq are by far easier to obtain on main than planets and dmu on ascended, what's more is there is also a limiter on what you can or cannot attack in ascended (5x 1/5th), there is no raiding, no resource trading, no banks, no black market etc (well a proper liberal set up of them anyway). If you attack someone right you can bring them to their knees easily and far longer than you can ever do for someone on main. There are also far fewer accounts on ascended worth attacking for dmu.

Re: Suggestions for making getting massed more painful

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2012 5:48 am
by ~Tziki~
its fine as is.

if you mass someone, their size restricts them from attacking those who are bigger.

if you DM them their strike is lower, and in order to destroy military they have to train more strike. if they train everything in strike you can DM them. if they train it in assassin to DM you. you can hunt assassin.

if they do a bit of both, you can sab.

people will always find a way to hit you, the key is to know how to stop them. to which the simple answer is to save your planets and build something hard to mass / costly to mass. if they manage to build enough to do it.. you can spot it first and take them down again.

Re: Suggestions for making getting massed more painful

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2013 12:37 am
by Cwalen

You can take their time.

Smashing hell out of everything slows down their growth.
Descending them, or attempting to descend them takes their resources, they have to log in every 9 hours just to avoid the two weeks. <not sure about that time frame, but if I am right that is sleep and work unfriendly>

Not sure if anyone else is as psychotic as me about vendettas, but killing their friends after sending them a message explaining why is a great way of putting additional pressure on a target.
(I have heard some people go for cross server combat as well)

Month after month, of consistent pressure will break most people.

No one has pissed me off enough to even attack them yet, but I am looking forward to my first vendetta. "you, your kids, your village, forever"
Seems painful enough to me.
It should be costly in resources and time, how else will they know just how disappointed you are at their conduct?

Re: Suggestions for making getting massed more painful

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 1:40 am
by nightlight
What Cwalen said...Time...If someone gets on the wrong side of me i hit their account to everything is massed down then i deascend might take me a week to do it sometimes longer but i do....then i watch when they comeback on and i start again until i feel i have got my vengance....Those who speak to me ingame know i am pretty much a laid back kind of guy who does not spit his dummy out but the are some people who take this game far to serious and say all kinds of nasty all know the type (95% of them go running and hide behind their alliance most of the time when challenged).
Why do you think i have so many kills :smt081