Race Titles...

Fledgling Forumer
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Race Titles...

There are players who have Ascended but for some reason (Forum intervention?) they have no relevant title (ie Prior of, Living God, etc) in red on there Main account stat page.

I think I remember this issue from quite a while back but can't remember if it was resolved.
THOR: The Replicators will soon consume all that they can within our home galaxy. Yours will be next.

O’NEILL: I thought we were too primitive to consume?
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Its not a bug, I posted in the other topic
Fledgling Forumer
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Knare wrote:Its not a bug, I posted in the other topic

The only way to Unascend is by deleting your account, the 'Deascend' button doesn't and never has worked - it will be possible in the future but not now.
Anyway, though I still don't fully understand, I have been reliably informed that Forum played a part in this particular case. There is a bug as the account is clearly an Ascended account but has no race title.
THOR: The Replicators will soon consume all that they can within our home galaxy. Yours will be next.

O’NEILL: I thought we were too primitive to consume?

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