Best Raids Ever.

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Dark Archon
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Best Raids Ever.

I like to raid for a few reasons
1) fastest way to grow my army
2) N00bs need a wakeup call
3) hate mail can be hilarious

For those of you on my MSN list, you've probably heard about this. I recently found a guy with a ridiculous amount of UT sitting out behind a 10 bill defense.

I STOLE 2,909,480 UT off one guy in a single session.

What disappoints me about this raid is
1) he had nox on
2) he phased before I could get everything (he had 4.38 mill out)
3) no hatemail after all that and ACing about 372K of his spies

How'd I find this guy u might ask? Well he practically presented himself to me on a gilded platter by attacking my officer for 7 bill naq.
"All who ask shall know true darkness and malice!"
Dark Archon, Messiah of the Ajna, Legendary (?) Raider
"If violence isn't solving it, you're not using enough."
My Best Raid EVER: 2,909,480 UT stolen, 704 AT used, 10 bill defense demolished.
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omg, you are lucky one =)
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lol niceeee any names ???
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Wow, nice raid... but it looks fishy to me. Wonder if the person got their account jacked or something, either that or they were holding somebody's ascension UU without going on PPT...
Started playing at 13:46:04 14th January 2006.
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raster blasters UU maybe?
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Could be.
Started playing at 13:46:04 14th January 2006.
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wow u raided more than my entire army size in one go :(
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nice find lmao beat you were happy
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Dark Archon
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Reeb wrote:Wow, nice raid... but it looks fishy to me. Wonder if the person got their account jacked or something, either that or they were holding somebody's ascension UU without going on PPT...

Fishy, yes. I assumed, at the time, he was some idiot that had just done a broker deal or something (not the first time something like that happened). What was even more astonishing is that he was appearantly online at the time. After some investigation, it turns out he's a cheater, and only gained the UT by exploiting the recently fixed broker return bug.

And finally, what you've all been waiting for, the name of the poor sucker I raided for 2.91 mill UT.
Egnver, ID=70315
Though nobody need get excited, the reason I wasn't able to get everything was because he trained the remaining UT to miners.
And still NO HATE MAIL!!! GRRR!
"All who ask shall know true darkness and malice!"
Dark Archon, Messiah of the Ajna, Legendary (?) Raider
"If violence isn't solving it, you're not using enough."
My Best Raid EVER: 2,909,480 UT stolen, 704 AT used, 10 bill defense demolished.
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So U have obtained "cheated stuff?"

i think its time forum took away those cheated goods
Dark Archon
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[SGC_ReplicÅtors] wrote:So U have obtained "cheated stuff?"

i think its time forum took away those cheated goods

Just for the record, I didn't know they were from bug exploitation at that time. I recall being too excited about the raid to think of much else.

I know they are ill gotten, at least on the part of Egnver. If Forum chooses to remove my spoils, I expect him to also remove the rest of the UT Egnver obtained (now residing as miners on his account I believe), refund my AT, and refund a fair bit of naq which was spent training those millions of UT to miners.

I would also like to point out that I believe that Forum has allowed me to keep those spoils. On the same grounds as when he allowed all the raiders to keep their spoils after replacing all the UT stolen when Raiding was introduced in main. I believe he said something along the lines of "Fortune favors the bold." Everyone was given a freebie upgrade to miners for all of their UT with the replacement.
If however, I am mistaken or misguided in this belief, I will surrender (though begrudgingly) 2,909,480 of my army at the request of Admin ONLY. In which case, I'll probably take some frustration out on Egnver and other choice raid targets.

I am by no means deaf to the voices of reason and fair play.
"All who ask shall know true darkness and malice!"
Dark Archon, Messiah of the Ajna, Legendary (?) Raider
"If violence isn't solving it, you're not using enough."
My Best Raid EVER: 2,909,480 UT stolen, 704 AT used, 10 bill defense demolished.
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have u talked to forum about it?

in the past he usually takes first and never answers back

but i believe if u talk to him about it i bet he'll let u keep it

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