Possible Demi Bug

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Possible Demi Bug

I might just be getting impatient, but I have 2 Demi's that I repeatedly set out for wreckages. Well, one of them I have gotten back and sent back out a few times but one of them hasn't came back yet since the first time I sent him out. The turns I spent on both demis in total are about comparable. Anyways, the one that hasn't returned yet is in the wreckage of Eoman which has no mass or energy left to find. It has 1 tech cache left. Am I just being impatient or is my demi stuck there because of some weird bug?
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Re: Possible Demi Bug

Impatient :P Eoman hasn't been 'cleaned out' yet, I would imagine it finished after a TC, in which case wait until this TC is up.

I change it to display something instead of disappearing.

Time Left: 1 hrs 45 mins, it hasn't finished :P
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Re: Possible Demi Bug

I have to wait for it to finish? I always thought they just stay out until the supplied turns run out. The turns I spent on that particular demi should have definitely ran out by now.
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Re: Possible Demi Bug

Slim87R wrote:I have to wait for it to finish? I always thought they just stay out until the supplied turns run out. The turns I spent on that particular demi should have definitely ran out by now.
Yeah, the 'time left' is what you could call a deciding point, whether to kill or to return the demis :P.
Demis stay until the deciding point regardless of the turns you give them, either everyone harvests it all and everyone lives or everyone doesn't harvest it all and all the demis sent in die.
Field Marshall wrote:
Sol wrote:It's not going to destroy your life :P
I think this is sig worthy in fact.
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Re: Possible Demi Bug

Wow, must have missed that somewhere in the fine print. So if the Demi's sent out fail to find everything that is out there then they all die? It might be a good idea to collect some worthless Demi's to use as scavengers then, that way you aren't losing something too valuable.
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Re: Possible Demi Bug

Slim87R wrote:Wow, must have missed that somewhere in the fine print. So if the Demi's sent out fail to find everything that is out there then they all die? It might be a good idea to collect some worthless Demi's to use as scavengers then, that way you aren't losing something too valuable.
Indeed ;).
Yes, it's probably a good thing to do, but on the flipside, what you harvest per turn is also based on the demis skill and tier level, so the better the demi, the more you get.
Field Marshall wrote:
Sol wrote:It's not going to destroy your life :P
I think this is sig worthy in fact.
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Re: Possible Demi Bug

or they just die

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