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Re: Disgust!!!

the3rdlibra wrote:as much as i hate the narcissistic connotations of self-quotation.

I give up. Sorry, no offense meant. Just trying to say, that when making a point, it often pays to make it so the other guy actually understands what the @%$# you're talking about. Unless of course you're trying to confuse them even more :mrgreen:

As soon as you build an idiot proof system, somebody else builds a better idiot.

If it moves, kill it. If it doesn't move, kick it until it does move, and then kill it.

Re: Disgust!!!

Sleipnir wrote:
the3rdlibra wrote:as much as i hate the narcissistic connotations of self-quotation.

I give up. Sorry, no offense meant. Just trying to say, that when making a point, it often pays to make it so the other guy actually understands what the @%$# you're talking about. Unless of course you're trying to confuse them even more :mrgreen:

the pen is mightier than the sword my friend, but only in the correct hands.

i pride myself on my lexicographical knowledge and my affinity with words, however sometimes i forget other folk don't have a passion for English language, as i do. i aren't trying to confuse you you simply benefit from learning wonderous new words. i will admit though, i can use my skill to great advantage when a battle of wits is at hand, the ability to say two or three things at a time while only appearing to say the one is quite a talent i have.

My friends and enemies should always read between the lines for things hidden within, Ste Fans just learn the Way Of the Exploding Dictionary :)

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Hi Folks,
Final big update on this.
The last user who benefitted from the 'bug money' (Elusive) has volunteered to give up the gains they received, bringing stats back to what they were before the is now done.
So -- the people now in top spots EARNED their ranks... none of the bug money has put people in the top.....

As for the 'punishment' the hack account WAS reset, bug naq benefits taken away (some say too much was taken away), and all holes closed!!

Glad this escapade is over :)

again - if anyone thinks I acted too harshly on their account, email or PM me ...


Re: Disgust!!!

nasedo wrote:
Nohu wrote:I am disgusted to read up on the comments that the3rdlibra made in the general forums, I would prefer it if you kept these comments to yourself, if my intentions were not good then I would not have reported these bugs.

Whether or not someone spotted my actions before I got to report them is questionable, because as soon as I had found the bug I sent an email to the Admin.

Not only this but if my intentions were bad then I would not have helped amin find a further 17 bugs in the game.

So please every one, if you have bad comments or remarks to make, keep them to yourselves, like guest said on one forum , it is better to have me on your side, than to have me as your enemy.

Thanks - Nohusuro

I dont understand, basically this is whats happended.

A robber broke into a bunch of houses and stole stuff, the cops are closing in on him so he decides to give himself up and tell the cops where he hid everything.

Does this make him any less of a criminal?

You exploited the game, If Forum wants to think otherwise thats his perogative BUT as I said before, Why where you and your friend using the same "test method"? why did you give your self MILLIONS of Naq instead of just 100? It would have shown the same bug?

Forum has chosen to keep you here and thats his dession but in no way should you expect to be respected by the rest of the community for the mess YOU created! Ask ELUSIVE how he feels about this matter, he will lose his top spot and is considering leaving the game all because of what YOU did.

And you feel disgust in our words?.........

I'd like to point out that this isn't real life. I know to some of you it may be your only life, I know I could have tested the exploit or bug with just 1 naq, but that wouldnt test the extensibility of it, yes I did manage to get alot of gold, and so did my friends, but at one point I got rid of alot of the gold I had by using a different formula, in the long run I have reset my character back to when I have started, and as I have heard everything has been set back to what it was before my discoery of these bugs.

Say what you wish, but just to let you know, I find most of your comments very vindictive, I am not a hacker I am a 16 year old student who just happens to show a bit of understanding for the ways in which things work, if you are going to slaughter me for that then go ahead, but I am a person just like you and I have feelings as well.

Thanks - Nohusuro
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Re: Disgust!!!

bested by a 16yr old! doh! ;)
at least for a couple hours....

I would like to put an end to the "vindictive" chatter.... please...

There are 2 sides to everything -- yes - chaos was caused. (then fixed). yes - maybe the same effect could have been done with smaller numbers. yes - the ripple effects and 'realtime' goings on on the game made it so that even a self-fix by Nohu did not stop the chaos....
yes - we now have a secure game! yes - the find and report of the bug was within minutes/hours... yes - the report of the bug by Nohu was reported by Nohu before he was 'fingered' by others (in an email to me). yes - Nohu helped to find other holes that were not exploited and were fixed 'real time' while working with him.... these could have also caused issues, but in working directly with Nohu avoided all possible negative effects.

so - call it how you see it, but my view is the END result is a better game, and while 'damage control' was painful for me and everyone affected, the end result is a better SGWars World.

(i use the term 'hacker' to mean someone who has hacked... not putting any motivational implications on the word.... )

Nohu wrote: I am not a hacker I am a 16 year old student who just happens to show a bit of understanding for the ways in which things work


I am sorry to those of you I have caused problems for but I am thank you to Admin for clearing that up.

It is a perspective things, I think I was right, you think I was wrong.

That's the way life works.

Thanks - Nohusuro
why you little $#@$%^%$$#

Your 16. You have no idea how life works. :roll:
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I know it as I have lived it.
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why you little $#@$%^%$$# wrote:Your 16. You have no idea how life works. :roll:

Pointless flaming. And sad at that if you won't back it up with your name. Not what this forum is here for.

Besides, I've seen 16 year olds that were a lot wiser than a lot of older people I've met. Don't go judging anyone you know hardly anything about.

As soon as you build an idiot proof system, somebody else builds a better idiot.

If it moves, kill it. If it doesn't move, kick it until it does move, and then kill it.

Whats done is done. We can never go back to the way it used to be. So the complaining about it really serves very little purpose as complaining will never fix anything.

It is true, his intentions at the begining were less than ideal. Since then however, he has had a change of heart and it sounds like he has helped out a great deal. The important thing is not that we look at where we have been, but rather look ahead to where we are going.

As a side note; I agree with Sleipnir, if you are going to post messages like that use your name.

This game can only be fun if we make it fun. Pointless arguments and blaming doesn't make anyone feel better. "Why can't we all just get along?" This game has such amazing potential.

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