Setting a PPT frequency limit.

Should a frequency limit be set for PPT

Yes Wolf my old chum - once a week sounds perfect!
Yes Wolf, but the time between PPTs needs to be longer!
Yes Wolf, but the time between PPTs needs to be shorter!
No you're talking complete gobbledy-gook Wolfie!!!
Total votes: 33
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Stargate Atlantis wrote:I understand that. I remember quite a while back this game was for fun, not for huge profits. It was a great game then. Now its all about making money. Fine. I wish admin would have told us all when that transition was so I could leave. Money can be made on the game, but I shouldn't be based simply on spending the most money. If EVERYONE had to pay to play the game money could be made and everyone would be EVEN!! I realize very few people care about that, but for those of us who try to win without buying our way to the top see the huge problem. If admin wants to be JUST about making money, fine. The money will soon be gone, as the game will suffer and less people will play. But if admin does care about the game as he once did, it would be wise to find a way to make money AND be fair to everyone at the same time. Quit f-ing me over and give me a reason to want to give you my money. You sure as HELL aren't earning it like this!

if admin did not care about the game, he wouldnt be banning cheaters, making updates, upgrading the game so it'll be better than it is at the moment. if you don't want to donate, then dont. the game DOESNT revolve around you...people can make it to the top without SS. Look at sleip. and silent todd.
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Stargate Atlantis
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I don't have a problem donating. Donating isn't the issue. Coercing people to donate with rewards that destroy the competitiveness of the game is my problem. People shouldn't be able win this game by donating money. If individuals want to donate they should do so, but the rewards should be minimal. They should be a "thank you", not the sole purpose for donating. This game revolves around people LIKE me, not me, but people like me. We want to play the game, not pay for stuff we didn't earn. It may be coming to a time where this game needs to move from free to pay to play. My only problem is that this voluntary donation system causes severe unequality in the game play. People's choices and actions IN THE GAME should determine their position in the game, not buying all kinds of upgrades. This takes away any strategy from the game. I'll also say that it is possible to do ok without ss, but from the number of people I see on ppt continuously, those days are seriously numbered.

I'm not saying anything about admin here. I don't know what he is thinking. I have responded to others who have made claims about admin and his positions. If those comments are not the thoughts of admin, then my responses to those questions will not apply. I'm simply trying to find out why such a huge fairness gap exists and why admin would create a system where such a gap would obviously be created. I hope it is a temporary situation and it will be remedied soon, however, I fear it is not because some ss rewards have already been promised to continue into further waves. I would ask these ongoing benefits of a one time donation not be done in the future. As I have said, rewards for donating should be small and not upset the balance of gameplay. I ask anyone to deny this has already happened.
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[To above poster]

Give us a break. This has been suggested multiple times before. PPT is NOT going away! End of discussion.

Don't like it? Get used to it. I hover around the 5-600s (Main) and I haven't donated. Donations aren't the only way to succeed. In fact, how many people in the top 100 have donated?

Want the top rank? Buckle down or leave.

Don't like the PPT "advantage"? Get used to it or leave.
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Heck I'm ranked ~116 in main and I've only ever donated in QW. Never gotten anyone else to donate on my behalf either.

Stargate Atlantis wrote:I understand that. I remember quite a while back this game was for fun, not for huge profits. It was a great game then. Now its all about making money. Fine. I wish admin would have told us all when that transition was so I could leave. Money can be made on the game, but I shouldn't be based simply on spending the most money. If EVERYONE had to pay to play the game money could be made and everyone would be EVEN!! I realize very few people care about that, but for those of us who try to win without buying our way to the top see the huge problem. If admin wants to be JUST about making money, fine. The money will soon be gone, as the game will suffer and less people will play. But if admin does care about the game as he once did, it would be wise to find a way to make money AND be fair to everyone at the same time. Quit f-ing me over and give me a reason to want to give you my money. You sure as HELL aren't earning it like this!

in my opinion this is really true you cant help no saying its not cuz it is..... but still i dont think its a good idea to talk like that or me to say taht but whatever


but the admin does care about this game :D
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Oasis17 wrote:dude . . . . . . . . .thats a lot of money...

Ok I have to admit this is the first time( hopefully the last time I partialy agree with the fat drumming boy) only about the money part everything else was bunk. Many sights like this rely on the donations for server upgrades and progamer fees you dont think one person can program every thing and keep in running 24/7

When I need ppt its because it sucks that your game has to stop when you have to go away for extened period of time. it buys me 48 hours of devoted family time

I could support maximum PPTs in the top 100 though if your earning assencion points and keeping someone esle for getting the oprotunity.

or have ppt act as a rank modifier by negative 100, so someone esle has a chance to earn those point while your earning naq. Seems fare enough.

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