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Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2005 11:04 pm
by Nuto vixen
My first impression of Ascension, is "wow".

I think there may be just a few too many options to go with, and its all very confusing.

Thats probably what makes SGWs so easy and addictive, that once you start, things pretty much start working, whereas there are so many options, buttons and statistics.

I am a little more than confused.

If its just me, tell me, and I'll shut up. But I'd like to know if anyone elses head is spinning from the info overload.

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2005 11:38 pm
by Owen
i get most of it now i think.... now that replijake explained some stuff to me in the chat and with a little help here and there from other ppl

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2005 4:26 am
by The Mysterious Napkin
Same here...I know some people having a hard use of their dictionnary.(note to all: Never EVER start a text based Mmorpg if you don't master the language it's in). Gave me a headache, so I decided to get drunk and start spending. At 9 am. Woot.

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2005 3:54 pm
thanx to jaxin i now understand most if not all NUTO ITS JUST YOU jk

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2005 4:04 pm
by smooshable
It's a little tough to get started but give it a week. SGW probly has the same number of options, you just notice them less. Think about all your technology and stuff.

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2005 8:48 pm
by Forum
a 'starters guide' will be coming soon :)
plus - you already know SGW so to just do the same would be disappointing (imo).
i figure with SGA there are 2x as many options as SGW -- but since you've mastered SGW there are the same number of NEW options in SGA as SGW options when you first started SGW (not knowing any at the time...)
a 'starters guide' will be coming soon :)

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2005 8:54 pm
by Owen
i think we only find ascension harder right now because we're just starting.... i mean, when i first started sgw in april i think... maybe may.... i felt overwhelmed with all the stuff and now with all these upgrades i can't imagine how these noobs must feel..... man, they all catch up to ya though..... i remember when i started...... 2.5k players and Lord Jared on msn telling me about 500 times just to only do UP while he was on the first page...... of course then i ended up with way more UP than him and now we're on an even playing field :P......

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2005 10:00 pm
by Forum -- a great tool :)
and -- sorry for the use of languge... I sometimes overdo it -- but hard not to when you are dealing in epic cosmic concepts!! I even had to make up (er... 'coin' is the official word for making up words) - coin words to fill the gaps in the english language surrounding our current context (ascended being fighting an epic cosmic battle across multiple planes of existences, and maybe multiverses....).
and 4 claps for Desed for doing an ESL MMORPG and winning/ascending!!

Desed wrote:Same here...I know some people having a hard use of their dictionnary.(note to all: Never EVER start a text based Mmorpg if you don't master the language it's in). Gave me a headache, so I decided to get drunk and start spending. At 9 am. Woot.

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2005 10:04 pm
by Owen
yes, for all your english needs go to and for all your translation needs go to even though idk if it works.... i did a spanish paper through it once and got a d

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 9:38 am
by Wintermute
I think part of it is I feel pressure to do everything exactly right so that nobody gets too far ahead. But the fact is you need to make a couple of mistakes here and there (eg. picking the ori ahem), but it all starts to come clear after a bit. And yeah I was totally confused when I first started looking through everything.