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Planet Retribution Device

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2014 11:08 pm
by ~Odin~
Planet Retribution Device

You have worked hard to get all the planets in your solar system under your rule and each planet pays homage to your home world. However on one dark eve an invader enters your solar system with one goal on their steal one of your planets away and to drift the planet into their own solar system.

Your attempts to re-take the planet have failed and the enemy has phase shifted the planet to avoid you from taking it within the future however you have one final last resort which you hoped that you would never have to use. Hidden deep within the stolen planet rests a nuclear warhead which may only be set off by its former master.

However you only have 30 days to active this nuclear warhead before it shifts to far from the signal of your long distance transmitters.
What will you do?....


1) only one nuclear war head per planet
2) you only have 30 days to activate it after it has been stolen
3) after the 30 days it rusts away or is found by the new owner (device either is destroyed or new owner now controls the warhead).
4) If the former master activates the war head it removes 1/4 of the planets stats (after the adjustment of stats from being stolen)
5) Cost of warhead...maybe 25tril?


Literally just thought about this and posted, rather rough idea but open to suggestions and idea's, would love to hear what you all think?

Re: Planet Retribution Device

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2014 11:26 pm
by Dubby_CompGamerGeek2
aww... I wanted to make the planet not a planet anymore!
Good idea tho.

Re: Planet Retribution Device

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2014 11:47 pm
by Sniperwax
I like this suggestion. It's not that I mind the simplicity of SGW but a little spice or X factor would be nice sometimes.

Get them to code us up some trojan horse planets as well Odin. They are stuffed with space ninjas from your most trusted personal royal guard. You would be able to view the bank balance and trade log screen of the planet thief :D Limit 1 trojan just like triple hehehehe

Oh....the potential joy that could come from space ninjas and warheads.

Re: Planet Retribution Device

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 2:11 am
by Loki™
So wait 30 days before building anything on a stolen planet? :D

Re: Planet Retribution Device

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 2:16 am
by Caprila
On a standard planet take, activity > solves all problems. You've got 12 hours to take it back before merlins takes effects.

However !

Should you be so unlucky as to lose 2+ planets in a single day you're left with very little recourse. Those that lose more than 2 duals from a missed merlin, can't even attempt to reclaim them until the next month (due to 2 dual takes per month, no?)

Presuming you retake one of your stolen planets, what do you do about the others? I am guessing this is where 'retaliation' would come in. You might not be able to retake the others, but you can screw things up a bit for your enemy.

Its an interesting idea for sure :)

Since duals and triples would be the obvious targets on these devices, you might want to think about whether a warhead would affect 1 random stat, or all.

Re: Planet Retribution Device

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 2:19 am
by ~Odin~
Loki™ wrote:So wait 30 days before building anything on a stolen planet? :D
If this was to come into effect then yes it is the wise move, we can change it to 60-90 days however i figured if i said that people would say thats to much and wouldn't stop complaining till 30 days was mentioned lol.

What do you think of the idea loki?



The warhead would effect the entire planet as the warhead is placed at the core of the planet all stats are effected no matter if it is a dual or a triple. My idea for this is that you can activate the nuke on a planet of yours that is stolen at any time during the 30 or so days that the nuke is within reach of your home worlds long distant telecommunications (aka the day limit we put on the effect of the nukes 30-90days)

Re: Planet Retribution Device

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 2:27 am
by Kikaz
Whats to stop an **Filtered** who sold a planet from detonating it for the lulz?

Re: Planet Retribution Device

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 3:28 am
by ~Odin~
Kikaz wrote:Whats to stop an **Filtered** who sold a planet from detonating it for the lulz?
Very good point kikaz, Well that is something I could use some input in. As I said I literally posted up the moment I thought about it so I had not thought of every outcome.

Maybe there could be an indicator on it to inform the owner new/old that there is a nuke on board. If selling a planet you would have to disengage a nuke (sell it). It also adds a little bit of rick to the market in the sense that you should pay more attention to the people you trade and buy from?

Open to all suggestions that could help with this idea ^_^

Re: Planet Retribution Device

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 10:00 am
by Loki™
~Odin~ #51 wrote:
Loki™ wrote:So wait 30 days before building anything on a stolen planet? :D
If this was to come into effect then yes it is the wise move, we can change it to 60-90 days however i figured if i said that people would say thats to much and wouldn't stop complaining till 30 days was mentioned lol.

What do you think of the idea loki?



The warhead would effect the entire planet as the warhead is placed at the core of the planet all stats are effected no matter if it is a dual or a triple. My idea for this is that you can activate the nuke on a planet of yours that is stolen at any time during the 30 or so days that the nuke is within reach of your home worlds long distant telecommunications (aka the day limit we put on the effect of the nukes 30-90days)
Not sure what to think. I'd definitely put one on all my planets and detonate them 29 days after they've been taken.

Re: Planet Retribution Device

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 10:02 am
by KOS
lol! planets get passed around so much that most likely you will detonate it while your own alliance has it lol

Re: Planet Retribution Device

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 6:16 pm
by ~Odin~
KOS wrote:lol! planets get passed around so much that most likely you will detonate it while your own alliance has it lol
Thats why you use beacons to find out exactly where it is.

Re: Planet Retribution Device

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 8:36 pm
by Master Rahl
I like this idea. And if its sold you expect the old owner to have sold the warhead to get (majority of naq back?) vs just loosing the 25t or what it would take to make it.

If its a high enough amount the seller would probably want all the naq for it as possible.

And if you buy it and it explodes.... we have vendetta corner. :smt047

Re: Planet Retribution Device

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 10:55 pm
by ~Odin~
Master Rahl wrote:I like this idea. And if its sold you expect the old owner to have sold the warhead to get (majority of naq back?) vs just loosing the 25t or what it would take to make it.

If its a high enough amount the seller would probably want all the naq for it as possible.

And if you buy it and it explodes.... we have vendetta corner. :smt047
I had this idea this morning! ^_^ great minds think alike good sir!

Re: Planet Retribution Device

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 11:16 pm
by Oriharukon
I really like the implications of this idea and how it changes the meta of the game. I propose that it needs to be more damaging, say at least 1/2 of the planet's production and/or also damaging a near-by planet, floating debris in space is pretty nasty. That would cause people to think twice to take planets during war... [-X
I do really like the trojan idea, either providing intel for the first few days after assimilation or providing a bonus to attacking the empire for a few days, maybe even automatically damaging other planets before it can be abandoned.

Re: Planet Retribution Device

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 11:36 pm
by slx
Another idea is make the nuke benefit the controler. Make Multiple types of nukes that affect the planet some how.The effect would be coused by radiation from nuke. Make one that gives 10% def bonus and other ones for each of the five stats. like 10% income,up,covert boost, 5% attack,def boost. Make each type cost differently and of course you would have to correspond the nukes bonus attribute to the correct attribute to revive bonus. EX: Income planet with covert nuke no bonus given.

plus u could make the nukes with diffrent % of stat destruction when detonated. Make the ones that will be abused/used more like up/income have a lower stat decreases when detonated where less used planets as def att cov would have a higher % of stat destruction

Idk it was the first thing that poped in my head and it sounded decent.