a few quantum multis

Fledgling Forumer
Posts: 114
Joined: Thu Dec 15, 2005 1:11 pm

a few quantum multis

Well i have found some quantum multis. Facts: Have similiar but random names, all race goauld, all same army size and most important, their ID's follow in order.

first pack of them starts from id 11853 and goes to id 11882
these have random "letter nicks" (like: dgdrgd, rtertertert, fgdf)

then they go from id 11883 to id 11903
these have random "number nicks" (like 998989898, 7777774, 2342342)

their final group is from id 11918 to id 11941
these have "mixed nicks" (like 6y6y6y6, 888iiii, t5t5t)

This might sound a bit complicated but its really not hard to understand 8) Open firefox, open 10 tabs, enter ID's from range 11853-11941 and you should get the picture :wink:

However, there might be more of them, i just made a quick post i didn't go into details...

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