Changes to Pergatory

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Re: Changes to Pergatory

diskmedel wrote:
diskmedel wrote:i cant find a definite answer to a question..

when i entered perg i *THINK* i tried to hit a guy i have never hit before and got the message that i was not allowed to hit him since he had allready had 60 ATs used against him that day.

And it says in the game updates that
"Maximum attack turns used on one player in 24 hours is limited to 60."

So, i was assuming that any account that had been hit for 60 ATs regardless of WHO hit him would then be safe till 24 hours had passed from the first attack.

But.. then a friend of mine said that he and his alliance had massed people in pergatory and that they each could hit the guy they massed with 60 ATs...

so which is it really? If a guy hits me with 60 ATs now, would that mean NO-ONE can attack me untill tomorrow this time? Or is the person that used the 60 ATs on me the only one who can't hit me untill tomorrow?


bump my question.

other players can still hit you even if you were with with 60 turns from someone. the update just means that every player in perg are only limited to 60 turns per-player.
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Re: Changes to Pergatory

thanks for the info guys.

jason needs to update the text in "game updates" then, because that is not what it says ^^
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