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i have a link to an avatar i want but it won't let me put it in my profile
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whats the link? ill have a look also if your using mozilla firfox goto tools then options>web features and then uncheck the box that says orginating website only.

that might not be the problem it could be sveral other things, its too big, the file size is over the limit, the website you go it from doesnt allow image forwarding it could be several things.
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http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y218/o ... 2small.bmp but that's the small picture, the normal sized one was http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y218/o ... vatar2.bmp but i thought it could be the size so i made it smaller but it still didn't work, i have no clue about any of this stuff though, i really just got a bunch of pics together on paint and put it onto photobucket
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i suspected it might have been because it was in bitmap format thats the link above if you want to use it off my webspace if not just re save it in paint as a jpeg, upload it and then it should work.
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okay, thanks for your help, it worked once i saved it as a jpeg but how do i make the image clearer and maybe smaller
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how clear the image is depends on how high quality the orginal images were, if they were poor quality then the image will be 'grainy' on certain parts.
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the original pictures weren't grainy at all
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this could have been caused because you kept resizing it in paint, basically in paint when you take a big picture if you shrink it down to say 2inch squared on your screen if you then make it the same size it orginally was the images will be very pixilated. try it you'll understand what i mean maybe thats whats happened here slightly, other than that i think its a nice avatar considering you made it in paint.
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thanks, i'll probably delete thoguh since it's all fuzzy, but how did you make yours....like in what program (or if you didn't make it what program would you suggest?)
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i didnt make it iron2047 made it i think he said he used adobe photoshop which is a wicked program once you know how to use all the tools
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oh, can you download it off the internet or do you have to buy software for it? because i have adobe photoshop starter edition but it's got very little tools....plus i tried using it to sharpen up the picture but it didn't work very well and it came with the comp i think but not sure

EDIT: okay, i looked it up online and i would have to buy it for $40, thanks for your help, and if you have any other tips on making an avatar for the FRA they would be greatly appreciated, thanks.

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Psi Kiya Trist
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might i recomend G.i.m.p. 2.2(i think thats the latest edition...) it's similar to photoshop, but free for download, i had it once apon a time but my computer crashed...

~_+Psi Kiya Trist+_~
buck wrote:well psi, upkeeping order in the universe does play its tricks on your mind...
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okay thanks, i'll write that down somewhere because my computer memory right now sucks but i'm getting a new one over summer which i will put it on
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There is a very very handy GIMP based online avatar/banner creator, sadly i don't have the link right now. You can find it by google, try something like :lol: "online GIMP banner creation" :lol: , if you find it you can use GIMP online and you have to download nothing except for your finished image, you dont even have to download that because if you're smarter than the average bear there is a way to transfer it directly to your image host from the online GIMP application :) when i have more time i will try to locate it for you all and post it here.

GhostyGoo wrote:Yesno.
the3rdlibra wrote:if it's a silly turnip head competition you want, i'm going to decline as i think i may have met my match in you vegetable brains.
Cersei Lannister wrote:Debasing? I am not the one drawing crazy pictures of force fielded stick figures.
Magical Monkeys & Grapefruit Migration:|:Hallowed are the Gò.Ó'ri™ **fixed**
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okay thanks, i'll see if i can find it

EDIT: hey goo, if you happen to find that website for the online GIMP could you post the link as i seem to be unable to find it

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